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Could Chlorophyll Help Me Slim Down?

Can chlorophyll help me lose my belly? I’m having trouble shedding the 17 pounds I gained over the holidays-and spring is here! I’ve heard that women can lose weight with chlorophyll. It’s from plants, so it sounds safe, but does it really work?

Chlorophyll could be the key to a slimmer you. It acts as a mild laxative and rejuvenates the liver, so the organ does a better job of burning fat. The green pigment also provides magnesium to help balance blood sugar and rid the body of stubborn belly fat. The best-absorbed form is a liquid extract mixed with water. Try a twice-daily drink of 1tsp. of chlorophyll (like Sunny Green Liquid Chlorophyll, $13 for 16 oz., at health-food stores) in 8 oz. of water. (If stools become uncomfortably loose, reduce the dose to ‘h tsp. of chlorophyll in 8 oz. of water twice a day.) I’ve seen women lose 3 inches of belly fat in under a week with this strategy.

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