Exercise hormone provides obesity key.
At the beginning of the week, I saw a report on Fox News (Is There an Anti-Obesity Pill on the Way? Jan. 16, 2012) that caught my attention. It concerned a newly-discovered exercise hormone uncovered by Harvard researchers that appears to be a potent catalyst and regulator of metabolism and weight. The study appeared in Nature. So far, so good.
The media has heralded this study and others like it as one of the newest and most promising obesity theories.
If Big Pharma does get involved, I am certain that the drug companies will find newer and more novel ways to manipulate this hormone into medications for a variety of health concerns. We will probably be seeing a spate of new drugs on the market that fight obesity and diabetes based on the groundbreaking new study.
The exercise hormone holds real promise in the way in which it allows the body to fight fat with fat. But you don’t have to buy into this “extraordinary discovery”. You can simulate and stimulate the exercise hormones’ impact on your metabolism by stoking your body’s innate calorie burner right now. A powerful ally in this endeavor is gamma linolenic acid (GLA). I broke the story back in 1988 in my first book, Beyond Pritikin.
Watch and see what I have to say about brown fat!