Why are my iron levels still so low? I’ve been a semi-vegetarian for about five years, getting protein mainly form soy and beans. And even though I take a multivitamin, I test positive for borderline anemia at every physical. How can I get my iron levels up?
Taking a multivitamin is a great start, but it’s not always a magic bullet. That’s because nonmeat sources of protein—including soy foods, beans and nuts—contain phytates, plant compounds that actually flush iron from the body. The fix: Increase your intake of inulin. This healthy sugar fosters the growth of iron-loving intestinal mucosal cells. As a result, absorption of iron from plant sources rises, elevating blood levels of the nutrient by up to 15 percent. Great food sources of inulin include asparagus, artichokes and bananas. If you prefer to take it in supplement form, try Now Inulin (at iHerb.com). For best results, consue 1 tsp. of this powder twice daily.