What is CLA and Why Should You Care?

January 11, 2018
Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS

Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS

Award-winning nutritionist and New York Times bestselling author.

Is CLA really “liposuction in a bottle?”

You may have heard that CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) is a trans fat. You may even be alarmed by that statement, because we’ve learned that trans fats are bad. And, yes, technically, that’s correct – but only if we’re talking about the processed, man-made versions.

CLA is a “good” trans fat that exists naturally in our food sources, which means it is vastly different than the refined, processed trans fats like vegetable oil and those found in many of today’s “convenience foods.” Scientists, researchers and biologists have spent decades exploring the fact that naturally occurring agents, like CLA, have an organic and meaningful purpose within the human diet. In this case, CLA is a fatty acid that has been proven to help reduce body fat while also increasing muscle mass.

There are a number of independent studies demonstrating the fact that CLA increases lean body mass, and at the same time, reduces fat mass. In fact, CLA is a key contributor in fighting the phenomenon known as “skinny fat.”

What does this mean for you?

It means that there is a naturally existing dietary component that can help reduce body fat and increase muscle mass all by itself. Some studies indicate that people ingesting adequate amounts of CLA experienced a reduction in body fat of 8% to 9% without making additional changes to diet or exercise. If CLA can do that for people who aren’t trying to improve their health, imagine what it could do for you.

What’s the catch?

To get the 1.4 to 3 grams of recommended CLA per day, you’d have to consume around 2 pounds of red meat, 100 ounces of milk, and about a pound of cheese – Every. Single. Day.

Obviously, this level of consumption is out of the question – as that alone would ruin your health – and your weight loss efforts.

The good news is, the benefits of CLA can be achieved through supplementation.

CLA Supplement


Sadly, I have discovered that a number of the companies claiming to offer high-quality CLA are nothing more than snake oil salesmen. To wit, not all CLA supplements are created equally. For this reason, my partners at UNI KEY Health have formulated one of the purest and most potent CLA supplements on the market today.

Due to misguided and overly inflated  advertising claims in the supplement industry, I passionately implore you to do your homework before you purchase supplements. And while I recommend the UNI KEY brand with my whole heart, the most important part of this equation is your health. Even if you choose a different brand, please make sure you’re putting only the best into your body.

We only get one body, and one life – let’s make the most of it!

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Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS, is an award-winning New York Times bestselling author of more than thirty books including The Fat Flush Plan series and her latest book, Radical Metabolism. She’s been rewriting the rules of nutrition for more than 40 years and is internationally recognized as a pioneer in the field of diet, detox and women’s health issues. 

For a FREE daily dose of tips and strategies for maintaining healthy weight, conquering insomnia, and much more…check out my Radical Health Tips.

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  1. Betsy K.

    I’ve used CLA-1000 for many years to help keep my weight where I want it and have a flatter stomach. It works!

  2. Karen

    Can you please tell me exactly what this is made of. I want the ingredients please and thank you

      • Mary

        I am a chronic kidney patient. Is healthy for me to use.

        • Team ALG

          Mary, There is no contraindication for you to take CLA..

  3. Jenny

    I’m on strict Keto diet and started taking CLA today. Could CLA make me hungry when normally I don’t feel hungry? or maybe I’m hungry due to stress. Thoughts please?

  4. Team ALG

    There is no reason that CLA should make you feel hungry. Stress can however increase your hunger.

  5. Selma Kunitz

    what is the recommended daily dose of CLA to help with weight loss?

    • Web Admin

      1000 mg 3x daily – or you may double up for a month or two.


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