The Delicate Balance of Reducing Carbohydrate Intake After A High-Protein Diet
Limiting carb intake can provide temporary symptom suppression but won’t always bring lasting relief; even eliminating an offending source might reduce inflammation temporarily but long-term restriction always comes at the cost of nutritional deprivation and metabolic imbalances.
One drawback to low-carb diets is their reliance on endogenous glucose production – or gluconeogenesis, an energy-inefficient metabolic pathway which forces our bodies to create its own glucose from non-carb sources. This process requires significant energy investments with only minor returns in return. In particular, muscle mass loss over time increases stress hormone-related decline and further puts a burden on the body – not only compromising physical strength but also our metabolic health.
Low-Carb Diets and Thyroid Function
Metabolic Flexibility and Insulin Sensitivity
Reintroducing Carbs for Improved Health
Experience and Tips
Conclusion: Adopt a Balanced Diet
Understanding our bodies can lead to positive health benefits when we provide what our body requires for optimal performance. Over-relying on gluconeogenesis as an energy drain may offer temporary digestive relief; but could ultimately cause long-term sleep disruption, digestive issues, hair loss, hormonal imbalances, low libido levels, and skin issues if left unchecked.
Unless your current diet is working to your advantage (i.e. high body temperatures, regular bowel movements, strong hormones and libido, great skin and hair health, overall happiness), there’s no reason for change. But if it has led to cycles of weight fluctuation and health concerns for you, it’s time to reconsider and take a more balanced approach to nutrition. Carbs play a vital role in supporting metabolic health and overall well-being when consumed responsibly.
Fat Flush Is A Balanced Diet with Low-Glycemic Carbs
My Fat Flush Plan challenges conventional dietary wisdom to rewrite the rules of nutrition beyond Paleo, Carnivore, and Keto. It includes essential high-quality fats, proteins, and low-glycemic carbs as well as cleansing tonics, herbs, and spices. It combines weight loss with detoxification for a lasting approach to healing.
The good news about the Fat Flush Plan is that you won’t have to cut out your favorite foods and carbs forever, nor will you have to maintain a strict daily routine permanently or risk that dreaded bounce-back weight gain and the disillusionment that comes with it.
Join the millions of men and women around the world who have successfully lost weight and kept it off – the healthy way with The Fat Flush Plan.
- The NEW Fat Flush Plan. The diet plan that revolutionized weight loss in America! A fully updated edition of the New York Times bestselling book — full of the latest slimming research and cutting-edge nutrition.
- The NEW Fat Flush Journal and Shopping Guide. The perfect companion for Fat Flush! Completely updated for The NEW Fat Flush Plan. Keep tabs on your progress while tracking meals, supplements and exercise.
- The NEW Fat Flush Cookbook. The cookbook that changed dieting as we know it! Updated with hundreds of great recipes based on the newly-revised Fat Flush protocols including one-dish meals, packable lunches, easy snacks, and sinful desserts.
- Fat Flush For Life. A year-long seasonal approach to melt body fat, nourish glowing skin, reduce appearance of cellulite, increase energy levels, and improve overall wellness.
- The NEW Fat Flush Foods. The NEW Fat Flush Foods returns with over 70 of the world’s best fat-blasting foods, seasonings, and supplements!
Digital Download Guides:
- Fat Flush Perfect 10 Guide. If you’d like to shed up to 10 pounds in the next 10 days and look and feel 10 years younger, you’re going to LOVE this digital download.
- The Ultra Fast Fat Flush Guide eBook. Building on the New York Times bestselling Fat Flush Protocol, this 36-page digital guidebook reveals 4 brand new Fat Flush Accelerators that produce faster fat loss and even easier ways to get you to your weight loss goal.