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How Can I Avoid Side Effects From Cleanses?

Detoxing gives me a headache!   Last week I tried your juice cleanse.  But I felt queasy and got a headache, so I had to stop.  I want to try again because I’d love to lose 9 pounds in three days.  Should I do something different next time?

Juice cleanses release toxins from the body’s cells, but if the liver and GI tract aren’t primed, this flood can overwhelm the body.  The result: side effects such as nausea, headaches, light-headedness and constipation.  Next time, enjoy 3 cups of raw leafy greens, like spinach, each day for one week before cleansing.  The veggies— antioxidant chlorophyllins and carotenoids optimize the liver’s toxin-flushing abilities.  During the same period, eat at least three daily servings of fiber-rich foods such as seeds and fruit.  Fiber sweeps waste from the colon, which will minimize strain on the GI tract when the cleanse is under way.

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