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Bile: A Whole Body Connection

You simply can’t be healthy without it.

The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland located just below the larynx—and it plays a profound role in the behind-the-scenes of your health. Ladies should especially take note, as issues with this critical gland impact women eight times more often than men.

The health of your thyroid isn’t something that should be taken lightly. Problems have been linked to obesity, depression, brain fog, digestive disorders, heart disease, insulin resistance, osteoporosis, and even breast cancer.

When you consider all of the possible implications, the importance of taking care of your thyroid needs little explaining. And for those who are struggling to lose weight and keep it off, do note that the thyroid’s role in metabolism is crucial to achieving your goals.

A Whole Body Connection

So, how do you maintain optimum thyroid health? The complex and extensive interaction your thyroid maintains with your entire body makes it sensitive to upsets on many different fronts. It takes vigilance and care on your part to make sure you do not accidentally overload your metabolic crusader.

That’s where bile comes in. If you aren’t aware of—or are not yet convinced—of the significance of bile, then I am certain its role in thyroid function will remove all doubts. According to a study conducted at Tampere University Hospital in Finland, hypothyroidism is seven times more likely in people who experience reduced bile flow.


A study conducted by researchers that included thyroid specialist Dr. Antonio Bianco showed that the release of bile triggered the release of an enzyme that converts T4 to T3. This converstion is the very process that allows metabolism to take place in the body. Astoundingly, people in Bianco’s study who improved their bile health saw a whopping 53 percent increase in their metabolism.

A Bile Boost

To produce the best bile, you need six specific nutrients—choline, taurine, beet root, pancreatic lipase, ox bile, and collinsonia root. I formulated UNI KEY’s Bile Builder to include every member of this superstar six.

Here’s the breakdown:

• Choline: Assists with fat digestion and is the Rx for fatty liver affecting nearly 50% of us.
• Taurine: Helps bile to excrete chemicals detoxed by the liver, promotes increased bile acid production and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and liver.
• Beet Root: Contains betaine which thins the bile and helps to prevent the formation of gallstones. Betaine is also a rich source of hydrochloric acid which is critical for digestion and triggers the release of bile from the gallbladder.
• Pancreatic Lipase: Helps breakdown fats as a digestive enzyme.
• Ox Bile: Provides essential bile salts for those with low bile production or without gallbladders. Bile deficiency is especially common for those over age 60.
• Collinsonia Root: Removes gallstones and prevents constipation which results from bile salt supplementation. This herb used traditionally for centuries for this purpose.

The Next Step

Now that your body’s a ready vessel to efficiently utilize all of those healthy, healing fats, pick up your copy of The NEW Fat Flush Plan. This lifestyle eating protocol provides a daily detox with the world’s most effective fat-burning and healing foods, seasonings and supplements.

Inside, you’ll find:

• NEW Three-Day Ultra Fat Flush Tune-Up for quicker cleansing and results
• NEW Paleo, Ketogenic and Vegan-friendly recipes that reflect the latest diet trends
• NEW gluten-free tips for those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance
• NEW Fat Flush bone broth recipe for supercharged cooking, snacks and side dishes
• NEW health revelations linking the gallbladder and liver to thyroid health
• NEW hidden weight gain factors that explain why it’s not your fault you’re fat
• NEW meals, menus, and shopping lists
• NEW tips for managing insulin, hormone, and stress levels
• NEW slimming, smart fats and sweeteners

Bile is simply brilliant for the health of your body. Isn’t it time you felt your very best?

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