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Fat Flush for Fall

121106677Vegetarian proteins increase energy, reset metabolism, decrease diabetes.

Tis’ the season to go vegetarian – at least for the next three months – and experience for yourself the amazing health benefits of plant proteins!

My year-round super detox weight loss plan, as detailed in Fat Flush for Life, introduces a unique 3-month autumn vegetarian diet that features plant proteins, which reset metabolism.

Groundbreaking new studies support the wisdom of choosing plant-based proteins, rather than the animal proteins emphasized in the old low-carb diets. The documented health perks of a plant-based diet include:

  • Improved heart health
  • Decreased risk of diabetes
  • Decreased LDL (“bad” cholesterol”) and blood pressure – a 14-point drop in the latter in 4 weeks, according to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, and a 15-point drop in the former
  • Improved blood sugar levels – 43% of diabetics were able to reduce their medications after 5 months, according to one study
  • Decreased cancer risk – a 40% reduced risk, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research
  • Increased energy
  • Less constipation
  • Reduced PMS and menopausal symptoms
  • Stronger libido


AND, you’ll save money (two to four times as much) by replacing meat with foods like beans and mushrooms, which have a meat-like texture and impart a sense of fullness. Buying foods that are in season (www.FruitandVeggiesMoreMatters.org tells which these are), as you’ll do on this diet, can save you as much as 75% on your produce bill.

As to the actual weight loss benefits of a plant-based diet, consider these stunning findings:

  • Low-carb dieters who got the majority of their protein from plants lost 50% more weight than those who ate more meat, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
  • A review of dozens of studies published in Nutrition Reviews revealed that women who ate mostly plant-based protein every day weighed 15% less than those who ate animal proteins. And, the pounds were shed without effort.
  • A University of California at Davis study found that those who ate more plant-based foods consumed 40% fewer calories without increased hunger.


Plant-based proteins are more satisfying, more filling, than animal proteins because they are high in fiber. The fiber stimulates release of a hormone (cholecystokinin) that signals the brain that the stomach is full.

With fall rapidly approaching (between 9/22 and 9/23 in the northern hemisphere), now is an excellent time to revisit some of the Fat Flush for Life basics as they pertain to this season.

My Fall Fat Flush is designed to give special support to the lungs and large intestine, which, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, are activated at this time of year. This vegetarian Fat Flush features warming spices, legumes and root vegetables, which will nourish these important detoxification organs, helping to detox your entire body from the heavier proteins eaten previously and prepare it for the cold weather to come.

Because vegetarians are usually zinc deficient and copper toxic, they tend to suffer from adrenal burnout, a result of mineral imbalance (an inverted sodium to potassium ratio). The excess copper can make them anxious, irritable or hyperactive, and it can interfere with sleep and ultimately lead to lowered thyroid function, making it nearly impossible to lose weight. The Fall Fat Flush diet therefore calls for reduction or elimination of foods that are high in copper (dried yeast, chocolate, regular tea, sunflower and sesame seeds, soybeans, coffee and curry powder), while emphasizing zinc-rich foods like eggs and pumpkin seeds.

The protein powder recommended for fall Fat Flushing (Fat Flush Body Protein) is made from brown rice and pea protein (plus stevia and the prebiotic inulin). It is soy-free, dairy-free and GMO-free, has a complete balanced profile of amino acids and provides 20 grams of protein per serving. Use of this powder (1-2 servings daily), plus up to two Omega-enriched eggs, ½-cup serving of beans and one serving of dairy daily, along with 4-oz. of tofu and/or tempeh twice weekly, will assure that your body’s protein needs are being met.

More of the specifics, along with a three-month program, can be found in Fat Flush for Life.  Here is a preview of some of the Fall Superfoods and Signature Fat Flushing Beverages that you will be enjoying:

  • Two 1-cup servings of fruit (low glycemic, like peaches, berries, cherries and grapefruit)
  • Five servings of seasonal veggies
  • Two servings of whole grains – starting month 2, specified non-gluten grains only
  • Five servings of protein (as described above)
  • Two 1-tablespoon servings of plant-based oils (flax and olive in months 1-3; Macadamia, coconut, sesame in month 3)
  • 1-2 cups Fenugreek tea daily (good for lungs and GI tract)
  • 2-3 tablespoons chia seeds (for their high Omega-3 content) – sprinkled on eggs or veggies or added to soups, stews and dressings
  • 64 ounces of cranberry water between meals and snacks
  • Hot lemon and water upon arising
  • Green Life Cocktail: cranberry water + green powder (Liver-Lovin Formula) + Flora-Key


As the weather becomes cooler and that old familiar nip in the air returns, become revitalized and ready for the wondrous winter just ahead!

9 Responses

  1. Will there be a cybergroup doing this Fall Flush together? And if so , how can I participate? Any info appreciated.


  2. wondering if anyone in the twin cities if going to do the fall plan? Always nice to have company. It sounds lovely with all the warming spices and foods.

  3. I’ve intertwined the original Fat Flush Plan with mainly vegetarian principals. In the last year I’ve lost and more importantly kept off 10 lbs. I really notice a difference in how I sleep and think if I drift too far from Vegetarian living. I have food issues so I don’t actually declare myself a vegetarian or flexitarian, I just don’t eat as much meat as I used to.

  4. Maria and Kathy- you both should visit http://www.annlouiseforum.com where there is an extensive online community where we are all following one or another of ALG’s diet programs. New members join daily, so it is very easy to find a buddy to support and encourage you!

  5. I bought into the principles and plan from The Fat Flush Plan (2002?) and have now skimmed the more recent Fat Flush For Life and am confused and wondering why they promote such different practices. I’m wondering which specific principles Ms. Gittleman still ascribes to and which she thinks are really not valid anymore. It would seem from reading FF for Life that almost all of the principles from her earlier book have been tossed and that’s kind of hard to imagine. Is there any way I can talk to someone or receive a comprehensive answer for why she’s changed FF so much? Thank you!

  6. Teri: The basic principles of Fat Flush are still alive and well and intact in Fat Flush for Life. Fat Flush for Life is a more relaxed program with greater food offerings that are seasonally based. It was written because many of Dr. ALGs readers found that the original program was too restrictive, especially for year round eating and family meals. There are expanded protocols for new foods (probiotics), iodine (gomasio) exercise and wellness that were not part of the initial prgram, that’s true, but are based upon current research which has been published since the initial book was written over ten years ago. Cran-water, quality proteins, essential fats, moderate fruits, veggies, and fiber are still the heart and soul of the program but as new science emerged, Dr. ALG wanted to make the classic Fat Flush in step with the times and her readers needs. Fat Flush – as both books suggest – is a diet evolution.

  7. Help, I have just now at age 62 developed acid reflux and am desperate to find something other than a purple pill to fix it!!!! My symptoms have been so bad I thought I was having a heart attack. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!

  8. Darlene: Dr. ALG’s book Fast Track Detox Diet has a wonderful section on the benefits of HCL + 2 and how GERD many times is related to a deficiency of hydrochloric acid. Alternatively, you may wish to call UNI KEY directly to inquire about the product – 1 -800-888-4353.

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