My family and I are headed on vacation next month and I’d like everyone to have a great time. But I know from past experience that between travel germs and vacation meals, someone is bound to get sick. Is there a diet strategy that can help keep us healthy?
Yes! My first line of defense against vacation illness is probiotics. These friendly bacteria work to neutralize harmful pathogens in your GI tract before they can cause an infection or stomach virus. Fortifying the number of beneficial flora in your body before your trip will help ensure that you’ll be able to fight off any bad bacteria that you come into contact with.
To get the perks, I suggest having any adults you’re traveling with take a daily probiotic supplement for two weeks prior to leaving and through the duration of your trip. And since probiotic pills can overwhelm children’s delicate GI systems, I recommend having them eat at least 4 oz. of probiotic-rich yogurt of kefir daily for two weeks leading up to your trip.