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What’s In Your Water?

Water, water everywhere…and not a drop to drink (safely, that is).

If you, like millions of Americans are drinking water that is sourced from municipal water supplies, you may also be ingesting heavy metals, chlorine, microorganisms, and even pharmaceutical drugs (like estrogen and antiobiotics).
With so many contaminants swimming around in water these days, the government has responded by adding more and more chlorine to neutralize the toxic overload. Chlorine makes the water very acidic resulting in leaching from your copper pipes. So now, there is more copper than ever in the water along with industrial chemicals, both of which we can do without, thank you very much.

What are the signs? Stains, taste, visible particles, to name a few but most often you can’t see or smell any of the unhealthy and uninvited guests in your water supply.

This is why, more than ever, a whole-house system for water purification is becoming a necessity.

Think about it: Not only do you drink water but you bathe in the stuff. Over the counter filters, bottled water and even shower filters are no match for the level of toxicity we are becoming exposed to.

As you may recall, perchlorate, a brand new contaminant now found in over 35 municipal water supplies, is a real problem, contributing to our growing hypothyroid epidemic. Perchlorate interferes with the way in which iodine is taken up by the thyroid and prevents its absorption. This is why the iodine stain (see my Before the Change for more details) can be of help through the myriad iodine receptor sites throughout the body.

In any case, I have invested in a Total Home Filtration System myself after reading about the myriad of drugs that are being dumped into the water supply and that we can absorb…through the skin. Since I love to take baths, I don’t want to absorb more drugs and pesticides in my bathwater. Just the good ole fashioned salt and soda and maybe some apple cider vinegar…

If you have the same kinds of concerns that I do, please call LIz or Joel at UNI KEY. They will then prepare a quote for you for a custom Total Home Filtration Plan that is tailor-made for your purification needs and budget.

Enjoy and remember that we need water in order to live in our bodies as much as we need love in order to live from our hearts;)

One Response

  1. We live in a rural area with tons of pesticide and herbicide use and need a whole house filtration system badly!

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