Many of you have heard about the 3-Day Fat Flush that’s all over the internet this week…
My 3-Day Fat Flush can help to correct a broken metabolism, ward off insulin resistance, reduce inflammation and give your system a mini-cleanse for a fresh start to the holiday season!
Whether you simply need a kickstart to lose weight and get your health in order…
Or you’ve already been losing weight and you’ve hit a plateau…
It’s time to lose 3-5 pounds in a flush!
This fast and simple plan combines two successful weight loss strategies for a special liquid Flush with really fast results!
- Fat Flush Hot Metabolism Cocktail – supports liver and thyroid function while helping to cleanse the GI tract and kidneys
- Omega Protein-Rich Smoothies – satisfies hunger with enzyme-rich fruits, green veggies and clean protein
Start with the Fat Flush Hot Metabolism Cocktail to stay full and satisfied while sweeping out toxins as your metabolism heats up with lots of fiber, thermogenic spices, green veggies, and phytonutrients.
You’ll start to see a shrinking waist without sacrificing your health—like so many crash diets do—because you’ll also beconsuming plenty of fiber, omega-3-rich oil, organic fruits and veggies, plus hypoallergenic non-GMO vegan protein.
Follow this daily menu for three days to melt off pounds in a hurry!
Breakfast: Fat Flush Hot Metabolism Cocktail
Lunch: 3-Day Fat Flush Smoothie with vegan protein + 4 cucumber spears & 2 celery stalks
Snack: Fat Flush Hot Metabolism Cocktail
Dinner: 3-Day Fat Flush Smoothie with vegan protein + 3 carrot sticks & 4 red pepper strips
Before bedtime: Fat Flush Hot Metabolism Cocktail
Daily: Consume half your body weight in ounces of water (typically ten to twelve 8-ounce glasses)
Legal Cheats: 1 cup black coffee, 3 black olives, 2 jicama sticks, 2 stalks fennel
At the core of the plan is the special “cocktail with a kick” that you will be drinking three times per day: morning, noon, and night. The Fat Flush Hot Metabolism Cocktail, due to its high water content, helps you stay filled up and fuller longer while keeping hunger at bay.
For lunch and dinner, delicious protein-rich smoothies with complimentary weight-regulating ingredients will help give your digestive system a rest while delivering long term appetite satisfaction and hydration.
Here are the recipes to get started:
Fat Flush Hot Metabolism Cocktail
Makes 1 serving
1 large ripe tomato, or 8 ounces V8 or Knudsen’s Very Veggie Juice
½ cup fresh squeezed lime or lemon juice
½ cup filtered water (unless using juice)
Handful of fresh parsley
Handful of fresh cilantro
1 green onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
1/8 teaspoon cayenne (or as desired)
2 teaspoons olive oil
½ teaspoon Seaweed Gomasio
½ teaspoon Flora-Key (or powdered probiotic of your choice)
1 tablespoon chia seeds
6 ice cubes
Combine all ingredients in a blender until the desired consistency is reached.
3- Day Fat Flush Smoothie
Makes 1 serving
8 ounces water
1 scoop Fat Flush Body Protein (vegan pea and rice protein)
1 serving fresh or frozen fruit*
1 tablespoon flaxseed oil
Ice cubes (optional)
For More Chlorophyll Cleansing Power: Add a cup or two of kale, arugula, collards, romaine or spinach!
Combine all ingredients in a blender until thoroughly incorporated.
*Fruit selection (1 serving size):
1 small apple (or 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce)
1 cup berries (blackberries, blueberries, raspberries)
6 large strawberries
10 cherries
1/2 grapefruit
1 small orange
1 nectarine
1 peach
1 pear
2 medium plums
By eliminating wheat, dairy, yeast, and salty or acidic seasonings you will actually trigger your body to release pounds of unnecessary fluid. Your plateau will be a thing of the past as your body purges accumulated fat and fluid from its tissues.
Think of it, the “new you” is only three days away!
Even better, you don’t have to stop with a 3-day transformation! Check out the complete Fat Flush Plan principles and exercise regimen. You can make your slimming results even more dramatic—pre-holiday, post-holiday and beyond!