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How to Stay Young and Healthy in a Toxic World
How to detoxify for a longer, healthier life.
Everybody wants to detoxify and live a longer, healthier life! Today more than ever before, our bodies are bombarded by pesticides, chemicals, environmental pollutants, and parasites — toxins that leave us increasingly vulnerable to heart disease, cancer and a host of autoimmune disorders.
In HOW TO STAY YOUNG AND HEALTHY IN A TOXIC WORLD, bestselling author Ann Louise Gittleman identifies the most prevalent toxic invaders and shows how we can eliminate them from our lives and journey to a healthier, slimmer body, less prone to disease and premature aging.
This indispensable book:
- Explores the four greatest hidden threats to health: sugar, parasites, heavy metals, and radiation
- Provides a comprehensive toxic-invaders questionnaire so you can create a personal program for detoxification and healing
- Features Gittleman’s own detoxification program
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“As a researcher in the arena of environmental medicine, I fully endorse Ann Louise Gittleman’s work and methodology.”
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