There’s a bill in the works that you need to know about.
I had already written another blog for today and then I received an important email from a dear friend. Something frightening is happening in California—and if it happens there, your state very well may be next!
The California Alliance for Safer Technology, a consortium of health and environmental advocates, physicians, non-profit leaders, attorneys and government officials is presently appealing to Governor Brown to VETO SB.649.
The group is asking all Californians to join in NOW to let the Governor know millions of people OPPOSE SB.649—and will fight this bill to the end!
The alliance insists on local control of our communities and safer communications technologies—NOT ‘wireless antenna densification’ with new, much higher frequency 4G LTE/ 5G antennas on every few utility poles, lamp posts, and other municipal infrastructure, near to homes throughout California, which this legislation specifically enables.
There are safer and far more desirable alternatives to the pervasive radiation-emitting antennas planned, being enabled by SB.649.
How Did SB.649 Come to Be?
Many CA legislators have been led astray—and are drinking the wireless industry Kool-Aid:
• They have been lied to about the need for these new ‘distributed’ small cell antennas in the first place, like they were lied to about the need for radiating ‘smart’ meters.
• They have been lied to about the health risks, though it’s well established that wireless radiation is biologically disruptive, and impacts physical and mental health, impairs fertility, impacts fetuses with life-long consequences, impairs child development, causes DNA mutations, and is classified by WHOs IARC as a ‘Possible Carcinogen’.
• They have been misinformed about the massive energy requirements of these new antenna networks, not seeming to understand that an optical fiber-based solution (to the home) would create tremendous energy savings, as well as meaningful local economic benefits sufficient in many cases to more than make up for the investment.
• They have been misled to believe ‘distributed antennas’ radiating throughout neighborhoods, every few telephone poles, will address the ‘digital divide’, whereas only fiber-based broadband deployed direct to the consumer can overcome access inequality as well as the second-rate connectivity much of America experiences.
• They are ignoring the financial liability to the State of California, including warnings from an attorney in an 11-page letter to legislators explaining bankruptcy of the State of California can be ‘reasonably expected to result’, since the bill effectively (and craftily) shifts liability for health damages from the Telcom industry to the State.
• They appear ignorant or unconcerned about the special risks (health, social, economic and potentially homelessness risks) for the estimated 1mm Californians already electrically sensitive.
• Firefighters in CA have been given an exemption from exposure to the radiation emitted by cellular antennas due to health and cognitive difficulties they have experienced (such as confusion leading to getting lost on the way to a call). So, this begs the question—Why shouldn’t the rest of us be exempt from this biologically disruptive, and harmful, radiation?
The bottom line is CA Legislators have not fulfilled their responsibility to Californians or to the State of California by not calling for an independent, complete cost-benefit analysis of the full impact of ‘antenna densification’ plans of the wireless industry that SB.649 enables. SB.649 Must Be Vetoed by Governor Brown!
Will You Take Action?
Join 300 California cities, 47 counties, dozens of health and environmental organizations, such as the Environmental Working Group, Sierra Club California, California League of Conservation Voters, California Communities Against Toxics, California Municipal Utilities Association,, Moms Across America, Citizens for Health, Campaign for Radiation Free Schools, AARP, and several large unions, such as the Communications Workers of America and the California Teamsters Public Affairs Council—and even the State of California Department of Finance who analyzed and objected the bill—and take action today.
Contact Governor Jerry Brown at (916) 445-2841, email him, or mail a letter to:
Governor Jerry Brown
c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
Here’s a great sample letter that you can change to your liking or send as is.
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Dear Gov. Brown,
SB.649 is on your desk awaiting your decision, and we respectfully urge a veto. This bill denies citizens and local governments the right to a voice as to whether radiating 4G LTE and 5G antennas will be outside their homes. In an enormous power grab, SB.649 forces municipalities to allow installation of high frequency and millimeter wave antennas on utility poles, lamp posts and other municipal infrastructure near our homes, schools, places of worship and businesses, along with sometimes refrigerator-sized related power equipment. This is for the convenience of wireless providers so they will have no local push back in their grand plans for “antennas everywhere”. There will be no escaping these new radiating antennas, to be placed densely throughout California.
There is a substantial body of evidence that this technology is harmful to humans and the environment. California’s population will be exposed to this radiation 24/7. Of particular concern are the most vulnerable among us—the unborn, children, the infirm, the elderly and the disabled. It is also expected that populations of bees and birds will drastically decline.
Fire stations are exempt from wireless antennas because firefighters have been shown to incur cognitive difficulties and other health challenges when exposed. We support the fire station exemption of SB 649. If the firefighters are impaired, we are all at risk. Yet this exemption protects the strongest of the strong and forces the most vulnerable among us to suffer the consequences of these biologically disruptive exposures.
We also feel that it’s worth noting that in 2011 the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer IARC classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields—including cell tower radiation—as possibly carcinogenic to humans. This puts RF radiation in the same category as DDT.
In a time that begs for strong, compassionate leaders, we are asking to you to reject this bill, and work with independent health and technology experts from around the world to devise a safer solution in California so that we can stay connected yet protected.
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I, for one, know that I do not ever wish to see the view of a cellular antenna through the sanctuary of my bedroom window. For more research and information regarding this subject, I recommend the following two sources:
• Key Excerpts from Martin Pall, PhD Letter to CA Legislators re. SB.649
• Renowned UC San Diego Researcher Warns of Wireless Health Impacts in Letter to CA Assembly
This post was prepared with the assistance of activist and California for Safer Technology member Camilla Rees.
7 Responses
Will send a letter to Gov. Brown pronto. Thanks for the heads up.
Appreciate this info.
Please, no! Very dangerous to our health.
Please, no! Do the research, do not listen to the advice of
government “experts”. The peoples’ health is in direct danger.
It has passed in NC and many neighborhoods in Charlotte have them. And, they are going into many neighborhoods throughout NC. Citizens cannot protest them…it is written into the bill. 🙁
What is so insane here is that in Feb 2015 All insurance companies (except of specialty tower worker?insurance) STOPPED insuring anything wireless for “injury to health”. This Exclusion was put in every School Board, City, Municipality, Company, Corporation, etc policy.
These decision makers have to be told that they hold the liability or show proof of insurance…which they can’t….
There is a group using the liability path against smart meters and I think it’s the only chance of stopping all this….make the individuals accountable….and them up.
I have absolutely nothing to do with this group, but have always felt that when wireless became too dangerous to insure, there was hope in nailing the local school board with this..
This clip from the Wireless Association in 2010 pretty much says it all
Good Luck
From Canada
The safety of the people, animals & surrounding environment should be respected and valued.