If you bloat up after eating, your energy levels are low, you struggle with sugar cravings, and have extra pounds that just won’t budge – despite your best efforts to diet – it’s time to take a look at your liver.
The health of your whole body is tied to the health of your liver. If your liver is sluggish and your bile is congested, every organ in your body will be affected and your health and weight loss efforts will be thwarted from all sides.
As your body’s primary detoxification organ, your liver is being bombarded with toxins and chemicals both from within your cells and from your outside environment. Medications, heavy metals and chemicals in air, water and food, cosmetics, and personal care products; refined sugars and grains in your diet; unhealthy fats, like processed vegetable oils along with too little fiber; too much alcohol or caffeine; lack of exercise; and even emotional stress all take a toll on your liver.
All of these toxins and a lack of essential nutrients can lead to a tired, overworked liver. Fat begins to accumulate, your bile becomes congested, waste products build up and get in your bloodstream, and weight gain and a number of health concerns develop.
Signs of a toxic liver include:
- Weight gain
- Fatigue/low energy
- Headaches
- Digestive problems
- Bloating and cellulite
- Depression and mood swings
- High blood pressure and cholesterol
When it comes to reversing a toxic metabolism and losing stubborn body fat, nothing is more important than cleansing your liver and optimizing your bile flow and function. In fact, Harvard University research shows that when women improve their bile health, their overall metabolism increases by a whopping 53%!
In this blog, learn more about how to cleanse your liver with the most effective detox modalities. I’ll also dive into the concept of bile and what an essential piece of the puzzle it is for detox, weight loss, and overall liver health.
If you find yourself feeling tired and foggy lately, your liver may be to blame.
As many as 80% of women have fat buildup in this all-important organ, which causes a pileup of toxins that leave us feeling fatigued. To the rescue: bitter foods!
They help restore liver function by boosting the production of compounds that help flush fat from the liver. To get the benefits, aim to enjoy at least 2 cups of bitter greens, like arugula, mustard and dandelion greens, chard or watercress, each day.
Your Secret Fat Burning Organ
In this short video clip, learn why your liver is the #1 hidden weight gain factor and what you can do about…
The Ultimate Liver Detox Combo
We take special care with our skin, our heart, our brain— but what about the organ that plays a part in over 400 of your body’s functions? The liver is an unsung hero of the body and certainly deserves a little lovin’. The combination of Liver-Lovin Formula and Bile Builder can make a big difference for this incredible multi-tasking organ:
1. Show Your Liver Some Love
I formulated Liver-Lovin Formula with a gentle and powerful trio of nutrients to give your liver the cleansing boost it deserves:
- Artichoke Leaf – to help move toxins through the liver’s detox pathways and boost bile production.*
- Chlorophyll – to oxygenate and energize the system; rich in purifying magnesium to further enhance elimination.*
- Taurine – to boost the liver’s production of bile to assist natural liver detox and aid in fat digestion and absorption.*
2. Build Better Bile
If you have a persistent roll of fat at your waistline, your liver may have stopped processing fat—due to a bile shortage—and begun storing it. To produce the best bile, you need six specific nutrients. These are choline, taurine, beet root, pancreatic lipase, ox bile, and collinsonia root, which are all found in Bile Builder!
An international bestseller, The Fat Flush Plan was the first diet book in the nation to target the liver as a major fat burning organ.
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How to make smoothies to clean my Fatty liver?