#1 New York Times bestselling author of Wheat Belly and Super Gut
“Before there was low-carb, paleo, keto and all the other diet fads out there, there was the wisdom of Ann Louise Gitttleman, truly “The First Lady of Nutrition.” Her 40 years of writing, speaking, lobbying, all on behalf of educating the nation on nutrition, makes Ann Louise Gittleman a genuine national health resource.”
Father of Biohacking and 4X New York Times bestselling author
“Ann Louise Gittleman proves that you can master your own aging. It is not inevitable. You can become a source of strength at any age”
New York Times bestselling author, Dr. Kellyann’s Cleanse and Reset
“Rather than accepting conventional wisdom, Ann Louise is always light-years ahead of it. Every time I read her books or attend her talks, I discover something new— whether it’s state-of-the-art strategies for dealing with menopause, powerful detox techniques, or the hidden effects of parasites on our health. She never stops researching, never stops learning, and never stops advancing our field. I am continually awed by the depth and scope of her knowledge.”
#1 New York Times bestselling author of Cleanse to Heal
“Ann Louise Gittleman is a dynamic pioneer and leading authority in nutrition, health, and wellness. She is a beacon of light and inspiration for millions of people who seek advanced healing information that genuinely transforms their lives.”
NY Times bestselling author of Goddesses Never Age, Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause.
“ Most people have been brought up believing that old age and decline are inevitable. And that becomes their experience. But there is another way. A far more pleasurable way to grow older while maintaining strength, vitality, and joy. That is the message of Radical Longevity— a book whose time has truly come.”
President of Children's Health Defense
“Ann Louise Gittleman gives us a blueprint for escaping the shackles of the pharmaceutical paradigm and to arm our immune system. Read Ann Louise’s book and reclaim your body! It’s time to fight back.”
Functional Pharmacist and #1 New York
Times bestselling author of Hashimoto’s Protocol and Hashimoto’s the Root Cause
“Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS is a visionary and pioneer in the world of natural healing. Her bestselling books have revolutionized natural medicine and Ann Louise continues to innovate.”
13X New York Times bestselling author
“I deeply respect and honor the work of Ann Louise Gittleman, whom I consider as a teacher, as well as what she has done to bring intelligence to the world of nutrition.”
Nutritionist and Author of Whole Detox
“Ann Louise is ahead of the nutrition curve. She’s always been cutting edge in her approach, having been part of the lineage of nutritional mentors and pioneers who ultimately led the charge forward to the rise in the current 21st Century health and wellness interests.”
4X New York Times bestselling author
“From Fat Flush to detox, Ann Louise Gittleman is a trailblazer whose impeccable, groundbreaking research and knowledge paved the path for nutritionists today. As she has for the past few decades, Gittleman continues to inspire, motivate, and challenge me today.”
Founder of Ben Greenfield Fitness & Kion
“I have known Ann Louise for several years now and am constantly blown away by her depth of knowledge and her unique yet natural approach to tackling true health from an extremely unique yet scientifically informed perspective. You will highly benefit from her wisdom, I guarantee”
Founder of GreenSmoothieGirl.com
“I am a great fan of Ann Louise’s body of work! I am particularly happy that she has tackled the timely topic of longevity and how our bodies are being sabotaged by our toxic environment and how to easily and safely address this through simple lifestyle changes.”
“I admire Ann Louise Gittleman so much. She has touched on every major health issue of our time to help guide people in the right direction towards the underlying root causes of their health issues. She is a clear and responsible voice in a time when people more than ever need proper self-guidance, self-reliance and education about their health. I learn so much every time I speak to her – I trust and follow her every word!”
Bestselling Author of No Grain No Pain
“Ann Louise Gittleman is always light years ahead of others in her field. She is one of my all-time favorite health influencers!”
Founder of the Hoffman Center, host of The Intelligent Medicine Podcast
“Ann Louise Gittleman has been a leading innovator in the field of integrative medicine for decades. Her books bring cutting-edge research to health consumers in an easy-to-understand form. She was one of the first to warn of the dangers of our infatuation with low-carb diets, and now science has validated her message.”
Editor in Chief of Woman's World and First for Women magazines
“When it comes to wellness through nutrition, Ann Louise Gittleman not only pioneered the field, she continues to be ahead of her time and on top of the game. At First for Women, we rely on Gittleman to alert us to the newest scientific studies with the most urgent relevance for our readers—and she always delivers.”
Founder of the internationally acclaimed Whitaker Wellness Institute
“Ann Louise Gittleman has done us all a service by showing how the essential fats can and should be used in an overall program for living longer, losing weight, and reaching optimal health.”
author of Staying Healthy with New Medicine
“Ann Louise Gittleman is to be commended for getting the detox message out to mainstream Americans. I couldn’t agree more with her message and her methods.”
internationally acclaimed author of From Fatigued to Fantastic
“A powerful ‘Force of Nature’ in the healing community, Ann Louise is used to being on the cutting edge. Want to see what the experts will be saying in 25 years? Simply see what she is saying NOW!”
International best-selling author of The Body Ecology Diet
“Ann Louise has always been one of my favorite go-to nutritionists. Her Fat Flush Plan and other programs, supplements, and test kits have paved the way for a whole new generation of health and environmentally like-minded advocates and activists. She is STILL a superstar in our changing world and we are all very grateful for her tireless efforts to bring the most cutting-edge wisdom to a world that desperately needs it.”
Integrative Cardiologist and Co-Author of The Great Cholesterol Myth, Revised and Expanded
“Ann Louise Gittleman has demonstrated extraordinary leadership when it comes to
reporting on the fundamental causes of illness and disease. Whether it’s parasites in Guess What Came to Dinner? or environmental toxins in The Fat Flush Plan or toxic EMF or RF in Zapped, she reaches the hearts of the public by not only demonstrating what causes illness but she also offers solutions on how to fix them! I’m proud to be one of her colleagues.”
New York Times bestselling author of The Hamptons Diet
“I recall interviewing her on the radio when I was just starting out in the field of nutritional medicine… I was terrified because she was so much more knowledgeable than I… So I read all her books and became even more impressed. She was one of the greats even back then. She continues to learn, explore, and, best of all, get the message out to millions of adoring fans.”
Medical Director, Tahoma Clinic, Tukwila, Washington
“I have been privileged to know Ann Louise Gittleman for a number of decades and respect her dedication to assisting others achieve vibrant health with nutrition and natural therapies. She is truly at the top of her field, deserving designation as ‘The First Lady of Nutrition.”
Co-Author of The Great Cholesterol Myth, Revised and Expanded
“Ann Louise Gittleman is the real deal. With her wealth of clinical experience and encyclopedic knowledge of nutrition and health she has been one of the great influences on my professional life and one of the first people I turn to when I want a ‘second opinion.”
Author of 8 Weeks to Vibrant Health
“A long-time guiding light in the world of nutritional medicine, Ann Louise continues to be The First Lady of Nutrition and someone I can always count on for the best information for my patients, my readers, and me. Not only is she knowledgeable and a pioneer in the field, but she is a truly caring person who is dedicated to changing the world, one body at a time. I’m proud to call her my friend.”
Founder of www.mercola.com, The #1 Natural Health Website
“If you are embarking on the journey to improve you healthy through changing your diet, you will need a practical roadmap to make sure you reach your destination. The Fat Flush Plan will provide you with a detailed step-by-step, day-to-day and week-to-week plan and recipes to help your reach your weight loss goals.”
New York Times bestselling author of The Zone
“Ann Louise’s Fat Flush Plan is dietary common sense for all the right reasons—it’s balanced, it’s a program you can safely stay on for life, and it works.”
Founder of the Kellman Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine and author of The Microbiome Diet
“I always admired her passion for healing for all, her desire to look deeper, and her
healing wisdom.”
CEO of Wide Angle Health
“Ann Louise Gittleman is an accomplished nutritionist, natural health educators and author with more insight into today’s most prevalent health conditions than the typical MD. We need to be encouraging the leading voices in health, like Ann Louise Gittleman, who are the Paul Reveres of this generation…”
Radio host and health and fitness educator
“Over the years, Ann Louise has always been at the forefront when it comes to nutrition for optimal health and weight loss. As a guest on my radio show, she frequently and generously shared her knowledge and cutting-edge advice with my listeners, answering their questions and discussing all aspects of healthy eating for both general health and healthy weight loss. I incorporated her Fat Flush Plan into my popular Fit Camps with successful results and was honored to coauthor The Fat Flush Fitness Plan. In a world where advice can be so questionable, Ann Louise continues to offer sound advice.”
author of Harmonic Healing
“I have known Ann Louise for nearly 40 years, and I especially commend her for ‘keeping the light burning,’ with integrity, devotion, truth and a knowledge that surpasses most people’s understanding of nutrition from the traditional side as well as the esoteric energetic side. Her work in nutrition has been eye opening to many, as she led the way as the “Queen” of Nutrition! Our teacher, the great healer, Dr Hazel Parcells often spoke of Ann Louise as a Leader in the field of nutrition. I am honored to know her not only as a colleague, but a dear friend.”
Owner of rachelfeldman.com, health coach and business coach
“Ann Louise is one of the most intelligent, state-of-the-art nutritionists who is always sharing top-notch and innovative research in her books, with her supplements, and in everything she does. She is driven to share with the world the truth behind nutrition. Her programs and her books withstand the test of time and she will continue to be a leader in the industry. She is a rare gem and we should consider ourselves blessed to have her commitment to cutting-edge strategies for health and wellness.”
Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner
“Ann Louise Gittleman is a wonderful woman, not only for her kind hearted spirit, but her dedication to getting to the root causes of health issues for decades. She was practicing and preaching “functional medicine” before it was even a term!”
The Juice Lady
“I have always wanted to meet the woman who has also written over 35 books and has been such an icon for so many decades. I am honored that we have become friends as well as treasured colleagues.”
Host of the popular TV show, KNOW THE CAUSE
“I have known and admired Ann Louise for decades. Her books, like Radical Longevity, enable readers to learn cutting-edge information before science announces THEIR “breakthroughs!”
Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS is a leading nutritional pioneer on detox, weight loss and wellness. She is the NY Times Bestselling author of over 35 books on health and healing.
Medical Disclaimer: This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Ann Louise Gittleman nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.
The ONLY source for Ann Louise’s recommended and custom-formulated supplements, books and testing kits for more than 30 years.