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What’s Next After COVID-19?Understanding Bird Flu and How to Protect Yourself

It seems that almost annually, a new disease outbreak occurs. In 2001, Anthrax made headlines, then it was the West Nile virus, followed by SARS in 2003. Since then, there have been H1N1 influenza, Ebola, Zika viruses, and Monkey Pox outbreaks. And who can forget the COVID-19 global pandemic beginning in 2020 that changed our lives in so many ways?
Just when it seems that the COVID-19 is in the rearview window and we can let our guard down, news emerges that there is another threat on the horizon: Avian Influenza a/k/a Bird Flu. Should we be concerned? Here is what we know to date.

What Is Bird Flu?

Avian influenza is the result of viral infections that mainly affect birds but can spread to humans and other species. H5N1 and H7N9 strains are among the most worrisome for humans. The latest update by the CDC reports H5N1 bird flu is widespread in wild birds worldwide and is causing outbreaks in poultry and U.S. dairy cows. As of this writing, only four human cases in U.S. dairy workers have been confirmed. The four people who contracted the virus live in these three separate states: Texas, Michigan, and Colorado (source: USA Today).
Should we be concerned? Though we can’t predict what lies ahead in terms of this latest threat or any other, it makes sense to take stock of everything we know and consider how best we can protect ourselves and our families against any possible viral infection that comes our way – including the common cold that typically makes it rounds in the Fall and Winter.
Enough of the bad news. Here is some GOOD news on simple ways to safeguard yourselves and your family – starting today!

Begin NOW to Boost Your Immune System

Fortunately, all viruses share the same fundamental weaknesses, and there’s much we can do to safely, easily, and naturally exploit these weaknesses to boost our immune system and protect ourselves from getting sick.
The first thing you need to know about fighting off viruses is that the earlier you start, the better your interventions work. Don’t wait until you have a fever and cough. Pay attention to local media and area schools with what they announce is going around, and boost your immune system ahead of time.
As viruses don’t adhere to your cells like bacteria do, antibiotics won’t do the trick in eliminating them. Bacteria stay outside your cells while viruses seek shelter within them as protection. This makes it difficult to develop medications that stop viruses without injuring our own cells. That’s why we look to natural alternatives that help boost our immune systems so they fight off foreign invaders more quickly, and also help to strengthen cell membranes so the viruses can’t get in to begin with.
Supplements like UNI KEY’s Immune Formula provide a vital support against these viral threats. Packed with powerful immunity-enhancing ingredients such as vitamin C and the immuno-hero mineral, zinc, Immune Formula fortifies your body’s natural defenses against illness. Its strategically-selected ingredients include:
  • Highly absorbable forms of vitamins A, C and zinc for enhanced immune support;
  • Quercetin as an antioxidant supporting healthy inflammation response as well as supporting assimilation of zinc into cells;
  • Taurine, an amino acid that protects the immune system against inflammation;
  • Astragalus, an ancient medicinal plant used by traditional healers for centuries to enhance immune health;
  • Raw Thymus and Spleen Glandulars to aid the health and functionality of these two key immune system organs (these are game-changers!)

No other daily immune support supplement on the market today contains this innovative combination of organ glandulars, nutrients, plant extracts, minerals, and vitamins.

What’s the ideal dose? My clients who remain viral free take 6-8 daily.

Simple Ways to Boost Your Immunity

In addition to the targeted bold immune support that UNI KEY’s Immune Formula provides, lifestyle modifications can also play a pivotal role in strengthening immunity. Eating a healthy diet (and avoiding highly processed foods), getting regular exercise, adequate sleep, and managing stress all play an integral part of keeping the body’s immune system strong.
P.S. Don’t wait until the shelves are cleared of immune enhancing nutritional supplements and supplies dry up. Stock up and shore up your immunity and that of your family today.

P.P.S. Share this article with friends so that none of us will be caught off-guard again!

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