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Give Thanks to Bile – Your #1 Holiday Fat Burner

The surprising missing ingredient for effortless detox and weight loss.

Besides reclaiming your skinny gut over the holidays, there’s probably nothing more important than keeping your liver in tip top shape.

Most of us are familiar with herbal liver detoxifiers like milk thistle, Oregon grape root, and dandelion root. But these pale in comparison to the power of your own bile.

Your liver, in its innate wisdom, synthesizes and secretes about 1 ½ quarts of this miraculous substance on a daily basis and then stores it in the gallbladder.

Bile is the daily key to absorbing and assimilating fat as well as serving as the toxic waste dump for excess chemicals, hormones, drugs, heavy metals and other toxins that eventually need to be eliminated by the body.

If you have a persistent roll of fat at your waistline, your liver may have stopped processing fat—due to a bile shortage—and begun storing it!

Only when you rebuild those bile levels, will you lose that fat—for good—and achieve the super health you deserve.

Remember that fat—not carbohydrates—is the preferred fuel source for your body’s trillions of cells. Why, even your cell membranes and vital organs are full of fat.

That’s why your brain is over 50% fat, your liver is nearly 5 pounds of fat and your kidneys, retinas, and endocrine system are composed of fat.

Without enough bile, your body simply can’t absorb the fat-soluble vitamins like Vitamin A (the infection fighter), Vitamin E (the fertility vitamin), Vitamin K (the bone health healer) and Vitamin D (the healing hormone-like vitamin that increases immunity and wards off breast and colon cancers).

The problem is that bile can be hampered from doing its job because of a lack of bile nutrients (like lecithin), congestion or even clogged bile ducts which hamper bile flow and result in less bile production.

The way I see it, there are two solutions to this problem…

You can consider a gallbladder flush (to be administered under your health care professional’s guidance) which usually consists of Epsom salts, grapefruit juice, apple juice and olive oil, or simply restore the missing bile salts—which is imperative especially if you no longer have your gallbladder.

The latter is the relatively easier fix, although some individuals definitely may need a good cleanse.

There are many gallbladder cleanses on the market which are designed for those with a gallbladder that may be sluggish or clogged. (Signs include constipation and light colored stools).

The easiest Gallbladder Cleanse includes the following:

AM — Drink 8 oz. of fresh squeezed grapefruit juice with 2 tablespoons olive oil. Avoid food, drink, or supplements for 30 minutes.

PM — Before bed, take another 8 oz. of grapefruit juice with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Repeat for 7 days. You can take several teaspoons of epsom salts to “get things moving” first thing in the morning or the evening before the cleanse.

Follow the cleanse with a supplement like Liver-Lovin Formula that helps the gallbladder continue to cleanse itself by detoxifying secondary bile toxins and acids and HCL Plus.

With protein meals that contain fat, HCL Plus would be my recommendation (call UNI KEY to order 800-888-4353). The “Plus” refers to 50 mg of an ox bile extract.  The hydrochloric acid component triggers the gallbladder to dump bile, so less bile would be needed in the presence of hydrochloric acid than the straight bile salts.

For those without a gallbladder, Cholacol would be my choice. It is a Standard Process product which UNI KEY can also order for you if you cannot find it elsewhere. Cholacol contains a proprietary blend of 700 mg of bile salts with Collinsonia Root.

With the advent of the holidays, it’s a wonderful time to appreciate the commitment you have made to super health.  Together let’s celebrate the long-awaited return to fats and their proper assimilation so all systems are a “go” for a stellar end to 2014.

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