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Beyond Pritikin

A total nutrition program for weight loss, longevity, and good health.
In BEYOND PRITIKIN, first published in 1988, Ann Louise Gittleman was the first to proclaim that obesity was caused by the lack of dietary fats and the wrong kind of carbohydrates. This groundbreaking book “blew the whistle’ on the fat-free carb-rich diet craze of the 80s.
Americans have never been more health— and diet— conscious than they are today, yet the percentage of overweight Americans is greater than ever before. Could the fat-free, carbohydrate-rich diet often promoted for weight loss and health actually be causing sugar cravings, weight gain, fatigue, and other serious problems?
BEYOND PRITIKIN, based on a revolutionary dietary model using healthy essential fats and lower carbohydrate intake, is a complete lifestyle regimen for health, weight loss, and longevity.
In this updated and revised edition, Ann Louise, former director of nutrition at the Pritikin Longevity Center in Santa Monica, incorporates the latest scientific research and tells you how to lower cholesterol, revitalize your immune system, control weight, and slow the aging process – the major health concerns of our time.

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“Gittleman has done us all a service by showing us how the essential fats can and should be uses in an overall program for living longer, losing weight, and reaching optimal health.”
—Julian Whitaker, MD, Whitaker Wellness Institute

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