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Chia – The Seed that Supercharges

Boost Weight Loss  and Endurance, Fight Diabetes and Fatigue with Chia.

chia_seedsRemember “chi, chi, chia,” that jingle for Chia Pets? Well, the seeds themselves are tiny powerhouses of nutrition.

Rich in essential fats (EFAs), chia seed offers a healthy balance—30% omega 3s and 40% omega 6s. It’s also a great source of both soluble and insoluble fiber, swelling in water and providing a feeling of fullness while helping to sweep toxins out of the intestinal tract for a safe detox.

Equally important, studies show that chia seed slows down how quickly the body converts carbohydrates into sugar. These seeds reduce belly fat, which has been linked to diabetes and heart disease, and fight insulin resistance, a precursor to Type 2 diabetes.

Dr. Ann Louise’s Take:

According to some manufacturers, chia contains twice the protein of any other seed or grain; eight times more Omega 3s than salmon, twice the potassium of bananas, and three times the antioxidant stength of blueberries.

This superfood is actually the edible seed of a desert plant that’s part of the mint family.  Chia was a major component of the early Aztec diet.  Just one tablespoon was believed to sustain an Aztec warrior for a whole day! Think what this might mean for you! Sprinkle 2 to 3 tablespoons on eggs, salads, and veggies or add to frappes or smoothies, soups, and stews and watch your energy soar and elimination increase.

10 Reasons Why I Personally Recommend Chia Seeds:

1. The soluble fiber in chia seed forms a gel when you add them to water. Added to smoothies, chia gel helps stabilize blood sugar and cut cravings for high-glycemic carbs and sugar.

2. Studies show that soluble fiber lowers cholesterol. And since chia seed has been found to reduce belly fat and diabetes, it also helps protect your heart.

3. Chia’s fiber and healthy fat provide consistent energy, which is why the Aztec runners used this seed for endurance.

4. When soaked in water briefly, chia seed gel helps endurance athletes stay hydrated. These seeds can absorb 10 times their weight in water, so any liquids you drink before, during, or after exercise will stay in the body longer.

5. High in protein, chia seed builds muscle, which is particularly important as we age, as well as for athletes and anyone trying to lose weight.

6. Because this seed plumps up so much in water, its soluble fiber helps fill you up, so you don’t eat as much, particularly useful for weight loss.

7. Soluble fiber in chia seed also works as a prebiotic, helping to feed good bacteria (probiotics), which fight off dangerous bacteria, viruses, yeasts and other pathogens.

8. Chia’s insoluble fiber helps clean out the digestive tract, which is why I recommend it in my upcoming Fat Flush for Life and as an essential part of the Fat Flush Smoothie Shakedown. Chia seed bulks up stools, which help rid your intestines of harmful substances and detox safely.

9. One of the few vegetable forms of omega-3 fat, chia seeds unlike flax do not need to be ground or toasted. Chia is also very shelf stable, so it doesn’t need expensive packaging to prevent rancidity. Flax seeds, another great source of omega-3,  should be ground for optimum digestion as well as toasted to eliminate troublesome substances that can interfere with thyroid function – see The Fat Flush Plan.

10. This seed helps the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K while adding essential minerals like boron, calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc. To protect bones, women need the right amount of calcium, boron (which improves calcium absorption) and vitamin D.


Fat Flush for Life (Da Capo Press, 2009)

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