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Heavenly Recipes for Christmas

87760145The perfect protein can keep you energized while playing Santa.

Little Miss Muffett knew her stuff—the whey she ate offers the highest protein efficiency ratio. Protein not only has staying power, helping to prevent cravings, but it can boost your metabolism by 25%—so you’re less likely to add unwanted pounds over the holidays.

Among four different protein sources—egg, tuna, turkey, and whey—whey protein was found to significantly lower blood sugar levels, while suppressing appetite and contributing to weight loss, finds the British Journal of Nutrition.

When the body is low in protein, fluid leaks into the spaces between cells, where it can become trapped. This causes bloating, cellulite, and water-weight gain.

For a heavenly holiday—and a head start on your New Year’s resolutions—try two of my favorite recipes. Because they use whey, you’ll be giving your family and yourself the perfect protein.

These pancakes make a hearty Christmas breakfast that will keep you energized while preparing your holiday feast.

Whey Delish Pancakes
From The Fast Track Detox Diet
(Makes six to eight 3-inch pancakes)
4 eggs
1 scoop Fat Flush Whey Vanilla Protein
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ground cloves
Olive oil spray

Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend until well mixed. (The batter will be a bit thin and runny.) Heat a nonstick pan, and prepare with olive oil spray to lightly coat the pan. Spoon the batter (about 3 tablespoons for each pancake) into the pan, spreading the pancake gently by shaking the pan. Flip pancake when the edges are lightly browned. Continue cooking for a few seconds longer. Remove the pancake from the pan and place on a flat surface to keep warm. Repeat until all the batter has been used.

Sweet veggies don’t need added sugar—and they do give lots of fiber to keep you regulated throughout the holidays.

Sweetie Po’ Puffs
From Fat Flush for Life
(Makes 4 servings)
16 ounces sweet potato, cooked and chilled
2 large eggs
2 servings Fat Flush Whey Protein
Zest from ½ orange
1 orange, peeled and seeded
½ teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ Chia seeds

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Place all the ingredients in a blender or food processor, mixing until smooth and adding drizzles of water if the mixture is too thick. (Do not thin batter more than necessary—it should remain thick.) Using a ¼ cup measure, form into 16 mounds on the prepared baking sheet. Flatten with a spatula into circles. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, until the cookies are puffed, golden, and firm. Remove from the oven and let cool thoroughly before removing from the pan. Refrigerate in a loosely covered container, separating layers with waxed paper.

Dr. Ann Louise’s Take:

Whey protein is also a rich source of the amino acid L-cysteine, a precursor to glutathione needed by the liver in its very important two-phase detox process. You can’t take glutathione supplements because the molecules are too large to be absorbed by your gastrointestinal tract, so you need glutathione precursors instead.

In addition, whey contains glutamine, glycine, methionine, and taurine—other amino acids that support healthy detox. With all the holiday parties, it’s easy to over-imbibe a bit, so give your liver a helping hand.

That’s not all whey does, either! A recent Brazilian study shows that this protein increases muscle tissue by preventing oxidative damage during exercise. In addition to weight-loss and lean muscle development, whey supports immune health and fights aging.

The Right Whey
Just make sure you’re using the best whey protein. Available in both chocolate and vanilla, Fat Flush Whey Protein is 100% natural and derived from disease-free New Zealand cows.

Many dairy farmers in this country inject their herds with rBST (recombinant bovine somatotropin), an artificial growth hormone. Not only does this genetically engineered hormone—used to promote milk production—potentially create toxic effects in cows, including mastitis, a painful udder infection—but some experts also suspect rBST raises humans’ risk for cancer.

Most U.S. cows produce milk with A1 protein, a genetic mutation. Nan Kathryn Fuchs, PhD, writing in her monthly Women’s Health Letter, says that A1 protein forms a tiny peptide that’s actually a narcotic! And some researchers have linked whey from A1 protein cows to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and digestive problems.

The good news is that the original non-mutant A2 protein—available from New Zealand cows—has not been associated with any of the problems that A1 protein has. Easy to digest, A2 protein also contains the amino acid proline, which fights aging by supporting collagen.

To fight the flab of aging muscles, “you want undenatured whey from grass-fed cows” producing A2 milk, says Dr. Fuchs. “The best quality whey protein powder I’ve found is Fat Flush Whey Protein,” she adds.

Fat Flush for Life
The Fast Track Detox Diet

4 Responses

  1. Hi Stacey –

    You can definitely have the Whey Delish Pancakes in Phase 1. The Sweetie Po Puffs would actually be ok for Phases 2 or 3, as well as for Fat Flush for Life.

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