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Find Your Holiday Zen

Find Your Holiday Zen

Self-Care Strategies to Stay Sane This Season

Despite our best intentions, the holidays often leave us exhausted, frazzled, and in a loop of over-indulgence. So this year, I have some self-care strategies in place that I want to share with you to circumvent the usual cycle. Here are the commitments I’m making to myself:

  1. I’m re-committing to exercise. I’m going to make sure I keep a daily exercise routine during these hectic and stressful times. I feel it’s important to reduce levels of stress and cortisol by working out daily, even if it’s a brisk walk in the neighborhood or jumping on a treadmill or recumbent bike for 10 or 15 minutes.
  2. I’m canceling guilt. With Y-C Cleanse by my side, I know my food cravings will be kept at bay. And, having a glass of wine or a little sugar here and there isn’t going to do any real harm. Remember, it’s not what you do every once in a while that is the issue – it’s what you do everyday that makes a difference. I think it’s important that if you want to indulge just a little bit, that you should experience it with pleasure and be free of guilt and resistance so that you can really enjoy it as a special treat.
  3. I’m making a priority for self care. In addition to the rituals I’ll share below, I also set up a self-care corner in my home and stack it with my best journals and candles and inspirational books. The latest one I’m reading is “What Would Buddha Say?”. I have designated this area as a sanctuary where I go for peace, quiet, and enjoyment, and it’s free from electronics and digital disturbances.
  4. I’m keeping my system balanced so I can better handle stress. In the morning, before I get up, I practice a vagus nerve exercise which puts me into a parasympathetic mode because I am internally sympathetic which is a stress mode. Lie down and move your eyes to the right for 30 seconds and then move to the left for 30 seconds without moving your neck. This adjusts the vagus nerve and sets me up to a much more calming, receptive mode.

Daily Self-Care Rituals for the Holiday Season

I encourage you to take a few moments to make your own commitments – find ways to be kind to yourself and support your body, mind and spirit during this bustling (and inevitably stressful) holiday season. The following daily rituals are things I live by this time of year and will make a great addition to your own self-care plan:

  • Take a 20 minute evening stroll that will not only soothe your soul but will awaken your senses to the sights and sounds that surround you.
  • Get more restful sleep by taking Mag-Key at bedtime. I recommend taking 2 to 4 capsules. Magnesium can do wonders to keep you in “zen mode” and calm your mind so you are able to get a good night’s rest and restore your energy for another busy day ahead.
  • Drink a glass of FIJI water every 3 hours. Fiji water is an excellent source of silica, as well as other critical minerals. Why do you need silica? Silica provides strength and flexibility to the connective tissues of your body—cartilage, tendons, skin, bone, teeth, hair, and blood vessels. Silica is essential in the formation of collagen, the most abundant protein found in your body. And, collagen is going to be trending in a big way in 2022.
  • Drinking a Whey Protein smoothie daily can help you stay on top of protein needs and keep cravings at bay. I find that it really helps keep my blood sugar levels steady. And, the amino acids in Whey Protein include glutamine, glycine, methionine, and taurine—all amino acids that support healthy detox. With all the holiday parties and get-togethers, it’s easy to over-imbibe a bit, so showing your liver a little extra love goes a long way this time of year!

I hope you’ll join me and give yourself the greatest gift of all this year – a gift of peace, joy and acceptance. Wishing you all healthy modifications to your holiday rituals that allow you to be festive, calm, happy, and open-hearted. To life!

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