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Agave Ain’t Good!

Lots of news to report. From the homefront, I am happy to report that I just completed another book in the Fat Flush series which, G-d willing, will be in bookstores in December. This book, Fat Flush for Life, will offer a wellness plan and brand new recipes, some major protocol and fitness tweaks – all designed to make your weight loss results last for a lifetime. I can’t wait to have you read it. And try it.

Now – the biggest nutritional news of all – besides the rediscovery of brown fat – that I wrote about twenty years ago, is the news that agave nectar is very similar to high fructose corn syrup in its manufacturing process. The refined fructose in agave nectar is even much more concentrated than the fructose in high fructose corn syrup. And we all know that refined fructose is a bad thing – not like the natural fructose in fruits. Refined fructose leads to mineral losses, bloating, loose stools, and high LDL levels for starters.
Aren’t you glad that agave nectar was never considered Fat Flush friendly?

2 Responses

  1. Hi Louise,
    Just wanted to tell you of some of my results of using your suggestions in the GUT FLUSH PLAN.
    My nose has stopped running, I have lost EIGHT POUNDS- just since 7/24- my lips no longer need constant ‘chap stick’, my formerly ‘skunk like ‘body odor has disappeared, my mouth tastes much fresher and I feel lighter. All this without the items I ordered from you which I’m still waiting for. Imagine the results when I receive them !!! Thank you, and God bless you. I saw you on Doug Kaufmann’s show and am a real FUPO head, but before I could never stay on the Phase 1 diet.

    My nose has stopped running, I have lost EIGHT POUNDS- just sinceHi Louise,
    Just wanted to tell you of some of my results of using your suggestions in the GUT FLUSH PLAN.
    My nose has stopped running, I have lost EIGHT POUNDS- just since 7/24- my lips no longer need constant ‘chap stick’, my formerly ’skunk like ‘body odor has disappeared, my mouth tastes much fresher and I feel lighter. All this without the items I ordered from you which I’m still waiting for. Imagine the results when I receive them !!! Thank you, and God bless you. I saw you on Doug Kaufmann’s show and am a real FUPO head, but before 7/24- my lips no longer need constant ‘chap stick’, my formerly ’skunk like ‘body odor has disappeared, my mouth tastes much fresher and I feel lighter. All this without the items I ordered from you which I’m still waiting for. Imagine the results when I receive them !!! Thank you, and God bless you. I saw you on Doug Kaufmann’s show and am a real FUPO head, but

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