The Most Promising Life Extension Drug You Never Heard Of – Episode 126: Ross Pelton

The Most Promising Life Extension Drug You Never Heard Of – Episode 126: Ross Pelton

The First Lady of Nutrition welcomes Ross Pelton, aka The Natural Pharmacist, to discuss Rapamycin, the most effective life extension drug that has ever been discovered. Ann Louise and Ross waste no time diving into the science behind it. In layman’s terms, Ross expounds on the relationship between mTOR and autophagy (your body’s process of reusing old and damaged cell parts) and how the topics discussed in his fascinating new book, “Rapamycin, mTOR, Autophagy & Treating mTOR Syndrome,” provide us with a totally new understanding of metabolism, health, and the aging process. As Ross explains, the ratio between mTOR and autophagy is severely out of balance in most people living today, and he has named this condition ‘mTOR Syndrome.’ Rapamycin helps correct the mTOR/autophagy ratio, which slows down the onset of virtually all age-related diseases. The goal is not just life extension, it is increased health span!

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My Take on Telomeres: The Key Biomarker of Healthy Aging

My Take on Telomeres: The Key Biomarker of Healthy Aging

The concept of Radical Longevity is all about radical cutting-edge strategies you can use to live longer and live stronger. It’s all about gearing up for a lifetime of youthfulness and vitality. I firmly believe we should be aware of the most essential tools and bio-hacks we need to live all our years so we don’t prolong the period of dying, but instead prolong the period of living.

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Hi, I’m Ann Louise Gittleman and I’m determined to help you shed the extra pounds and inches once and for all.  Find out which of my proven plans is right for you!

Top Nutritionist, Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS

About Ann Louise

For over four decades, millions of people have turned to Ann Louise and her 35+ bestselling books for sage advice, unparalleled wisdom, as well as valuable tips and strategies to transform their health.

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