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Live to 120

Dr. Hazel ParcellsThe longevity secrets to extend your youth span.

My mentor, Dr. Hazel Parcells, lived till 106. As the grande dame of alternative medicine, she was wise, well spoken, and decades ahead of her time. Her life experience didn’t come easy. She earned every single year of her long life after a diagnosis of incurable tuberculosis complicated with heart and kidney issues. Dr. Parcells was forced to change the way she ate, lived, and thought. As Dr. Parcells would say, “Don’t say die; say damn, and keep going. Dying is easy, but it’s living that’s difficult.”

The good doctor’s wellness wisdom is reflected in many of my books. As one of her prized students, I studied with her for nearly twenty years. She shared with me many of her keys to health and healing like the principles of kitchen chemistry, the importance of essential fats in all aspects of health, the ability to measure the electromagnetic properties of food, and the necessity of therapeutic baths.

To this day, my kitchen proudly displays a Thea Lite to neutralize metallics, pollutants, and additives in food. This special light utilizes magnetic fields and light energy to purify various food items like cream, butter, cheese, nuts, seeds, grains, and beans. I recently discovered that the website elixa.com sells these special lamps.

Dr. Parcells was once interviewed by Alternative Medicine Digest many years ago and shared her Top 12 Long Life Keys. Here they are for your consideration:

1. Don’t believe the doctors if they say your condition is untreatable.
2. Master your kitchen chemistry.
3. Understand that energy is the master key to health.
4. Preserve the life energy in foods through correct preparation and cooking.
5. Match the energy of foods to your body’s specific energy and needs.
6. Master the kitchen science of correct food combining to optimize digestion and absorption of nutrients.
7. Restore your body’s acid alkaline balance.
8. Neutralize and eliminate harmful pollutants from your food, air, and water through cleansing them.
9. Add more energy to your body and foods using color and magnetic fields.
10. Detoxify your body and cleanse your colon of possible parasites.
11. Support your endocrine glands with supplements.
12. Know and manage your body’s energy fields.

Dr. Parcells’ influence lives on in my newest release. My emphasis on the forgotten importance of the lymphatic system and golden rules of food combining are based upon what I first learned from her teachings so many years ago. As we all do our best to stay young and healthy in the new year, I am again reminded of Dr. Parcells’ sage advice, “Trade your wishbone for a tailbone and get to work!”

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