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The Primary Cause for All Degenerative Diseases of The Past Century – Episode 57: Dr. Joseph Mercola

Episode Overview:

Ann Louise Gittleman Interviews Dr. Joseph Mercola

Undoubtedly, Dr. Joseph Mercola has paved the way for revolutionary changes in the field of natural health. As a best-selling New York Times author and founder of Merola.com, Dr. Mercola (like Ann Louise) is always ahead of the curve especially when it comes to innovative health information. Join Ann Louise and Dr. Mercola as they discuss the primary underlying cause of degenerative diseases of the past century. Could it be EMFs? Nano aluminum? Glyphosates? Tune in to find out exactly what Dr. Mercola strongly believes to be the number one cause of all illness. This is sure to be an exciting episode especially since Ann Louise addressed this topic over forty years ago in her book Beyond Pritikin.

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