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6 Simple Health and Wellness Hacks for 2019

Goal call! Who has better health on their list of life goals for 2019? Let me make it easier with these simple health hacks!

Let’s face it – life is more hectic than ever before. But despite the mess and stress of living life to the fullest, getting healthy and fit is still at the top of the list of our new year’s resolutions. To save you time, I’ve done the research and found the “best of the best” that’s out there to save you time and money. If you’re looking for thick hair, glowing skin, a trim waistline, clear eyes, and sore muscle relief, then check out these health hacks.

1. This Ancient Herbal Remedy for Hair Growth Is Already In Your Spice Collection

For centuries, rosemary has been hailed for its medicinal properties and ability to promote hair growth. It nourishes hair follicles, soothes the scalp, and stimulates blood circulation, which may also prevent premature graying and dandruff. As a hair rinse, simply bring 4 cups of water to a boil, add 4 tablespoons of dried rosemary leaves, and steep covered for 40 minutes. Add 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, stir to combine, strain, and store in the container of your choice in the refrigerator. At least twice a week, after you shampoo, pour half of this rinse over all of your hair, let it sit for about 5 minutes, then rinse with cool water for no scent or leave in (don’t worry, the vinegar smell disappears and only rosemary scent remains).

There’s more to rosemary than just beautiful hair. This perennial plant has been approved by the German Commission E for the treatment of indigestion, and is also known to boost your brainpower, memory, concentration, mood, immunity, circulation, eyesight, neurologic healing after a stroke, and even relieve muscle pain. Not only can you add rosemary as a spice to your favorite savory foods, but you can also infuse olive oil to use as a seasoning, and my favorite – you can make a warm cup of savory herbal tea. Simply bring 8 ounces of water to a boil, and add 1 ½ teaspoons dried leaves, and steep covered for 5 minutes or more. Strain and drink warm or iced.

2. The Best Shower Filter for Clean, Glowing Skin

The Environmental Working Group analyzed 20 million tap water quality tests and found 316 contaminants, including everything from lead to industrial solvents, and even the rocket fuel component perchlorate. All of these take a toll on the health of your skin, not to mention chlorine, which irritates the lungs and dries your skin when you take a shower. You absorb up to 100 times more chlorine in the shower than you do drinking it, and that’s not good news. Keep your skin glowing and shower with peace of mind using CWR’s shower filter, sold by UNI KEY Health. It not only filters out chlorine, but contaminants, hard water minerals, and toxic irritants like lead.

3. Remove Redness for Clear, Healthy Skin

If you have sensitive, dry, itchy, red skin, and want to combat signs of aging, then you need REN’s Evercalm Anti-Redness Serum. Natural and non-toxic, it soothes and hydrates and leaves glowing skin behind. It’s my new favorite skin care product!

4. Boost Your Metabolism and Get Slim and Trim with the Best New Weight Loss Supplement on the Market

If your New Year, New You resolutions include weight loss, then jumpstart your metabolism with my new Radical Metabolizer from UNI KEY Health. Supercharge your metabolism and your mitochondria to burn fat for energy, curb your appetite, take control of your cravings, and kick your metabolism into overdrive with targeted weight loss around your waistline and hips. You’ll love how much easier it is to lose weight with diet, exercise and Radical Metabolizer. Make this the year your sluggish metabolism wakes up and gets to work!

5. Clear Eyes and Better Vision with These Homeopathic Cataract Eye Drops

If you are facing surgery for your developing cataracts, consider trying these eye drops first. Cineraria maritima has been the safe and effective homeopathic treatment of choice for over a century in Europe, India and South America. Natural Ophthalmics Homeopathic Cineraria Eye Drops for Cataract Crystalline Lens are now available in the US, and eye doctors are already seeing dramatic improvement in their patients.

While vision improvement is noticeable within weeks, cataracts occur slowly and can take six to nine months to show improvement. Because the herb eyebright is added to their formulation, you may notice immediately that your eyes feel less dry and tired. These drops do not replace the nutrients your eyes need to stay healthy, so if you’re looking to permanently avoid surgery, you’ll need to use an ocular nutrient supplement to nourish your eyes and stave off future cataract formation.

6. Relieve Sore Muscles with This New Pain Relief Cream

If minor arthritis pain is preventing you from getting started on your fitness goals, or sore muscles set in much too quickly once you workout, then consider topical pain relief. Dr. Pergolizzi, a prominent pain management specialist, has combined “essential oxygenated oil” with proven pain relievers in a new cream that works well for arthritis, bursitis, muscle aches, tendonitis, and back pain relief. It doesn’t have a strong scent or greasy feel and doesn’t irritate skin.

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