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Kids and Cell Phones Do Not Mix

The single, most overlooked factor in behavior issues in children.

Cell phone radiation is one of the hottest and most controversial health topics of 2012. But it’s especially critical when it comes to regulating cellular technologies for pregnant women and children.

Since the publication of Zapped, I have been following the ongoing effects of cell phone radiation and diligently searching for practical solutions for adults, teens, tweens, and children. So imagine my relief when I learned that Pong Research has smartphone and iPad cases which help to protect users from wireless radiation emissions without interfering with the device itself or its performance—both proven in FCC-certified labs.

Pong’s cell phone and iPad cases are just what I have been searching for.

The Pong research department has said that, “According to the latest Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, 83% of American adults own some kind of cell phone.” And the Kaiser Family Foundation reports that 31% of 8-10 year olds own a cell phone, 69% of 11-14 year olds, and 85% of 15-18 year olds. In addition, Apple has already sold more than 11 million iPads and Gartner, one of the world’s leading technology research firms, predicts that the iPad will continue to dominate tablets.

While incriminating evidence starts to emerge, The World Health Organization has already declared cell phone radiation as a possible carcinogen—in the same category as lead. A separate 2011 study published in the American Medical Journal discovered that 50 minutes of cell phone use triggers excessive brain activity in the area closest to the phone.

Landmark research from the Journal of Epidemiology in July 2008 reported that children born to mothers who used cell phones while pregnant, and children who used cell phones by age seven, were 80 percent more likely to be hyperactive and to have emotional and behavioral problems.

But the most revealing news is this game changer: Yale University professor, John Wargo, Ph.D. led a recently released study that connects prenatal cell phone usage with a higher incidence of ADHD symptoms. (See https://news.yale.edu/2012/03/15/cell-phone-use-pregnancy-may-cause-behavioral-disorders-offspring)

This latest report calls for tougher standards to be put in place for regulation of cellular technologies—particularly when it comes to children and pregnant women.

I also discovered many additional studies linking other forms of technology to childhood behavioral issues, which I discuss in Zapped.

I think of how rates of autism, ADHD, and learning disabilities have soared in the last forty years. In 1970, for example, about 1 in 10,000 children were diagnosed with autism. Today the incidence is estimated by the Centers for Disease Control at 1 in 110. There are many theories as to the rise in autism including the overuse of Doppler ultrasounds during pregnancy.

Limiting exposure from cell phones and cordless phones by way of texting, enabling the speaker phone option, and simply turning the device off during non usage times are not always easy to implement. The FCC precautions against using products claiming that they block or shield cell phone radiation. In reality they have been found to result in an increase of radiation exposure to the user. These same devices also decrease the performance of the device which only compounds the problem.

My book, Zapped, lists 1,268 helpful ways to outsmart the hazards of electronic pollution aside from eliminating cell phone or iPad usage altogether.

Let’s be perfectly clear, the number one thing is to restrict cell and cordless phone usage during pregnancy. It has been found that pregnant women using cell phones two or three times a day are more likely to have children with behavior problems such as hyperactivity, emotional outbursts and relationship issues. Use these tips to protect you and your children:


  • Text whenever possible.
  • Avoid baby monitors with stubby half-inch antennas. Look for the older style that is a wired monitor.
  • Never carry your baby while cooking, especially at the microwave.
  • Discourage a small child’s use of a cell phone.
  • Never phone or text while driving.
  • Never attach a cell phone to your body or carry it in your pocket or bra.


Pong Research carries a high quality collection of cases for BlackBerry, iPad, iPhone and Android. They have been demonstrated by FCC-certified labs to reduce the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) up to 95% below the current FCC limit. The Pong technology uses a patented antenna that redistributes and redirects the offending radiation away from the user. These antennas are embedded in each case protecting the user’s head and body.

They are available in a rainbow of colors and are as easy to put on and take off as any high-quality cell phone or iPad case. They have been designed and tested to work anywhere in the world. The iPad 3 “origami” case is especially nifty—it can be folded into five different vertical or horizontal positions designed for every activity—watching videos, reading, typing, etc.

I’m such a fan of this new technology that Pong cases have now become my go-to gift for family, friends and associates. Could you think of a more perfect baby shower, birthday or graduation gift?  And, isn’t it time you picked a Pong, too?

Check out www.pongresearch.com for more info.

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