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When Parasites Party: Moon Cycles and Parasite Cleansing 101

What do you do when parasites have a party in your body? How do you kick them out? If you saw my recent article, “How My Assistant Lost 95 Pounds with a Parasite Cleanse,” then you know how powerful a parasite cleanse can be!

Energy Vampires

An unfortunate 60 million Americans harbor intestinal parasites, according to the CDC. I call parasites ‘energy vampires’ because they rob the body of energizing nutrients such as iron and B-12, and produce an astonishing amount of toxins that impair metabolism. Parasites are easily spread via contaminated food, water, and contact with infected pets. Doctors often miss this cause when patients complain of  fatigue, brain fog, GI distress, and other unexplainable symptoms. The sad result? Too many men and women suffer for years without relief.

Women over 50 are most at risk of harboring intestinal parasites since the production of stomach acid that helps kill the invaders drops rapidly with age.

My friend and colleague Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, says that “In the U.S., we like to make believe that parasites are rare, but they are not. The problem is that most labs simply miss parasites when doing tests.”

Moon Cycles and Parasite Cleansing

Parasites get rowdy and are more active during full moon periods, making them easier to target and expel from the body. By aligning your parasite cleanse with these natural lunar cycles, you can increase the effectiveness of herbal products that eliminate parasites more efficiently.

You can begin a cleanse at any time, but for ongoing maintenance after your initial treatment, it’s recommended to follow a five-day regimen each month, timed around the full moon. You can check the moon’s schedule here.

Be A Parasite Party Pooper

For a successful parasite cleanse, you must kill off all three generations of adults, infants and egg parasites.

The absolute gold standard cleanse to target hidden invaders is UNI KEY’s 30-Day Parasite Cleanse. The addition of probiotics promotes a balanced microbiome inhospitable to all types of uninvited guests.

The 30-Day Parasite Cleanse includes:

Parasite Cleansing Kit - Nutritionist Approved Dietary Supplements - UNI KEY Health

Para-Key – Time-tested herbal ingredients to help cleanse the intestines naturally

Verma-Plus – Herbal intestinal parasite cleanse with traditional ingredients used for centuries

Flora-Key – Probiotic formula with 5 strains of beneficial bacteria

I recommend using the kit for 30 days. If gas or bloating persists after the initial thirty days, you may consider another 30-day course.

For optimal parasite cleanse results, it is key to rob the energy vampires of what they crave. Sugar and processed food are among their preferred food and are commonly associated with parasite infestation. Keeping hydrated also contributes significantly to successful results.

Get Serious About Kicking Out the Uninvited Guests

The wealth of information found in this 10-page digital download that I wrote includes a parasite quiz to assess your personal risk, specific cleansing instructions, detailed dietary recommendations, parasite prevention tips, and more. Find it HERE: Natural Healing for Parasites eBook

Or check out my best selling book, Guess What Came to Dinner?

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