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5 Delicious Ways to Beat the Heat (and Slim Down) This Summer

Summertime is a time of fun in the sun with friends, family – and food. But with all the summer indulgences, it’s important to take time to cool down and give your gut a much-needed dose of TLC. Here are my top 5 foods and drinks to keep cool, slim and healthy – amid the heat of summer:

#1: Organic Black Rice

Organic black rice is high in flavonoids that fight off free radicals at a cellular level. They help with antioxidant retention while protecting against stressors and toxins1. Organic black rice is also high in polyphenols that are packed with antioxidants and can help achieve a “skinny gut.”

This rice is low on the glycemic index, meaning that it is full of good carbohydrates that fuel the body instead of bogging it down.  Enjoy ½ cup cooked rice with your meal.

#2: Pineapple

Pineapple is always a summertime favorite, and also has many health benefits along with being a tasty snack. Pineapple contains high amounts of bromelain, an enzyme that is great for aiding digestion. This makes it the perfect addition to any summer spread. I love ½ cup of pineapple, topped with some whipped coconut cream.

#3: Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus is not only responsible for giving this favorite tea a rich red color, but with high levels of heart-protecting compounds, it works to protect the heart during summertime heat as you sip! It can aid clogged arteries, ease hypertension and drinking four cups daily can even lower high blood pressure. Hibiscus tea is my summertime herbal tea of choice.  You can enjoy 2-4 cups daily — try it iced as a tasty way to cool down (and be sure it’s organic)!

#4: Cucumber

You’ve likely heard the phrase, “cool as a cucumber”. The saying comes from the simple fact that cucumber is naturally cooling and high in silica. Silica, a compound that is also good for hair and nail growth and strength, promotes collagen production that is great for the skin. Silica is not easily found in most other fruits or vegetables and is known to counteract aluminum in the body. Traces of the mineral silicon are also responsible for building healthy bones and blood vessels2. Put two ounces in your favorite juice mix or enjoy cucumber sliced and diced and marinated in a little apple cider vinegar and dill for a simple summer side.

#5: Refreshing Summer Sips

Hydration is incredibly important during the heat of summer months. Try these refreshing additions to purified water as alternatives to sugary drinks to keep you cool!

One ounce of cranberry juice diluted in about seven ounces of purified water is the boost your body has been waiting for. Cranberry juice is great for aiding pH balance, combats cellulite, assists blood cells, and supports the liver. What’s not to love?!

  • Tart cherry juice resolves inflammation that causes arthritis and gout. It also contains phenolic compounds that prevent bone deterioration like bone spurs and calcification.
  • Mint is a great digestive aid as well as a natural anti- parasitic. Toss a few leaves into your drink or blend into your smoothie (it’s absolutely perfect with frozen blueberries)!

Adding these ingredients will have your body, and your tastebuds thanking you!

My "Must Have" Supplements for the Dogs Days of Summer

In the summertime, I use 2-3 scoops of Flora-Key daily. Flora-Key is a powerful prebiotic and probiotic that nourishes the good bacteria in your gut and promotes its generation. It also helps flush excess yeast from the body caused by a surplus of fruit consumption, dining out, and most fermented alcoholic beverages, especially wine and beer. Y-C Cleanse is another valuable addition to my daily summer supplement regimen. It helps get yeast and Candida overgrowth back under control, which in turn, keeps sugar cravings at bay, so you don’t have to! Last but not least, Verma- Plus rids the body of parasites, gotten from unwashed produce, travel, and even pets, using natural time-tested herbal ingredients. It also has liver boosting properties, and I truly never travel without it!

Flora-Key Probiotic - Uni Key® Health
Y-C Cleanse - uni key Health
Y-C Cleanse
Verma-Plus - UniKey Health


1 Everything You Need to Know About Flavonoids. (2019, October 23). Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health/what-are-flavonoids-everything-you-need-to-know

 2   Tripathi, D., Dwivedi, M. M., Tripathi, D. K., & Chauhan, D. K. (2017). Silicon bioavailability in exocarp of Cucumis sativus Linn. 3 Biotech, 7(6). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13205-017-0960-x

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