Energize, cleanse and alkalinize 24/7.
You know the drill—eat your greens for systemic purification and pH balance.
For the past five years, I’ve been on a personal mission to find the purest green formula on the market and I haven’t been completely satisfied until now. UNI KEY’s Daily Greens is heads and shoulders above any greens product on the market for what it does not contain, and for what it uniquely offers.
1. UNI KEY’s Daily Greens does NOT contain sea vegetables that are highly-touted in so many other products on the market. Just take a look at what’s currently on the shelf and you’ll see all varieties of kelp and spirulina. While these sea veggies may be high in trace minerals and micro nutrients, they are also notoriously tainted with radioactive residues and heavy metals like lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic.
2. UNI KEY’s Daily Greens does NOT contain any fruit juice or fruit juice concentrate—a source of hidden fructose. Fructose has been recently linked to the inability to lose weight, non-alcoholic fatty liver and high LDL, a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. You won’t find any apple juice, grape juice or berry juice in the UNI KEY greens to mask the naturally delicious flavor.
3. UNI KEY’s Daily Greens does contain 11 organic non-GMO greens hand-picked for their unique nutritional values. It is a real standout in particular because of three key ingredients which you won’t easily find elsewhere.
Celery: As UNI KEY’s Spokesperson and Nutritional Advisor, I insisted that celery be added to the blend because it’s a naturally high source of bio-available vegetable sodium. This type of sodium acts like an adaptogen, helping to lower high blood pressure and balance low blood pressure. It’s also a crucial nutrient for tired adrenal glands and helps us better cope with mental, emotional and physiological stress.
Chlorella: The organic chlorella is also very special because it is hydroponically grown. Unlike other chlorellas on the market it is not grown in a toxic water environment but is hydroponically grown in a special greenhouse. Other types of chlorella are frequently contaminated with aluminum, a toxic mineral associated with Alzheimer’s. It also has a propensity to chelate magnesium from the tissues contributing to constipation, restless legs, irritability and heart palpitations.
Broccoli sprouts: The broccoli sprouts are a rich source of Sulforaphane, a helpful cancer preventative compound.
The Full Scoop
I just know you’re going to love all the organic non-gmo greens that will provide such a delicious boost to your daily regimen. Here’s the nutritional lowdown:
- Alfalfa Grass – Anti-inflammatory; chlorophyll rich to purify and oxygenate blood; protein dense for satiety, blood sugar balance, and muscle fortification*
- Wheat Grass – Contains SOD as antioxidant and liver support, full spectrum of B vitamins, lots of A and C for adrenal health and immune support and every mineral known to man; helps remove heavy metals*
- Barley Grass – Sodium rich to help produce HCL and support adrenals; contains anti-inflammatory enzymes; gut bacteria friendly and helpful in treating ulcerative colitis; antioxidant rich to protect against radiation*
- Kale – Magnesium rich to reduce blood pressure and soothe anxiety; fiber rich for improved elimination*
- Parsley – Flushes excess fluid; volatile oils and flavonoids protect against carcinogens; helps lower homocysteine to protect the cardiovascular system*
- Chlorella – Hydroponically grown to prevent contamination; removes heavy metals; helps eliminate mold in the body; promotes growth and repair of tissues; pH balancing*
- Oat Grass – Mineral and vitamin rich; potent detoxifier; speeds wound healing*
- Collards – Immune modulator, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties by potentating Interferon-gamma receptors*
- Spinach – Contains Glycoglycerolipids to help protect the lining of the digestive tract from damage, especially damage related to unwanted inflammation and neoxanthin and violaxanthin — two anti-cancer epoxyxanthophylls that are found in plentiful amounts in the leaves of spinach*
- Celery – Mineral rich; protects the digestive tract and liver; heals stomach ulcers; phthalides manage blood pressure by reducing excess fluid and relaxing smooth muscle*
- Broccoli Sprouts – Fights H. pylori bacteria to prevent and heal ulcers; helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure*
One of the easiest and best ways to incorporate daily greens into your meal plan is to pop a scoop into your morning smoothie! If you add fruit, do choose a low-sugar option like blueberries.
As an introductory special, use my special coupon for 20% off UNI KEY Daily Greens: GREEN20
*Enter code at online checkout at unikeyhealth.com to receive discount.