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RX for Mental Health Healing – Episode 109: Shawn Wells

Episode Overview:

Ann Louise Gittleman Interviews Shawn Wells

Master of Public Health, Registered Dietitian and Ingredientologist, Shawn Wells, has created over 700 supplements, food, beverages, cosmeceuticals and patented 20 novel ingredients. But behind this remarkable success is the story of a man who has struggled with suicidal thoughts, depression, and anxiety throughout his life. Tune in to this intimate conversation between The First Lady of Nutrition and Shawn Wells as he shares his breakthrough story of finding a rich and beautiful life out of this lifelong battle. Shawn discusses the important tools that helped him in his journey including a diet that relieved many of his health problems, biohacking, therapy, ‘psychedelic journeys,’ and supplements – just to name a few. He learned a vital lesson in how we can connect to and let go of our fear. This is a truly inspiring interview that you do not want to miss!

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