It’s not your mother or grandmother’s menopause.
This Labor Day weekend I have a lot to celebrate—with you. I can’t believe I can finally say this, but the official release of the updated and expanded version of my New York Times Bestseller Before the Change is just days away! Ever since I completed work on the manuscript I’ve been anxiously awaiting when I could share it with all of you!
There are still a few more days to place your pre-orders and we are also still offering FREE bonus gifts that you’ll gain instant access to.
These special goodies include:
• Before the Change Companion Workbook
• Report: 3 Steps to Hormone Happiness
• 20% Discount on Natural Progesterone Crème
If you haven’t heard the full skinny on what’s in store within the pages, do check out the info below. You don’t have to live with hormone havoc and frustrated feelings that your body has betrayed you.
Before the Change: Taking Charge of Your Perimenopause
I have updated, revised and expanded my New York Times bestseller Before the Change: Taking Charge of Your Perimenopause. It takes a fresh approach to the perimenopausal stage of life by identifying the root cause of common discomforts like mood swings, insomnia, lack of energy and weight gain around the middle. I demonstrate how the decades old misguided no-to-low-fat dietary advice and the insidious effects from man-made chemicals in the environment are now making menopausal symptoms worse than ever.
To make matters worse, the old conventional treatments no longer work and often make perimenopause more challenging than ever before.
With my Ten Perimenopause Zappers, I explain how to harness the healing power of foods, lifestyle, essential fatty acids and herbs for smooth sailing during perimenopause. I also make a strong case for the importance of backup support for strong adrenals and the liver—the most important overlooked organ of all during this phase of life.
Although this book is focused around the perimenopausal phase of life—the period of about 10 years leading up to menopause—it is applicable to women of all stages of life, 18 to 80. Today’s environmental threats from synthetic chemicals that mimic natural hormones have created an environment where shockingly young women can begin to pre-maturely experience symptoms of the change before the change.
Inside Before the Change, readers will discover:
• A clear explanation of the symptoms of perimenopause and a self-diagnosis quiz.
• The importance of the liver and bile in supporting a healthy menopause.
• The importance of choline, inositol and methionine for the liver and quality bile in helping to contribute to a healthy perimenopause.
• How copper overload and zinc deficiency is connected to estrogen balance.
• Safe and natural alternatives to hormone therapy, including healing vitamins, minerals, herbs, and natural hormones.
• A guide to nutrition and healthy diet, with tips for foods and the ‘sexy fats’ that prevent and alleviate symptoms.
• An expanded section on the pros and cons of soy as a natural phytoestrogen.
• An expanded discussion of hypothyroidism, its connection to hormonal imbalances, and the best natural treatments.
• A full analysis of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), including advice for safely weaning yourself off of synthetic hormones, and an overview of herbal, lifestyle, and diet options and modifications available for women with estrogen dominance and estrogen related diseases who also suffer from unresolved thyroid issues and are without a gall bladder.
Timely and urgent, this essential do-it-yourself program will help everyone say goodbye to hormone havoc and welcome hormone heaven simply, safely, and naturally.
Praise for Before the Change
“Loaded with exactly the kind of information women need to support their bodies during perimenopause.”
—Christiane Northrup M.D., author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom
“The single best book you can read on cooperating with nature as your body shifts gears in preparation for the powerful menopausal years.”
—Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., author of Minding the Body, Mending the Mind and A Woman’s Book of Life
“American natural health doyenne, Ann Louise Gittleman describes the changes women experience before the change and presents a program for countering unpleasant symptoms…. Before the Change is very readable, and its helpfulness is increased by its resource lists and product recommendations.”
—Natural Health
Place your pre-orders here and redeem your bonus gifts here.
2 Responses
I’ve read this book and it has helped tremendously. My symptoms werec terrible hot flashes anxiety depression insomnia feeling like I was losing my mind . I did the Peri Zappers and ended up also having to start using progesterone however since I’ve started using the progesterone I’ve gained 10 pounds in a few weeks. The progesterone is giving me my life back however I can’t continue to gain weight like this. Is this normal or am I just not a candidate for the progesterone
Julie, taking progesterone usually helps with weight loss. Perhaps the amount of progesterone needs to be adjusted. I’d suggest doing a Salivary Hormone Test to find out what your hormone levels are now. The results come with a letter of recommendations from Ann Louise so that you can make positive changes.