Find your motivation with five stories of losing weight and regaining health.
Throughout my 35-year nutrition career, I’ve found the most gratification in seeing my clients and readers improve their health—and consequently their lives—with positive diet and lifestyle changes.
Nearly 75% of Americans are now classified as overweight or obese. It’s a very real epidemic that has me concerned, and one of the reasons I’ve focused much of my research and writing over the last 10 years on weight loss and detox, most recently with Fat Flush for Life.
Of course, the Standard American Diet (SAD) of highly processed “fast” food is a huge part of the problem. But, in this toxic day and age, I’ve found that weight loss doesn’t just come down to “eating right” – there are a whole plethora of other issues that can be involved.
The ever-increasing presence of GMOs, pesticides, hormones, parasites, bacteria, antibiotics and chemicals in our food, water and air has resulted in a frightening rise in weight-related issues including hypothyroidism, estrogen dominance, diabetes, GI and digestive distress and food sensitivities. All of my diet programs (Fat Flush, Gut Flush, Fast Track Detox) incorporate detoxification to help reverse these hidden weight gain factors.
I’ve heard amazing stories from Fat Flushers who have not only lost the weight, but finally found relief from their most problematic health issues.

Take Sarah N. who gained 75 pounds after a cancer diagnosis forced the removal of her thyroid. She kept the weight on despite working out and eating right for five years. Then she faced yet another health challenge – “I got sick again and gained another 20 pounds – this time I was diagnosed with endometriosis.” After being treated, she was only down five pounds, and again, struggled to lose the weight.
Then, she found Fat Flush! “I am already feeling – and seeing – the results! I am so ready for my body to reflect my healthy mindset and lifestyle, especially now that just received notification of being four years cancer-free, AND 25 pounds down!”
For those in it for the long haul, there have been so many successful Fat Flushers who have led the path – losing 60, 80, 100 pounds and keeping it off!

A particularly inspiring story came to us recently from a young woman named Sara P. who had struggled with her weight all throughout her childhood. She says, “I was always the bigger girl out of my group of friends. I was bullied in school, especially high school due to my weight, and it put me in a hole of depression.”
Sara found the Smoothie Shakedown plan and knew she had to give it a try – “I loved the Body Protein powder and the fact it mixes so well with anything you put in it. I followed the 2 smoothie a day plan.”
After her initial success with the Shakedown, Sara continued with the smoothies and incorporated ‘’yummy’ recipes from the Fat Flush Cookbook. And all her hard work has definitely paid off!
“I started off weighing 196 pounds. I’m now down to 125 and I’m 5’5”. So all together that’s 71 pounds and I couldn’t be more than proud of myself and my accomplishment.” Not only is Sara feeling better on the inside, she’s noticed a major boost in her self-confidence, “the fact that everyone asks me what I did to lose weight, and they compliment me all the time makes me feel so much more confident in my body than when I started the weight loss process.”

Whether you actually have weight to lose or not, another important benefit of a diet and detox is building long-term healthy lifestyle habits.
These can help to preserve good health long after a “diet” ends and play a huge role later in life to combat genetic predispositions and age-related health concerns.
Diana has found this philosophy to be true in her own life. She says, “Mine is mostly a decision I made many years ago: Do I want to be inactive and sluggish like my mother’s side of the family? Or do I want to be exercising into my 80s and a fairly healthy eater like my father’s side of the family? I had to make a choice. I felt arthritic and heavy, but I had been a gymnast in high school and college. I knew that I wanted to curb my eating and feel better again. Raising 3 kids and running a hectic business had made me forget about my own health.”
After adapting to the Fat Flush lifestyle, Diana depends on the hot lemon water first thing in morning and the Fat Flush Protein smoothies are her go-to breakfast. Two of the rules she lives by? “I try to limit my carbs throughout the day and I try to sweeten anything that needs a little sweetness with stevia!”
A wonderful by-product of Diana’s dedication is that she has lost about 10 pounds over the course of the last five years and feels better than ever. She is truly reaping the benefits of feeling great and trains for various sporting events throughout the year – “I feel tremendously better and I can tell that my immune system is stronger!”

Of course, the idea of making major changes in the midst of a busy lifestyle can be daunting, but I’ve designed The Smoothie Shakedown specifically for those “on-the-go.”
I loved hearing from Cindee recently who lost 30 lbs on the program…all while traveling every week as a pilot for a major airline! “The Fat Flush Smoothie Shakedown components are easy to pack in a travel cooler bag and give me energy for several hours until I can get a healthy salad or meal which can be hard to find at airports.” Cindee lost her first 10 pounds on the 2-week Shakedown and the final 20 lbs with her own ‘modified’ program of Fat Flushing during her three to four day trips.
And, her success isn’t going unnoticed, “All my flight attendant and pilot friends are eager to know how I’ve lost all the weight, and done it in a way that still provides the energy I need for a hard day’s work!”
And last but not least, it’s not just for women!

Leigh originally came to the program reluctantly as a way to support his wife. After learning to embrace the Fat Flush lifestyle, he’s lost 57 lbs and has noticed a lot of other great health benefits – “I don’t get winded as quickly, my stamina for physical exertion has increased, and my blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar have improved.”
After losing the weight over five years, he discovered a simple trick to knock off the last few pounds: “I lost the last 7 lbs rapidly by adding a Fat Flush Whey Protein smoothie to my daily routine.”
To read more success stories and find inspiration to reach your goals, click on Success Stories at
If you’ve found success of your own, check out UNI KEY’s Pays to Lose promotion where you can submit your story and earn $2 for every pound you’ve lost!
2 Responses
Your 35 year nutrition career is really amazing. I am looking for weight loosing programs for men and I am inspired from your blog. You have a great weight loosing knowledge and these tricks are easy and simple way to reduce our weight easily.
Thank you for your kind feedback!