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Before the Change: Taking Charge of Your Perimenopause
The New York Times bestseller Before the Change, the popular alternative guide for taking charge of your perimenopause, is now available in a revised and updated edition. Filled with new research, including the latest information on Hormone Replacement Therapy, mood swings, weight gain, and nutrition for women thirty-five and older, Before the Change offers a gentle, proven program for your body’s changes and controlling your perimenopausal symptoms.
Inside you’ll find:
- A clear explanation of perimenopause symptoms and a self-diagnosis quiz
- Safe and natural alternatives to hormone therapy, including healing vitamins, minerals, herbs, and natural hormones
- A guide to nutrition and healthy diet, with foods that prevent and alleviate symptoms
In addition, this revised and updated edition includes:
- An expanded section on the pros and cons of soy as a natural phytoestrogen
- An expanded discussion of hypothyroidism, its connection to hormonal imbalances, and the best natural treatments
- A full analysis of HRT, including safe weaning advice for synthetic hormones, and an overview of herbal, lifestyle, and diet modifications for women who’ve had a hysterectomy, have risk factors or history of breast cancer, osteoporosis, or heart disease
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“The single best book you can read on cooperating with nature as your body shifts gears in preparation for the powerful menopausal years.”
“American natural health doyenne, Ann Louise Gittleman describes the changes women experience before the change and presents a program for countering unpleasant symptoms…”
“Loaded with exactly the kind of information women need to support their bodies during perimenopause.”