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The Digestive Glitch that Blocks Weight Loss

digestive glitch

More than 50% of us have a lack of this fat metabolizer.

It takes the right acid to create systemic alkalinity—the key to health, longevity, and weight loss.

Yes, you heard that right. I’m talking about HCl here, the only acid your body actually produces on its own that is not a byproduct of metabolic waste. It may sound counterintuitive, but although HCl is an acid, it’s the key to the proper alkaline/acid balance—which is seriously deficient in anyone beyond the age of 35. A lack of iodine, salt, B vitamins, potassium, and/or too much stress are common culprits of inadequate HCl production.

But, acid into alkaline—how could that be?

The right amount of HCl in the stomach triggers the pancreas to produce large amounts of alkalinizing bicarbonates that signal pancreatic enzymes, which can only activate in an alkaline medium. It is also absolutely necessary for the production of the hormone cholecystokinin (CCK), which helps the gallbladder to release bile for fat emulsification. Without sufficient HCl, bile production can be hampered from doing its job because if there is not enough bile produced, fat cannot be broken down. It’s as simple as that.

If you have a roll of fat at your waist line, your liver has stopped processing fat and begun storing it. Only when you bring your liver back to full function—with the aid of HCl—will you lose this fat.

And what will you gain?

• Increased absorption of muscle building protein that increases metabolic rate by 25%.
• Complete assimilation of calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, B12, and folic acid, as well as fifteen minerals and eight essential acids.
• Relief of asthma (especially in children) and edema along with mucus congestion.
• Better oxidation of painful lactic acid in tissues.
• Increased kidney and liver function.
• Elimination of boils, abscess, rosacea, and rashes—which are unresponsive to other therapies.
• Heartburn relief.

Since we are in the midst of summer outings, don’t leave home without HCl. It is the most effective anti-bacterial agent I know of. Outside your body, it could literally burn a hole in a tablecloth or eat right through an iron nail. Within your stomach, it acts as a natural antibiotic—your first line of defense against toxic invaders, especially bacteria you are likely to encounter when traveling. It helps to neutralize pathogenic organisms, along with yeast and Helicobacter pylori—the bacteria associated with ulcers. It’s even been used to neutralize the venom of snake bites to prevent infection!

This information may seem new to you, but decades ago Dr. Hugh Tuckey and his wife spent thirty years conducting independent research on HCl, research which has tragically been forgotten. They discovered that a lack of HCl was the underlying cause of many digestive and immune-system ailments, along with bad breath and dark circles under the eyes.

Should you take HCl? Take the HCl challenge!

Before the next meal you eat, take a hydrochloric acid supplement that contains at least 500 to 550 milligrams of betaine hydrochloride and about 150 milligrams of pepsin. The brand I recommend is UNI KEY’s HCL+2. After you’ve taken your first HCl tablet, notice how you feel. If you’re producing enough stomach acid, taking this supplement will cause you to feel a bit of pain or warmth in your stomach. You can relax—your stomach acid is sufficient to digest the food you’re eating.

If you don’t notice any symptoms or any worsening of the symptoms you already have, increase your dose to two HCl tablets at the next meal. If you’re still symptom-free, or if the symptoms you’ve already experienced haven’t gotten any worse, continue upping your dose a tablet at a time. As soon as you feel a burning sensation or warmth, you know you’ve gone too far. Drop back to the previous dosage and continue taking the supplement as needed. You can work up to eight pills a day.

After four months, you might experiment with reducing your HCl dosage. If you get good results, continue to reduce your intake of HCl until you are no longer taking it. If your symptoms return, go back to your previous dosage.

134 Responses

    1. the symptoms of low stomach acid are very commonly misinterpreted as acid reflux. It is worth experimenting with the HCl in order to discover for yourself if you are truly experiencing acid reflux, or if you are suffering from low stomach acid. If you were to forgo the reflux medication and take the HCl in it’s place for one or two days, you would know which it is. I highly recommend trying it!

    1. Yes, the HCl will be most helpful in that case. Bile salts would also be very good for you to take, you might try the Standard Process Cholacol, available through UNI KEY.

  1. I can’t find “Standard Process Cholacol” on the Uni-Key website. Does it have another name?

    1. Barbara, You may call UNI KEY at 800.888.4353 to place an order for the Cholacol. It is not advertised online as per an agreement with the Standard Process company.

  2. I have the same question as Shirley Silvasy regarding apple cider vinegar. I also notice when I drink water with vinegar mixed in that it decreases my cravings for sodas or pop as some call it.

    1. ACV slows the release of glucose into your bloodstream, thus promoting stabilized blood sugar levels and reducing cravings that would normally occur due to spikes and dips in blood sugar levels.

  3. I noticed in the challenge, it said to take the HCl before a meal. Is this correct? Can you explain the reasoning for taking it before a meal? Thanks!

    1. You can take it before, during, or just shortly after your meal. You would want to do it at these times to ensure that there is enough hydrochloric acid in your stomach to digest the food that you’re about to eat, you are eating, or you have just eaten.

    1. No Tracy, you would continue all your nutritional supplements as usual. The HCl will increase their effectiveness by helping you break the components down so they can be better absorbed.

    1. Hot lemon water taken first thing in the morning can help thin the bile and works as a liver tonic, so it can be very beneficial for digestion, however it does not function in the same way as the HCl.

    1. If it were me, I would probably just experiment with it by abstaining from the acid blocker for a few days while adding in the HCl at meal times. Go slowly, and be very mindful of how you feel so you can adjust the dose accordingly. If you get relief from your symptoms by using the HCl, you wouldn’t need to take the acid blocker any more.

  4. My stomach already burns/churns after most meals. Alka-seltzer and TUMs are my newest friends. Would HCI make the burning worse?

    1. For some people, acid reflux truly is a problem. Unfortunately, the symptoms of low HCl are often misdiagnosed as acid reflux. So, my advice would be to experiment very cautiously with adding in the HCl and tapering off the TUMS.

  5. 1. How long after taking the pills does it take for the symptoms to appear–stomach ache/warmth? And should I wait for a while to eat so as to not mask the symptoms?
    2. Per Ann Louise,s recommendation, I’ve been taking baking soda (1/2 t at ngt) to help with sleep (and rls) for the past 4 years. Might that be interfering with my hcl?

    1. Hi Laura!
      I would say that the warm sensation would likely occur within 15 minutes of taking the HCl, if it does occur. I wouldn’t wait to eat as you’ll need all that acid to break down your food. If the baking soda is working well for you, you might continue on with it, but it is likely that you would have similar benefits from taking magnesium before bed (400-1200 mg).

  6. I have been diagnosed with GERD and have Barrett’s Syndrome in the lower end of my esophagus. Can I take HCL without causing more symptoms?

    1. The HCL should help and not hurt you according to other people with GERD who have tried this. Melatonin also can help with GERD.

  7. My hubby has barrettes esophagus in the middle of esophagus.he has stopped taking the omeprazole and following protocol for diet. sypmtoms vary daily,would HCL help?

      1. Dearest Ones; Liz; Sierra; Ann-Louise & team
        Astounding the blessings you are. Unadulterated generosity to the core, yours is. Remembering the pocket sized, *your body knows best* by Ann-Louise, whose books were the saving grace + beautiful addition to our holistic nutrition class’s required readings! Gratitude everyone – thank you! You & Dr. Gabriel Cousens both vouch for the HCL regimen:)

  8. I don’t have acid relux or upset stomach problems, now that I follow the fat flush diet. However, I’m not losing weight either. I do have rosacea, so would I be a candidate for the HCI +2 therapy?

  9. Would HCI take the place of digestive enzymes. I don’t have reflux, but I take the enzymes to help break down proteins, fats, and carbs to reduce bloating.

    1. HCL+2 breaks down protein and fats. Digestive enzymes to this to some degree but are not as effective.

  10. If I do indeed need my proton pump inhibitors for GERD after experimenting with HCL, can I take bothe the PPI and Hcl daily?

  11. hi.. i live in spain and i have been trying to buy HCL but to no avail… the recommended sites wont post to hcl to Spain.. have you any suggestions where or how i may buy this supplement?

  12. My niece has Crohn’s disease, she has several of the symptoms described in the article. Is she a candidate for HCL+2 therapy?

    1. I might suggest that your niece start a probiotic like Flora-Key , which is very soothing for the digestive tract. Also helpful would be L-Glutamine powder, which helps repair damage to the intestinal lining, thus helping to reverse leaky gut syndrome. Next I would add some digestive enzymes like papain, bromelain, lipase, and amylase (you can find a combo formula like Inf-Zyme). And if all that is well tolerated but does not completely resolve her symptoms, you could at that time add the HCl+2.

  13. I have high uric acid though dont take anything right now since the meds can be hard on my fatty liver. Also take nexium in the morning. will HCL help me?

  14. Some months ago, UniKey Health changed the size, shape, and color of their HCL+2 tablets. They are now the same size, shape, and color of their Adrenal Formula tablets. There are no distinguishing characteristics on either tablet, nor does the image of the tablet on their website reflect this change. When the two tablets are next to each other, I cannot tell them apart. I have been told that this change was done at the request of the manufacturer because it was difficult to process the previous size and shape. Unlike drugs, dietary supplements do not have identifying numbers; they are distinguished only by their physical appearance. I would like to know how others feel about a company manufacturing two or more products that can only be distinguished by their container.

  15. Taking a pill and “supplements” seems like a road down which you *never* recover and always be on. Why not eat healthy and exercise and be done with it? It’s time to stop looking to pills for health.

    1. There is no substitute for a healthy diet and physical activity. Nutritional supplements are intended to help supplement a healthy diet by providing nutrients that are not easily acquired, or nutrients that an individual has a greater requirement for than what can be achieved in a healthy diet.

  16. I don’t have any reflux or acid problem. BUT, when I read this I identify
    “If you have a roll of fat at your waist line, your liver has stopped processing fat and begun storing it. Only when you bring your liver back to full function—with the aid of HCl—will you lose this fat.”
    Should I use it even if I don’t have stomach problems?

    1. Yes Alexa, there are other reasons to use HCL besides relieving stomach issues. Completely digesting your protein removes the possibility of toxic build up from undigested protein. Relieving the toxic load helps the liver do it’s job better.

  17. Hi, I just recently was put on Metformin HCL , will this also help with weight loss? I am borderline diabetic and that’s my I am on the Metformin HCL.. I also had challenges losing stomach fat due to I had three C-sections all cut on the stomach muscles which made it really difficult for me to tone back up.. will the HCL in the Metformin help with that?

    1. Metformin is not the same as HCL+2, though by stabilizing your blood sugar it may improve your weight loss results when paired with sound nutrition principles like those described in The Fat Flush Plan. For belly fat you should look into CLA 1000.

  18. Hi, I have been bloating and putting on weight at a rapid rate this year. My stomach is consistently distended. Would HCl help me? Thank you.

  19. It’s Clare again, I’m 51 and have elevated liver enzymes after going on Lyrica for nerve pain. It was when I went on Lyrica the weight really started to go on quickly. I am now off Lyrica but the weight and distention remain. My body shape has changed dramatically and it seems I can’t eat very much at all without putting on weight. Thanks again.

      1. Hi Yolanda, the HCL in Metformin is a chloroide form not a chloric acid form. It is not meant for digestion. You would still need to take HCL+2

  20. Hi Andrea: Eight (8) pills of HCL is quite a hefty dose and so it sounds like you have reached your maximum and may be experiencing achlorhydria. We would not suggest you add any more HCL at this time but take staggered doses at the beginning and middle of a meal with protein.

  21. I am up to taking 4 pills before a meal and feel no stomach warmth or pain. What could this indicate? Should I continue upping the dosage? I see that the above article mentions taking up to 8 per day. How do I break that down since I’m already at 4 per meal.

    1. It sounds like you are quite low in stomach acid! You will probably to well to stick with the dosage you are using now- over time your natural production should upregulate as a result of supplementation, so at that time you will be able to cut back or maybe even discontinue the HCL.

  22. Debbie, this could mean that you still may need more HCL. If you feel more comfortable you could stay with 4 before meals and see how that helps your digestion.

  23. What about vegan HCL? Is it any good? Also some state to take it before a meal, others state after. Does it matter? Also what about digestive bitters? They stimulate bile production but do they have the same benefits as HCL?

    1. HCL is just hydrochloric acid. Many times it is combined with pepsin and oxbile to help with protein digestion and fat digestion. The HCL itself is not an animal product. The other two factors do help with digestion more than just taking HCL by itself. You can take it anytime around your meal. You just want it to mix with your food. Bitters don’t break down protein like HCL does.

    1. Yes Diana you can take the HCL with pepsin. Some people have said that by having high enough levels to properly digest their food, the gastritis improved.

  24. Hi there,
    I started taking HCL with meals about a week ago. I can take up to 8 pills with a large meal with no burning. I have tried different brands, all the same result. Could this mean I have achlorhydia? If so, is the treatment for no stomach acid the same as low stomach acid? How long is a reasonable timeframe before I might see better results?

    1. Julie, it does sound like your HCL is extremely low. Many times a slow metabolism is why you don’t manufacture more of your own HCL. Yes, you want to take the supplement so that you continue to digest your protein. I would suggest taking a Tissue Mineral Analysis to see your mineral levels and how your adrenal and thyroid are responding to stress and how slow or fast your metabolism is.

  25. I recently had a prolonged period of several months feeling bloated, having stomach cramps and pain. I was prescribed Omeprazole which had a minimal effect and so subsequently had an endoscopy. The endoscopy didn’t show any damage, so no ulceration or scarring. I ha e also put on weight and have found it very hard if not impossible to lose any despite my best efforts and a healthy diet. Could it be that I have low acid levels? I am 55 and on HRT.

    1. Hi Trudie: Thankfully you have no ulceration,irritation, or erosion, so we believe you can take HCL and start slowly and build up to tolerance. HCL is related to so many issues that it very well may be at the bottom of your weight loss resistance.

  26. Will HCL help me with the stubborn lower belly fat? I am in good shape other then that little pouch I can’t get rid of. I do feel bloated often after I eat and have problems with using the restroom so it might be the low HCl causing all of this

    1. Hi Sam: HCL can help reduce belly fat by enhancing digestion and triggering the release of bile from the gallbladder which aids in fat metabolism. Hope the HCL + 2 will do the trick as it has for so many others.



  29. It sounds like you are on the right track, Dawn Smith — let use know how you do. We are hesitant to suggest any other supplements as we are not physicians but do note that many of your symptoms may be related to excess chocolate, eggs, onions, caffeine, and mint which can either be too relaxing for your esophageal valves or are food intolerances.


  31. Hi, I was just diagnosed with H pylori and prescribed antibiotics. I suspect I have low stomach acidity and am afraid to take the antibiotics. What do I do? Would HCI be appropriate for me? Have been experiencing a lot of distinction and discomfort in the upper tract. I did the soda test on an empty stomach upon rising in the morning and the bel hing never came.
    I would so apreciate some guidance. I do t want to do more damage to my stomach.

  32. Thanks for your explanation on HCI. As I’ve had a cholecystectomy with no gall bladder to emulsify the fats will HCI still be effective?

    1. Having the protein and fat digested will help speed up your metabolism but you also need to address the cause of your thyroid problems to help with weight loss.

    1. Dan, digesting your protein does speed up your metabolism making it easier to lose weight but you actually only lose weight by restricting the amount of food you are eating.

  33. It’s possible that the burning is from undigested protein that is being pushed up in your stomach. In that case it would really help to have the HCL+2. You also need to rule out having an ulcer. You can try the HCL+2 and see if that relieves your problem.

  34. This is very interesting. I’m learning so much. I kept reading on as the symptom bad breath is something I continue to have. I also have a spastic colon& IBS. I recinently was diagnosed with Epiploic Appendagitis(2months ago). I’ve been going to hot yoga at least 3 times a week & continue to gain weight. I’m going on the shakedown as years ago I was on & it helped me to lose. Is HCL+2 something I should take?

    1. HCL+2 could be helpful for you to digest your protein. That may help speed up your metabolism to make it easier to lose weight.

  35. HCL+2 is completely different than Nexium which is a drug. HCL is what your stomach naturally produces to digest protein. I don’t know why it would create a problem for you.

  36. I have been gaining weight around my tummy since I had my gallbladder out a year ago. I started taking garcinia Cambodia 625mg 60% HCA two a day will this help me and is two a day enough. I also drink apple cider vinegar in the morning in a glass of water .

    1. Doreen, you may wish to take 1-2 tablets of HCL+2 with each meal to help with the protein and fat digestion. The ACV water is also helpful.

  37. I have been taking tBetaine HCL (NOW) for a week and have gained 3 pounds, the antithesis of what I wanted to accomplish. I also suffer from hi distress including leaky intestine. I would so much appreciate your advice.
    Thank you
    R. Coppola

    1. Bob, taking UNI KEY HCL+2 has not been reported to cause weight gain. I’m not sure how the other brand is different. With your GI distress you may wish to take L glutamine to help heal your gut.

      1. Bekka, I don’t know if you are taking the UNI KEY HCL+2 or not. Other brands can have additives. Perhaps you are having a sensitivity reaction and holding water. There is no reason that HCL itself would cause weight gain.

  38. I went to the doctor yesterday and he told me to stop taking HCL, I’ve only been taking it for one week and it worked miracles with my GERD, I went off of them for one day and OMG my GERD was terrible again, why would a doctor tell me to stop taking HCL w/ Pepsin ?

    1. Traci, I’m so glad to hear you are having such good results taking the HCL+2. Many doctors are not informed about the benefits of taking this and do not understand that it may be helpful. There are some people who need to be careful with HCL including those who have ulcers.

  39. i have crohnes, colitis as well as difficulty loosing weight – bloating , gas and bad breath have bern ía way of life for years – so much so i have avoided socialising and outings just in case! i was listening to dr weiss on thyroid recently and heard about hcl and pepsin – the brand i have does ønot have bile in it – nevertheless i have noticed some very obvious imorovements – i take one a day before my evening meal !! xxx

    1. Janny, if you don’t notice enough improvement in your symptoms please do give the Bile Builder a try. It has the additional benefit of helping you to digest fat and of helping you produce quality bile.

  40. Hi, thank you for your article. Much appreciated. Im taking Betaine HCL with Pepsin, shoudl I increase the dose as it have 325mg betaine hcl & 59mg pepsin. Its a Solgar brand. I did a colonic fluh and the therapist recommended that I take Betaine. Will this only destroy the pathogenic bacteria and not the good bacteria? So by the way, this is my 1st day on it & I really want to also loose some weight along the way 🙂

    1. D, yes you could double the amount of HCL you are taking for better protein digestion. The acidic environment created by the Betaine HCL will kill some of the good bacteria as well. Digesting your protein well will help with weight loss.

  41. Hi! I’ve started betain HCL with pepsin a week ago. Dosage is 650 mg( brand is Doctors best) and it has worked wonders with my IBS symptoms. Please advise if I can use betadine hcl for my Son who is 11 and suffers from psoriasis.
    Many thanks !

  42. I would like to be back to my lifetime weight of 110 lbs. Unfortunately, I have gained 40 lbs in the last 2 years. I have been taking Betaine with Pepsin when I eat protein but my weight stays the same. I want to take garcinia cambogia to get some weight loss…is it safe for me to take the garcinia cambogia 95 % if I am also taking Betaine with Pepsin and also Now Thyroid Energy and Digestive Enzymes after meals. I need to lose some weight for my son’s wedding….Please advise if I am on the right track..thanks

    1. I’d suggest continuing to take the Betaine with Pepsin or switch to HCL+2 which also gives you oxbile to help digest fat. Pick up a copy of the New Fat Flush PLan and start with phase 1. You will lose the weight you want to lose in a very healthy way.

  43. I have been using HCL with pepsin for about 2.5 weeks, I have gotten all the way up to 8 pills per meal (with high protein) and I still don’t really feel anything. I digest stuff better in the end but I don’t really get a burning sensation at all. Should I just continue steady with 8 650mg capsules per meal?

    1. Yes Ben, if that is the amount that is helping your digestion then just keep taking that amount. Over time you should be able to cut back as your stomach starts producing more of it’s own HCL.

  44. I have had eczema and skin problems since I was little. I tried HCL thinking it could be a digestion problem, but I had heart burn so I stopped taking it. I’m pretty sure I have leaky gut- probably a result from heavy rounds of antibiotics throughout my life. Do you know of any supplements other than strong probiotics that could help me heal it? Thank you!

    1. Alexa, you could take GLA-90 to help your skin inflammation problems. You can even open the capsules and use it topically. For your gut you could try taking l glutamine.

  45. I have Barrett’s esophagus. I’m taking 40mg of omazperzole for this. I have vasculitis and have gained a lot of weight around my middle from prednisone, which I no longer take. Would this bee something I could benefit from?

  46. Hi, I’m reading what the people ‘s problem. What can I take to lose some weight.. I was 110 for a very long time even lost some at one point. But now, it seems like every time someone in health fields weigh me I gained another 10 lbs. I’m 176 now and my clothes that I’ve worn for many years don’t fit me anymore. My doctor said that Prednisone, and Lyrica can cause weight gain.
    I have a lot of health issues like, right ventricular dysphasia, seizure or epilepsy, and some kind of dermatitis that the doctors can’t give it a name. They just call it contact dermatitis. As you can imagine, I take many medications every day.
    I want to know if I drink apple cider vinegar, it will help me lose weight. Even though I’m taking so many medications? What other suggestions can you give me to lose weight? I don’t want to spend more money to start buying larger size clothes. Plus, this heavy weight I’m carrying does not make me feel good. Specially, I have pains everywhere that makes harder to exercise. Often, I don’t have the strength and motivation to get up and move and do house work.
    I’d really appreciate it you can give me a suggestions on how to help myself. I’m battling these pains for about 4 years now. I’m tired of always being a patient.
    I know my family are also tired of seeing me like these. They will be happy if I get better.
    Thank You

  47. I have been suffering from thick and I do mean thick mucus in the throat for about a year. When I first went to the Doctor, they prescribed Anti Biotics for a throat infection. Every two weeks I would go back and a new strain of AB would be given to me. At this point, GERD was not mentioned. Apart from severe stomach problems nothing was resolved by taking antibiotics.

    I read all I could and realised the symptoms I had may be GERD. I had acid reflux, but had never had the mucus before. I took Nexium, coupled with Mastik and D Limonene. This did initially help. As soon as I stopped taking the Mastik and DL the thick mucus came back. By this point I also had severe gas cramps, IBS symptoms, Asthma and shortness of breath and felt dreadful every day. I accidentally stumbled upon an article about Betaine HCI and Pepsin. I started taking 1 per meal. After the third day, I increased the dosage. The morning of the 3rd day I was talking to somebody and the blockage (mucus) rose up my throat and I had a hard swallow. By the night of the 4th day, my asthma/shortness of breath had faded, my IBS symptoms had gone, no longer gassy cramps, my stools were no longer abnormal, my energy had begun to increase. The only problem I have now is that I am hungry all day. I am also afraid to go back onto a normal diet. I had tried the Fodmap diet to try and get rid of the gas pain. Is feeling hungry all the time normal and how long should I remain on Betaine? This is the first time I have confidence the thick mucus has been conquered.

  48. HCL+2 is needed by some people with all their meals until they start producing more of their own HCL. If that doesn’t happen then you can rely on taking this as supplementation to keep your protein digestion normal.

  49. My gallbladder was taken out 16years ago, I’ve been unable to loose weight, just 6 months ago I read about ox bile, I started taking a 500mg if ox bile with I super enzyme capsule, still not able to loose the weight. What else can I do? Thanks!!!

    1. Ola, try taking the Bile Builder. It is more helpful for liver health and digestion of fats than just taking ox bile and enzymes. You also want to follow an eating plan to lose weight, like the Smoothie Shakedown or the New Fat Flush Plan.

  50. Ola, I had been taking PPI’s for a very long time (10 years); I was diagnosed with a very small hiatal hernia. Over the years, my weight has continued to rise no matter how much workout I do. After reading a few articles about the dangers of PPI’s, I weaned myself off of them. However, I started getting food backed up and burning in my throat. I thought this was too much acid so I started taking the PPI’s again. Anyway, a pharmacist told me to heal my stomach and when I was doing online research, I found your site.

    I would like to ask if you can clarify the process for using the HCL? At my larger meals I have been increasing the HCL (up to 5 so far). However, during the day, I usually eat small meals – should I reduce the amount of tablets for these meals? Also, if I do not feel anything when I get to 8 pills, should I continue taking this amount?

    I also have read about the ACV before meals and digestive bitters – how are these taken and will either of these interefere with the HCL?

    Any information you could provide will really help I am just a little confused and need to really start feeling better.

    1. Team ALG here: You can try reducing the amount of HCL+2 at the smaller meals to 2-3 depending on what you are eating. You can take 8 pills if you wish but generally 5 pills would be sufficient. Neither ACV or digestive bitters will interfere with the HCL.

  51. Can you take the bile builder with the HCL2 together at meal time? Should they be taken right before you start eating? I have fluid retention above my navel and am unable to lose weight. I have yellow bms with thick yellow staining- constantly for years now. I have a small bowel that no longer works properly and no doctor can figure it out. I have gained so much weight and am drained of energy always. I have started exercising again and eating less which is helping but not solving these issues- especially the weight gain.

    1. Cynthia, Yes you can take Bile Builder and HCL+2 together with your meal. Taking them as you start your meal or during your meal with help them mix with your food.

  52. How old does a child have to be to try HCL with pepsin? My 9 year old has been complaining of his food coming back up un his mouth or either throwing up a little. I think it’s reflux and the doctors will want to prescribe one of the heartburn meds if I bring him in.

    1. GG, At an average 9 year old weight your child could take 1/2 caplet of the HCL +2. You could crush it up and put it in applesauce.

  53. I have had years of digestive issues. Nothing the doctors have done has helped, I am actually getting worse and recently had my gallbladder out which left me with little control of my bowels. I can’t get my food to move down, I”m having gas, lots of pain, painful stools, with lots of bile–and no direction at all from my doctors. I feel best not eating at all…but I”m starving all the time..and up to 300lbs. Now having really high blood sugar..
    Where do I start…
    I just purchased Betaine Hcl with Pepsin, digestive enzymes, how do I use these with the metformin and Synthroid…its confusing and scary.

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