5 Surprising Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight and What to Do

April 20, 2022
Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS

Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS

Award-winning nutritionist and New York Times bestselling author.

These hidden causes of weight gain may shock you…

I take great pride in re-writing the rules of nutrition when it comes to conventional weight loss by providing unique protocols that produce faster and longer lasting results than any other diets on the market.

I’m continually on the hunt for the latest science about hidden weight gain factors that can sabotage even the most conscientious eaters. In this week’s blog, I’m highlighting five of these factors with simple health hacks that you can take to overcome them. If you just can’t seem to lose weight or your weight loss effects have stalled, this one’s for you…

1. A Tired, Toxic Liver

The first factor to look at —and it’s a big one—is liver toxicity. If you have a roll of fat around your middle, you may have what is commonly referred to as ”fatty liver.” What does this mean? It means your liver has stopped processing fat and begun storing it. When the liver is sluggish, every organ in your body is affected, and your weight loss efforts will be blocked from almost every angle.

The liver performs many functions, including metabolizing carbohydrates, proteins and fats, as well as critical detoxification to neutralize the myriad of toxins that assault our bodies each day. But when your liver is overloaded with pollutants and metabolic waste, it no longer performs as it should and hormone imbalances develop, fat accumulates in your liver, under your skin and in other organs. Cellulite, weight gain, and accumulation of belly fat are signs your liver may be in toxic overload, which can really throw a wrench into your metabolic engines.

In protein metabolism, the liver converts amino acids from food into various proteins that impact your weight in numerous ways. Proteins play an important role in the detox process, helping transport waste to your liver for detoxification and elimination through the kidneys. Many foods and other factors are quite hard on the liver including excess sugar, trans fats, medications, insufficient fiber and overdoing caffeine and alcohol.

My Fat Flush Plan cleans out your liver and gets your metabolic burners firing again through a combination of detoxifying drinks, high quality proteins, nutrient-dense plant foods (including carefully selected herbs and spices) and supplements. For additional liver support, consider supplementing with Liver-Lovin Formula.

2. Poor Quality Bile

We really can’t discuss the liver without talking about bile which brings me to the second hidden weight gain factor — bile and the gallbladder. One of the reasons your liver might be storing fat is bile shortage or congested bile, which means it is too thick and sludgy.

The truth is that without appropriate bile, your body can’t process dietary fats. No matter how many good fats you consume, your body can’t use them without adequate bile. This is the reason many people are not succeeding on modern higher fat diets (like paleo, ketogenic diet, etc.)—bile is the missing link. Your liver, in its infinite wisdom, synthesizes and secretes about a quart and a half of bile daily and then stores it in your gallbladder. Bile is the key to absorbing and assimilating fat.

Bile is also the most overlooked detoxifier—one of the liver’s premier detox mechanisms—so the consequences of inadequate bile go far beyond the inability to lose weight. The quantity of bile your body can produce is directly proportional to the number of toxins it can eliminate.

We now know that by the time people develop allergies, arthritis and joint inflammation, they have a 75 percent bile deficiency, and by the time they develop a major chronic illness such as cancer or heart disease, their bile production is compromised by a whopping 90 percent. If you’re one of the millions of Americans who is missing a gallbladder, or you’re having fat digestion or detox issues, bile may be the critical missing link.

Whether you still have your gallbladder or not, there are strategies for increasing both the quality and quantity of your bile. I have found a combination of six specific nutrients that does the trick: choline, taurine, beet root, pancreatic lipase, ox bile, and collinsonia root. These synergistically work to thin bile and increase its production, enabling your body to make proper use of those wonderful fats. Healthy bile also reduces your risk for gallstones and bile duct stones which cause so many gallbladder surgeries today.

When I discovered the high prevalence of the bile problem and there was no product on the market to address it, I created my own. Bile Builder is available through UNI KEY Health, for which I am a nutritional consultant and spokesperson. In terms of whole foods, you can eat more beets and bump up your consumption of choline-rich foods such as eggs, chicken, and collard greens. Add a tablespoon or two of lecithin to your smoothies because lecithin is super-rich in choline and great for your nervous system as well.

3. False Fat

Many individuals carry an extra 10 to 15 pounds of fluid trapped in their body tissues, which contributes to bloat, puffiness and cellulite. My esteemed colleague Dr. Elson Haas, MD coined a term for this: “false fat.” Some of us—about 15 to 25%—are more salt-sensitive than others. Fluid retention can be caused by excess sodium, food sensitivities, hormones, adrenal stress and dysregulated insulin.

Estrogen dominance is notorious for creating water and sodium retention. Estrogen changes the way your body metabolizes the amino acid tryptophan, which is necessary for serotonin production. Serotonin deficiency can lead to food cravings, weight gain and depression.

Food sensitivities may cause your body to hold on to extra fluid, particularly gluten, casein or lactose intolerance. The production of histamine and other chemicals causes blood vessels to expand and contract, leaking fluid into your tissues and triggering inflammation and swelling. This leaking fluid often brings protein along with it, which attracts sodium and still more fluid.

Because excess salt can cause fluid retention and “false fat,” my Fat Flush Plan encourages you to replace table salt with herbs (parsley, cilantro, fennel, and anise), lemon juice, and iodine-rich seaweed gomasio. If you do use salt, make sure it’s natural sea salt as opposed to common table salt, as sea salt is lower in sodium and provides other minerals. Just use it sparingly.

False fat can be minimized by taking advantage of the foods nature designed as perfect for humans. Consume more fresh vegetables and fruits, which tend to be rich in potassium. Potassium is an important mineral that helps balance out sodium in your body. Buy local produce—and whenever possible, organic—for optimal flavor and nutrition.

4. Fear of Eating Fat

The fourth hidden factor involves insufficient omega-6 fats. But wait… I can already feel the stern gazes of contemporary nutrition gurus who for years have been warning us about overconsumption of omega-6 fats and underconsumption of omega-3s—but this issue is typically oversimplified and misunderstood.

People today are getting a huge dose of terrible quality omega-6s, largely from processed foods that contain cheap, rancid, highly refined (and usually genetically modified) inflammation-producing vegetable oils, which are omega-6s. This is the reason our omega-6 to omega-3 ratios are so far off-kilter. However, increasing your omega-3s solves only half of the problem.

When it comes to friendly fats, gamma linoleic acid (GLA) is a secret rock star that never gets mentioned when it comes to weight loss—and it’s an omega-6. Most people today, even the most health-conscious individuals, are significantly low in GLA.

GLA has anti-inflammatory effects and even helps relieve PMS, but when it comes to metabolism, GLA is unmatched in its ability to stimulate “brown fat.” Brown fat is the type of metabolically active fat mostly dormant in overweight individuals. Brown fat occurs in and around your organs and contains a greater number of mitochondria, which increase your energy expenditure. Back in the 1980s, GLA was discovered to stimulate brown fat activity.

If you’re stuck in your weight loss efforts, a GLA supplement may be just the ticket to get things moving again. The best natural sources are black currant seed oil and borage oil. I personally recommend GLA-90 from cold pressed black currant seed oil.

5. Hidden Hitchhikers – Parasites

Last but not least, parasites could be sabotaging your health and weight loss efforts. Parasites are a hidden epidemic that often trigger weight gain, sugar cravings, anxiety and sleeplessness, and they wreak total havoc on your digestive system. Some of the risk factors for parasite exposure include travel, pets, daycares, restaurant dining, raw and undercooked foods (especially pork and sushi), and drinking tap water.

Parasitic infections have been a focus of my work since the 1991 release of my book Guess What Came to Dinner? Parasites and Your Health. Unfortunately, many people still dismiss parasites as a third-world problem but science says otherwise. A study published in The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene found that 32 percent of 2,896 people tested positive for parasitic infections, and at least 48 states have fought measurable outbreaks. It’s time this epidemic be brought into focus.

Parasites can do much more than stall your weight loss efforts. These organisms are the most immunosuppressive agents known to humankind, consuming your precious nutrients, producing toxic wastes, and eventually ravaging your cells and tissues. Parasites are particularly toxic to your liver and can cause biliary stones. Because of the prevalence of parasites, I personally recommend that all of my clients do an intestinal parasite cleanse periodically.

My Fat Flush Plan is designed to target all of these hidden weight gain factors, along with many others. And, the good news is that by addressing these hidden weight gain factors, many have ended months and even years of frustration, finally getting their bodies back on track in terms of both weight and overall health!

Related Articles and Podcasts

Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS, is an award-winning New York Times bestselling author of more than thirty books including The Fat Flush Plan series and her latest book, Radical Metabolism. She’s been rewriting the rules of nutrition for more than 40 years and is internationally recognized as a pioneer in the field of diet, detox and women’s health issues. 

For a FREE daily dose of tips and strategies for maintaining healthy weight, conquering insomnia, and much more…check out my Radical Health Tips.

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1 Comment

  1. Bonnie

    This was an excellent article to read but so much to take in..I have hashimoto disease and I’m new to this..I also have fatty liver and just got diagnosed with diabetes..I feel like my life is a mess..I’ve gained about 20 lbs in the past 5 years and can’t get a pound off..can you tell me what I can take that is easy to understand..thank you.


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