Are you getting “nuked” without knowing it?
The kind of radiation in your microwave oven isn’t limited to the kitchen anymore. Broadcast and cell phone antennas, DECT cordless and mobile phones, wireless (baby monitors, Bluetooth devices, computer keyboards and mice, doorbells, headphones and speakers, even thermometers), and “Smart” power systems all emit unprecedented amounts of microwaves—many of them, 24/7.
Recent research by Magda Havas, PhD, associate professor of Environmental & Resource Studies at Trent University, finds—unequivocally—that the frequencies emitted by cordless phones adversely affect the heart, a bioelectrical organ, in some people at levels far below those permitted by current federal safety guidelines.
A recent Swedish study in Environmental Health Perspectives shows that the strongest microwave effects from mobile phones occur in human stem cells—critical cellular targets for the origin of cancers including both leukemia and tumors. Because almost all organs and tissues possess stem cells and because stem cells are more active in children, as this study finds, microwave exposure is a potentially deadly source of cancer.
“All cells involved with active division are affected by extremely low frequency ranges, as well as by the microwave band,” explains investigative journalist B. Blake Levitt, who wrote the groundbreaking book, Electromagnetic Fields. Both of these frequencies speed cell division—like runaway cell growth in cancer. And other research provides evidence that this kind of radiation interferes with DNA repair.
We’re not just talking cancer here.
Polish scientists have discovered a growing number of subtle symptoms—including brain fog, dizziness, headaches, insomnia, nausea, and vision problems—to emissions “generally well below the recommended exposure limits” and “certainly far below those known to produce adverse effects.” For instance, a 50-year-old woman suffered insomnia for years because of a wireless router in her bedroom. Once it was removed, however, she slept soundly through the night—almost immediately!
Dr. Ann Louise’s Take:
From my vantage point as a nutritionist, I’ve been warning against the use of microwave ovens for decades. Not only do they all “leak” some degree of unwanted radiation, but also they don’t cook evenly or thoroughly enough to kill pathogens and parasites. Even worse from a nutritional standpoint, several studies show that microwaving reduces antioxidants, vitamin B12, and other protective substances in foods.
No wonder, then, that a Swiss study comparing blood samples of people consuming microwaved- versus conventionally-cooked foods found many detrimental changes among those consuming microwaved meals. Not only were microwave users’ cholesterol levels higher, but immune factors plus hemocrit and hemoglobin values were also different—suggesting trends toward anemia and immune dysfunction—after just two months!
That being said, the electromagnetic radiation from microwaving in your kitchen or the office lunchroom pales in comparison to the overwhelming electropollution to which we are being exposed today. Americans are currently being bombarded by billions of artificial frequencies and wavelengths never before known to humans.
The closer we are to microwave and wireless devices—and the longer we’re exposed—the greater the risk. And those risks increase dramatically for the young whose brains are still developing.
Belgian research finds that indoor exposure to EMFs from microwaves and wireless can be higher than outdoor exposure—due to growing dependence on wireless everywhere from offices, public buildings, cafes, malls, schools, hotels, motels, and our own homes. In fact, Swiss scientists find airports and trains are the highest in terms of exposure to this kind of radiation.
Protect Yourself and Your Family
“Personally, I don’t use WiFi at home,” says EMF expert and activist Camilla Rees. “Wired connections, such as cable or fiber optics, are much safer, while also being much faster.”
Whatever you decide, do keep in mind that the younger children are, the greater their risk, because of their thinner skulls. Here’s what you can do on the homefront, right now, today:
• Move the baby monitor at least 6 feet away from your child’s crib.
• Look for an older, used monitor with an antenna about 6 inches long—rather than the newer versions with the stubby half-inch antennas that operate like a cordless phone or WiFi.
• Buy routers and printers that don’t even have wireless capacity so they don’t constantly put out a signal looking for a connection.
I’ve personally found several useful detectors—no single piece of equipment does it all—for identifying radiation emissions in my own home. These include the eSmog Scout, which convert signals directly into sounds making it very easy to “hear” the frequencies. To replace cell and cordless phones, the Ultra Low EMF Telephone makes a great solution for your home or office.
Also, eat plenty of brightly colored fruits and veggies, rich in antioxidants and protective minerals to fight emissions that target your cells. Super-GI Cleanse provides antoxidant enzymes that neutralize free radicals created by radiation-induced oxidative stress.
Take Action
“Existing safety standards are obsolete,” write researchers Cindy Sage and David Carpenter, MD, MPH, in the journal Pathophysiology, because they’re based solely on heat (or thermal) impact, rather than biological effects. “The rapidly expanding development of wireless technologies and the long latency for the development of such serious disease as brain cancer means that failure to take immediate action to reduce risk may result in an epidemic of potentially fatal diseases in the future.”
We all need to take action to protect ourselves—and generations to come. “It was a tremendous failure of governments to allow a trillion-dollar wireless communications industry to emerge without pre-market health testing, especially when biological effects were well-known to the military going back almost half a century,” says Rees.
While many unanswered questions remain, “the cost of doing nothing will result in an increasing number of people, many of them young, developing cancer,” adds Dr. Carpenter. Ask Congress to take corrective action by signing the EMF Petition at
How to Stay Young and Healthy in a Toxic World
Camilla Rees, personal communication: 6/1/10
9 Responses
I signed the petition!
I stopped using our microwave a couple of years ago. It sits in our kitchen like an empty shell. Kind of pointless, really. But it’s built in, so I’ll just leave it there. I just got to the point that even though it takes longer to cook things like Grandma did, I realized that “nuking” things was probably killing all the nutrients as well. Then when I read that many of our meats and vegetables get nuked before we even buy them, I knew I had to stop using the microwave to cook with. To further protect my family, I now buy only organic veggies from the farmers market and grass-fed meats from a local organic store.
Does all of this cost more? Yes, but WE have to start watching out for ourselves because leaving our well being to the FDA is foolish. We are being nuked, chemical bathed and toxicity poisoned daily. Buying fresh means I know where it came from and you can’t put a price on that!!
What about those “chips” that are supposed to protect you from EMF’s? I have come across several multi-level marketing companies that are selling such devices. I want to believe in the technology but it seems too good to be ture. Any thoughts would be most welcome!
You are obviously not a scientist, physicist, nutritionist, engineer, or anything like that. You do what so many bloggers do – you quote, or cut-and-paste that same totally erroneous information, thinking you are doing good. I’m a microwave scientist working with microwave, microwave ovens (I own about 50), microwave foods, and lots more. I can tell you that what you write is nonsense, The supposed “research” and “experts” have been refuted over and over by the reputable scientific community. Don’t write about things you don’t 100% understand.
We can’t recommend any of the protective chips out there at this time.
As for Microwaveguru’s comments, we disagree. We suggest that anyone who wishes to delve further into the reams of evidence regarding the adverse health effects of microwaves visit www. The BioInitiative Report “documents bioeffects, adverse health effects and public health conclusions about impacts of non-ionizing radiation (electromagnetic fields including extremely-low frequency ELF-EMF and radiofrequency/microwave or RF-EMF fields).” The website can also shed some light on the politics behind the science.
re microwaveguru
What the heck does a microwave scientist know about biology?? You sir have nuked your brain. Have you ever done any live blood testing on yourself. Lets see how your body fairs in the end. I can tell you that what you write is nonsense. Wake up and do some research there are 1000’s of peer review studies that say there is something wrong. Check out the sites the admin has suggested to start.
WOW.. this looks like a heated topic as seen by the responses so far.
I so AGREE with what Ann Louise is sharing with all of us.
I think using a microwave is one of the ” WORST” things you can do for your health… I see so many clients that use the microwave to heat up everything from coffee, water, tea, soups, processed dinners, etc … How is this healthy for you??? HOW???
I remember when I met my husband 10+ years ago and he used to wrap his artichokes in plastic wrap and microwave them.. and then use ” I can’t believe it’s not butter” on it.. I couldn’t believe my eyes … I knew we had to make some changes fast and we have .. YEAH….
I say.. ” STOP USING THE MICROWAVE”…. and NEVER stand in front of it while it is going if you do use it on occassion.
Thank you Ann Louise for sharing such valuable info with all of us.
P.S. I also agree with Dr. Good… I think the Microwave guru has been using and around a microwave WAY TOO LONG 🙁
Wow – a lot of sheep here. I guess most of you just read-and-believe and don’t bother to learn.
Check out “debunk bioinitiative” if you want to see what the majority of the medical & scientific world has to say about poor science, non-reproducable results, lies and falsehoods.
Also helps to “follow the money”. Who makes money creating fear and then selling you their books, “magic crystals”, power filters, chips, or wooden boxes to cure you?
Physicists, biologists, and chemists agree: non-ionizing radiation not only does not but -cannot- cause cancer. Read and understand folks. It’s quite easy actually.
You are entitled to your opinion but everyone needs to know what the exposure is. There is a lot that “science” has not yet investigated relative to long term levels of radiation exposure.
Can I just say nice to read a relief to find anyone who essentially realizes just what they are discussing on the web. You certainly can bring a difficulty to light and enable it to be significant. More people should study it and understand it all side of the story. I can’t believe you’re not very popular because you definitely have the gift.