Does Wu-Long Tea Speed Weight Loss? At my last book-club meeting, a friend revealed that she lost 8 pounds in two weeks by drinking Wu-Long tea. My online search found tons of testimonials from women raving about it. I want to lose 15 pounds. Would the tea help?
The tea can help you slim down. But, although it’s marketed as a unique type of tea, Wu-Long is just a brand of oolong tea, which you can buy for less at grocery stores. Oolong has unique polyphenols that balance blood sugar by helping cells us glucose more efficiently. And that’s the key since elevated blood sugar is the main cause of body fat. The proof: Women in a Chinese study who drank 32 oz. of oolong tea daily (four large mugs) lost three pounds a week. For even faster fat loss, place one bag of oolong tea and one bag of green tea in a mug of hot water. The epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in green tea revs metabolism, so the body burns two-and-a-half time more calories per day. This combo will have you divulging your fat-melting secret to the ladies!