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Fluoride In My Water Can Make Me Gain Weight?

I’ve been drinking more water to lose weight, but I’ve gained 9 pounds! What gives?

I suspect you live in one of the 60 percent of U.S households that has a fluoridated water supply. (To check, log on to apps.nccd.cdc.gov/mwf) Why is this a concern: The thyroid gland needs iodine to produce the metabolism-revving hormone thyroxine. But fluoride blocks iodine receptors in the thyroid gland, which hinders the production of thyroxine. In addition, the thyroid uses fluoride to produce an imposter hormone that can trigger weight gain, fatigue, depression and hair loss. Even more troubling: This imposter hormone is measured as thyroxine in blood tests, which makes shortfalls almost impossible to detect.

To restore your thyroid and start dropping pounds, you’ll want to eliminate fluoride from your water supply. I suggest installing a reverse osmosis or ceramic purification filter, which removes fluoride. (Household filters like Brita and Pur don’t.) Or you can opt for jugs of fluoride-free bottled water from companies like Arrowhead and Crystal Geyser. Also smart: Aim to eat at least one serving of iodine-rich foods like seaweed, dulse, eggs, potatoes, shrimp or cod daily to provide your thyroid with the building blocks it needs to jump-start your metabolism.

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