
Hello Dear Friends:

I am back on the East Coast visiting friends and family for a short vacation. I had a lovely dinner the other night with my brother Stuart, Dr.Steve Sinatra and his adorable wife, Jan. Dr. Sinatra had just returned from a special elecro – cardiology conference held by Dr. Bill Rhea in Dallas, TX which featured another mutual friend from Seattle. Dr. Sinatra is working on a project about grounding technology and how top athletes sleep with special grounding “pads” that reduce cortisol and replace lost electrons – all supplied from Mother Nature herself. I use these grounding

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Ready to Lose Weight for Good?

Hi, I’m Ann Louise Gittleman and I’m determined to help you shed the extra pounds and inches once and for all.  Find out which of my proven plans is right for you!

Top Nutritionist, Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS

About Ann Louise

For over four decades, millions of people have turned to Ann Louise and her 35+ bestselling books for sage advice, unparalleled wisdom, as well as valuable tips and strategies to transform their health.

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