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The Remarkable Discovery That May End Chronic Disease – Episode 30: Dr. Barrie Tan

Episode Overview:

Ann Louise Gittleman Interviews Dr. Barrie Tan

Researcher, trailblazer and the world’s foremost expert on an underlooked and often ignored vitamin — vitamin E — Dr. Barrie Tan is credited with discovering a form of vitamin E called tocotrienol in three major sources: Palm, Rice, and Annatto, a tropical plant that grows in South America that is the richest known source of tocotrienols. More than 100 studies and clinical trials have shown the surprising benefits of tocotrienols for heart, brain, liver, lung, bone, and cellular health, all without any known side effects. Tocotrienols have been studied in human cancer clinical trials and were shown to almost DOUBLE overall life expectancy when taken with standard therapy. Join me on the cutting edge of science and learn how this discovery could lead to better health and extended longevity for us all.

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