Health Topic

Minimize Menopause

The Hidden Hormone Hazard

The Hidden Hormone Hazard

Unraveling the Mystery of Hormone Imposters Many years ago I read a book called Our Stolen Future which sounded the...

Reversing Perimenopause Misery

Reversing Perimenopause Misery

The Natural Hormone Solution One little comment can really make your day! And that was certainly the case this...

Hormone Problems Solved

Note: We've had overwhelming requests to update and reprint this blog originally from March 2012. So here it is!...

The Great Masquerader

The Great Masquerader

The many faces of B complex deficiency. In today’s crazy world, the B complex family of vitamins has all but been...

Get Hair, Where You Want It

Women want a shiny head of hair, not whiskers! Facial hair can be the bane of women as they grow older—right around...

Get on the Flax Track!

The benefits of flax are popping up all over. A new review in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition just reported...

The Thyroid & Menopause

This week I reviewed several new health books that will be making their debut later this year. The one that stood out...

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