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My Breakfast for Champions

It’s back-to-school breakfast for about a buck!

Rise and shine! I know—you’re not a big breakfast eater. But, whether it’s “back to school” time at your house or not, you won’t mind starting your day off right with my quick and easy Whey Delish Omega -3 Pancakes—so good even the kids will beg for more!

You know the drill: Breakfast is the most critical meal of the day. Your body has been without food for a good twelve hours and needs to be nourished. Eating a well balanced breakfast helps rev up your metabolism, gets your energy in high gear and evens out blood sugar levels.  Moreover, it fills and satisfies, so you’re less likely to be tempted by the stimulating energy highs (and lows) of caffeine and sugary breakfast pastries.

What a whey to start your day! With 20 grams of protein per serving, these pancakes really satisfy with a touch of natural sweetness from some added fruit (1/2 cup mixed berries) or a tablespoon of Black Cherry, Royal Fig, or Red Raspberry jam (I like the St. Dalfour brand, personally). And if you want, you can even throw in a couple of tablespoons of chia seeds for extra fiber power.

Whey Delish Pancakes

2 eggs
1 scoop (or 5 tablespoons) Fat Flush Whey Protein, vanilla
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ground cloves
Olive oil spray

  1. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until well mixed.
  2. Heat a nonstick pan, and spray with the olive oil spray to lightly coat the pan.
  3. Spoon the batter (about 3 tablespoons) into the pan, spreading it to create a pancake by gently shaking the pan.
  4. Flip the pancake when the edges are lightly browned. Continue to cook for a few seconds longer.
  5. Remove the pancake from the pan and place on a flat surface.
  6. Repeat until all the batter has been used up.

One serving makes about 4 to 6 3-inch pancakes.

You’ll notice I mention the Fat Flush Whey Protein powder by brand name. This is because it is essential that whey protein powder is hormone-free, lactose-free, heavy metal-free, non-GMO, non-denatured (unheated), and most importantly made with A2 milk—unlike the A1 milk used to make most other whey protein powders that has been linked to diabetes, heart disease, and digestive problems.

These pancakes are also one of my favorite “beauty foods”—they provide immune-enhancing and anti-inflammatory benefits that help to guard your skin from the drier, colder air that tends to trigger skin problems this time of year.

Confession of a Whey Delish Pancake Fan:  “I sometimes will use these for dessert and call them crepes.  I love them with powdered Flora-Key instead of sugar.”

So when it comes to breakfast, please don’t flip out, flip my pancakes!  Want more breakfast ideas? Check out the Fat Flush Recipe blog.

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