How to beat adrenal burnout and recharge your batteries for the New Year.
So, you’re a night owl and can’t get up in the morning? And, I bet you’re eating that whole bag of chips just because you can’t seem to get enough salt. You still aren’t losing that tummy fat, no matter how much you exercise or diet, and I imagine you are probably addicted to excessive exercise. You most likely have low blood pressure and frequently get light-headed when you stand up quickly. You’re also really dragging in the afternoon between 3 and 4 PM, so that’s when your diet goes south.
If any of the above describes you, you are certainly not alone. There are literally hundreds of thousands of us that are part of the adrenal burnout generation!
Small glands about three to four inches wide, the adrenals sit on top of the kidneys—and you may feel a little pressure there if you’re under a lot of stress. These glands are essential for life, secreting hormones like cortisol and DHEA that regulate numerous bodily functions, regulate the body’s minerals (especially sodium and potassium) and work with the thyroid to produce and maintain energy levels.
How Stress Affects Your Body
The mechanism behind the stress response all began with the research of Endocrinologist Hans Selye—the father of stress management. In 1936 he wrote about a stress condition called general adaption syndrome (GAS) after conducting a laboratory experiment with rats. He developed a theory that virtually any toxic substance, physical injury, and environmental stress could cause symptoms like stimulation of the outer tissue of the adrenal glands, deterioration of the thymus gland, ulcers, and even death—and was able to extend this theory to humans.
Selye identified three basic stages the adrenal glands go through during times of stress and how each affects the state of your health.
1. The Alarm Reaction is the body’s preparation for stress: the adrenal glands begin to hyperfunction, producing extra amounts of hormones to respond to the stress alarm.
2. The Resistance Stage occurs when stress continues over a long period of time.
3. The Exhaustion Stage happens when the body’s reserves of both energy and nutrients are exhausted. This third stage is often experienced as chronic fatigue—one of the most common complaints in our country today.
Stress comes in many different forms these days. Emotional stress (worry, fear, anxiety) as well as physical stress, including injury, overwork, and lack of sleep majorly affect the adrenals. Lack of or too much exercise and the use of stimulants like coffee, sugar, and recreational drugs to spike tired glands all contribute to wornout adrenals.
Stress, of course, is making us fat thanks to cortisol, one of the main adrenal hormones secreted by the adrenals. Cortisol activates enzymes to store fat, often in the deep abdominal fat cells, which have four times more cortisol receptors than fat cells found just below the skin.
Stress Less to Lower Fat
Stress hormones can cause a vicious cycle with metabolism and sleep. Cortisol makes it hard to sleep—and insufficient sleep releases more cortisol and decreases your body’s ability to burn fat effectively. A landmark study in JAMA shows people getting approximately eight hours of sleep a night secrete half as much cortisol as those who sleep only six and a half hours a night.
Excessive levels of copper, nutritional deficiencies, and environmental toxins are also linked to adrenal burnout. “Cell phones, microwave towers, and appliances like televisions, microwave ovens, and computers” are other causes, according to Dr. Lawrence Wilson, an integrative physician in Arizona.
The Technology Connection
Kudos to Dr. Wilson.
I also believe that constant stress from the electropollution that we’re all bathed in today may explain why adrenal burnout is more the norm than the exception.
In fact, my newest book Zapped explains how electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from antennae, cell and cordless phones, faulty wiring, microwaves, PDAs, and WiFi all affect the body in countless ways. Although you won’t see, hear or smell the impact of stress from invisible electropollution, studies now show how it raises heart rate, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels because EMFs elevate stress or heat shock hormones.
Vitamin “G” Lowers Cortisol Too
2004 research in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine clearly demonstrated that a novel grounding technique, called Earthing or “Vitamin G,” lowers cortisol in most study volunteers.
Earthing is so important to anyone who owns a cell or cordless phone, microwave, satellite TV, or other electronic gadget that I include this grounding method in Zapped. And you’ll find the Earthing products I’ve personally used and recommend at
Get Some Stem Cell-Like Support for Those Adrenals
My clients find that Adrenal Formula is an effective way to balance cortisol and help the thyroid maintain sufficient energy levels. The ultimate energy booster, this unique supplement was based on a formula I took for many years. When the company went out of business, I asked UNI KEY to reproduce it—I didn’t want to be without it, myself!
Adrenal Formula contains the highest-grade raw bovine whole adrenal gland and raw bovine adrenal cortex from New Zealand, as well as tissue glandulars from the liver and spleen, plus vital nutrients including antioxidant vitamins A and C, vitamin B6 and pantothenic acid, zinc (to balance copper overload), and thyrosine (an energy-producing amino acid that supports the thyroid).
Here’s what people who take the formula are saying:
• “Before taking Adrenal Formula I was tired all the time. I used to have to take a nap and eat lots of sweets—for the sugar—trying to get some energy. It was all I could do to keep the house clean. . . . Within a couple of weeks after taking Adrenal Formula, I felt better. Within a couple months, I felt like I was 20 years old again. I am 37.” —A. M. in NC
• “I sleep better, and in the morning I wake up better. . . . I am also able to continue my day without a drop in energy level. My immunity seems to have improved as well since I started taking this product.” —D. B. in WA
• “I got to a stage where it was hard to lose weight and I even started gaining weight. Now that I am taking Adrenal Formula, it is easy to lose weight. Not only have that, but my immunity is better too.” —K. B. in CA
• “I have been under major stress for years and there is a history of thyroid problems in my family. So, about a month ago I started taking Adrenal Formula and I definitely feel the difference. I have energy to make it through the day, plus I’ve lost a few pounds. I finally starting to feel like my old self and I love it!” —A. W. from Facebook
Adults can take one to two (1-2) caplets of Adrenal Formula daily, preferably at adrenal “times”—7 am, 11 am, and 3 pm. I recommend starting with one (1) caplet at these times and gradually increasing to two (2) caplets per time.
I can’t think of a better way of starting 2011!