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Why Am I Always So Tired?

The overlooked connection between exhaustion and copper/zinc imbalance in our bodies.

Calling All Copperheads! WHY AM I ALWAYS SO TIRED? by Ann Louise Gittleman, presents a ground breaking discovery on the overlooked connection between exhaustion and a copper/zinc imbalance in our bodies.
Copper overload is an insidious but increasingly common nutritional problem, says Ann Louise, and that difficulty getting out of bed, midday slumps, mood swings, insomnia, and anxiety may be symptoms of a copper/zinc imbalance. She discovered this link after she encountered several patients in her nutritional practice– most of them women– who were not suffering from hypothyroidism, adrenal problems, or anemia (as she had suspected), but rather a mineral imbalance that was diagnosed after simple hair testing.
To remedy the overload, WHY AM I ALWAYS SO TIRED? outlines an easy plan for renewing health and increasing energy. Ann Louise includes:

Up to 80 percent of the general population complains about fatigue; WHY AM I ALWAYS SO TIRED? may very well offer a simple solution for thousands of people.
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“This may well be a seminal book, a courageous eye-opener that could fundamentally alter our approach to the treatment of chronic fatigue.”
—From the forward by Michael Rosenbaum, M.D.
Ann Louise Gittleman’s book is probably the first to deal with the subject of copper excess in the American population. A condition that is becoming more prevalent in each generation but clinically unrecognized until now.”
—David L. Watts, D.C., Ph.D., C.C.N., D.A.C.B.N., F.A.C.E.P., F.I.A.A.C.N.

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