I see there is great interest in learning how to read your body like a book – which is not a “novel” (pun intended) idea at all considering Oriental physiogomy has been around for centuries.
When I was thinking about how many organs are impacted by emotions (anger damages the heart, liver, and gallbladder), it got me thinking about how common gallbladder attacks have become. Is this because we cannot cope with resentment and bitterness?
There are many natural remedies for gallbladder problems: apple juice and olive oil, Phosfood liquid drops, and the Bach flower remedy, Willow. But one of the most neglected and fool-proof is not eating anything that you may be allergic to, whether you realize it or not!
In fact, research regarding the 99.9 percent gallbladder cure was published back in the 60’s and 70’s by the chairman of the Food Allergy Committe of the American College of Allergists, Dr. James Breneman. In the late 60’s he surveyed about 70 individuals who were suffering from constant gallbladder-related pain and had them go on an elimination diet — similar to what you do on Fat Flush. Amazingly, all the people in the study were free of gallbladder attacks when they avoided certain foods AND medications (ouch!). When they started to eat these foods again or take their problematic meds, the pain returned.
What does this mean? Gallbladder pain may be related to inflammation that is set into play by a food allergy (i.e. food reaction) or medication. But here’s the kicker. Guess what the most “inflammatory” foods were? (I couldn’t guess, so I will tell you…and don’t forget that the most offending food was NOT Omega 3 or DHA – major anti-inflammatories – enriched at the time 🙂 )
Here goes. The most offensive foods for gallbladder pain were:
1) Eggs (for over 90% of the study participants)
2) Pork (for over 64%)
3) Chicken ( 35%)
3) Milk (35%)
4) Coffee (21%)
I find this information fascinating and rather surprising.
The good news is that so many of the gallbladder triggers are omitted if you are on Fat Flush, Fast Track, or Gut Flush. The bad news is that even if you have your gallbladder out, you can continue to have pain unless you reduce these foods. So, many individuals have what is called “post-cholecystectomy syndrome” where the gallbaldder is gone but the pain remains. The answer: hidden food allergens.
The best supplements for the gallbladder include the lipotrophic nutrients choline, inositol, and methionine. (These are conveniently found in The Weight Loss Formula.) The amino acid taurine provides a bile salt that helps the gallbladder metabolize fat (Liver-Lovin’ Formula) and the product Cholacol (Standard Process that UNI KEY carries) provides ready-made bile salts for those who have already had their gallbladder removed or who need more support.
Light colored stools and constipation are often signs that bile salts are deficient, by the way.
Love your gallbladder, check the color of your stools, and keep tabs on your emotional wellbeing. Your body believes every word you say and every thought you think. Keep positive and surround yourself with happy people. If you are upset, give it up to a higher power and remember that life is a package of ups, downs, and in-betweens.
May you have a balanced rest of the week 😉