Essential Eye Wisdom – Episode 137: Dr. Jeffrey Anshel

Essential Eye Wisdom – Episode 137: Dr. Jeffrey Anshel

Who can debate that your vision is one of your most important senses? Cast your eyes on health with noted optometrist and celebrated author Dr Jeffrey Anshel and the First Lady of Nutrition. By not recognizing the signs of eyestrain, you leave yourself subject to a host of problems such as headaches, blurred vision, eye pain, dry eyes, excessive tearing, excessive blinking, double vision, eye fatigue, heavy eyes, burning sensation, difficulty focusing, poor night vision, neck & shoulder pain, poor visual acuity & bloodshot eyes. The good news is that there is no reason to suffer from these common and annoying symptoms whether a result of your display screen, inadequate lighting, poor nutrition, or merely the process of aging. If you are one of the millions of people suffering from eyestrain or other eye problems, you will discover that, with few exceptions, most of the solutions to this problem are both simple and relatively inexpensive to achieve. Don’t forget to check out Dr. Anshel’s latest book, “What You Must Know About Eyestrain” and you will be able to see your way clear to sharpness and acuity.

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The Autoimmune Connection – Episode 136: Dr. Sangita Pedro

The Autoimmune Connection – Episode 136: Dr. Sangita Pedro

Once again, the First Lady of Nutrition delves into the growing epidemic of autoimmunity. This time she welcomes a very astute naturopath, Sangita Pedro, who is a graduate of National University of Natural Medicine. Dr. Pedro is on the investigative trail uncovering the underlying cause of autoimmunity.  These include chronic, complex illness including SIBO and other gastrointestinal complaints, chronic infections including Lyme disease and co-infections, Mycotoxin illness, Chronic fatigue, multiple chemical sensitivities, seasonal allergies and Fibromyalgia. Join Ann Louise and Sangita as they engage in a robust dialogue of why our immune system today is often in a hyper reactive state. They discuss how utilizing modern diagnostic tools can help uncover the root cause of illness and the importance of employing a variety of modalities to treat that cause which includes pharmaceutical medications, herbal medicine, nutritional supplements, and homeopathy. Dr. Pedro’s love for working with children and people of all ages is contagious and her passion for learning and growing in her expertise will encourage you to where natural healthcare is going in the future!

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New Paradigms in Brain Saving Strategies – Episode 135: Dr. Ken Sharlin

New Paradigms in Brain Saving Strategies – Episode 135: Dr. Ken Sharlin

Dr. Ken Sharlin is a most unusual practitioner. He is an integrative neurologist who actually uncovers the core issues behind neurological conditions such as memory loss, joint pain, sleep impairment, brain fog, chronic fatigue, chronic dizziness, chronic numbness and tingling.  Join Ann Louise and Dr. Sharlin as he explains the “Five Pillars” necessary for accurate diagnosis and successful treatment: 1) correctly identifying the problem with the use of diagnostic tools to “name” the condition, along with a close look at family history; 2) Investigating the root causes using the ‘Brain Tune Up!’ lab panel; 3) integrating the findings together into a cohesive, workable plan that will change the patient’s trajectory including health coaching, functional nutrition, and neuro fitness; 4) restoring a vision of the patient as the best version of themselves which also includes the restoration and optimization of hormones; and 5) regenerating through a proprietary use of autologous mesenchymal stem cells to help repair injured and inflamed tissue and turn off apoptosis. Dr. Sharlin also utilizes state-of-the-art testing so that no rock is left unturned to find the origin of neurological conditions. He is the author of “The Healthy Brain Toolbox: Neurologist-Proven Strategies to Improve Memory Loss and Protect Your Aging Brain.” This is another fascinating interview with Ann Louise that you won’t want to miss!

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Unlocking The Autoimmune Epidemic – Episode 134: Dr. Michael Karlfeldt

Unlocking The Autoimmune Epidemic – Episode 134: Dr. Michael Karlfeldt

Lately, it seems that autoimmune disorders have eclipsed heart disease, cancer, and diabetes in America today. In this enlightening podcast, learn why Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Crohn’s Disease, Type 1 Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis — and autoimmune related diseases like Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome — are on the rise. Ann Louise and celebrated naturopath Dr. Michael Karlfeldt unpack the roles of mold, chemicals, heavy metals, viruses, diet, stress, and lifestyle – and how they contribute to the development of autoimmune disease. They also discuss how the modern lifestyle and environmental contamination have created a “perfect storm” — the ripest possible conditions for today’s autoimmune epidemic to take hold. Thankfully, according to Dr. Karlfeldt, the innate intelligence and healing power of the body — if properly supported spiritually, emotionally and nutritionally — can allow anyone to find their way back to health. Karlfeldt currently runs one of the largest Integrative medicine centers in the Pacific Northwest, The Karlfeldt Center, in Boise, Idaho.

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Get The Lead Out – Episode 133: Tamara Rubin

Get The Lead Out – Episode 133: Tamara Rubin

The First Lady of Nutrition welcomes Tamara Rubin, aka ‘Lead Safe Mama,’ an internationally recognized and award winning Lead-poisoning prevention advocate. A proud mother of four sons, Tamara took on the cause of childhood Lead-poisoning (and consumer goods safety advocacy) after her children were acutely Lead-poisoned by the work of a painting contractor in 2005. As Tamara and Ann Louise discuss, childhood Lead poisoning is both the single-most costly and the single-most preventable environmental illness in the world today. Lead-poisoning was not “solved” with the 1978 “ban” on Lead in residential paint; more than 1 out of 3 children in America (and worldwide) today have had an unsafe level of Lead in their blood in their lifetime. Lead-poisoning causes permanent brain damage in young children and yet – still today – costs the United States more than $50.9 Billion annually! Through her public advocacy work and private consulting, Tamara has personally helped tens of thousands of families create safer homes and environments for their children and continues to personally help families every day. For those of you who have children, grandchildren or know people who do – this is a must listen to podcast to get educated about this preventable illness. You can follow Tamara’s work “@LeadSafeMama” on all of the various social media channels.

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Hope and Healing for ALS – Episode 132: Scott Douglas & Patricia Tamowski

Hope and Healing for ALS – Episode 132: Scott Douglas & Patricia Tamowski

The founders of join the First Lady of Nutrition today for a remarkably inspiring podcast. Scott Douglas and Patricia Tamowski bring their unique talent to educate people diagnosed with ALS (PALS) and their families about holistic protocols that can slow, stop and even reverse ALS progression.  They are committed to changing the standard of care for all ALS patients to include nutritional testing, gut and liver function testing and toxin testing, as well as appropriate treatment to correct imbalances.  Join Ann Louise, Scott and Patricia as they discuss scientifically verified ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) reversals using a holistic mind and body approach. Scott and Patricia have personally interviewed over 30 ALS reversals as well as those who have healed from Parkinson’s, MS and Alzheimer’s/dementia. We invite you to check out their website at that provides a comprehensive portal for education and support for anyone suffering from ALS or who desires to be enlightened by their impressive breakthroughs in holistic treatment and care. Information on how to access their recent 2022 Healing ALS Conference can also be found at: This is a must-listen-to interview!!

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The NEXT Frontier for Big Bold Healing – Episode 131: Dr. Jeffrey Bland

The NEXT Frontier for Big Bold Healing – Episode 131: Dr. Jeffrey Bland

The First Lady of Nutrition welcomes the “father of functional medicine” and nutritional luminary, Dr. Jeffrey Bland. Join Ann Louise as these two visionaries jump right into discussing the vital importance of what Covid has taught us about our immune system, including:  what immuno-rejuvenation is and why it’s important for overall health, defining the 5 immune types, how food impacts more than just your digestive well-being, and taking control of your immune system rather than becoming a victim of it. Dr. Bland’s goal is to change the global conversation about immunity and get people thinking about personalization in an entirely new way which he refers to as ‘the science of hope.’ Jeffrey is the author of “The Disease Delusion: Conquering the Causes of Chronic Illness for a Healthier, Longer, and Happier Life,” as well as countless additional books and research papers.

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Blueprint For a Healing Home – Episode 130: Paula Baker-Laporte

Blueprint For a Healing Home – Episode 130: Paula Baker-Laporte

For the past 30 years, architect Paula Baker-Laporte has focused her life’s work on the built environment building systems that combine health and ecological performance.  After fully regaining her own health after graduating from school when she experienced first-hand the devastating health consequences of living in an unhealthy home, she learned how to help others. Join Ann Louise and Paula as they unpack all the challenges modern homes can have. They discuss these from various chemicals, to mold, to electromagnetic magnetic fields. Baker-Laporte was educated at the University of Toronto’s School of Architecture and The International Institute of Bau-Biologie and Ecology. She is a recognized leader in environmentally sound and health enhancing architecture and author of “Prescriptions for a Healthy House,” recently published as a 4th edition (2022).

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Curing the Incurable with High Dose Vitamin C – Episode 129: Dr. Thomas Levy

Curing the Incurable with High Dose Vitamin C – Episode 129: Dr. Thomas Levy

The First Lady of Nutrition welcomes her dear friend Dr. Thomas Levy, a graduate of Tulane University School of Medicine and the University of Denver College of Law. Ann Louise first met Dr. Levy when she was working with Dr. Hal Huggins, who was her dentist. Dr. Levy is a board-certified cardiologist, a bar-certified attorney, and groundbreaking author of “Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins.” He is one of the world’s leading vitamin C experts and frequently lectures to medical professionals all over the globe. Join Ann Louise and Dr. Levy as they engage in a fascinating discussion about the unique role of vitamin C and antioxidants in the treatment of a host of medical conditions and diseases, Vitamin C’s amazing safety, how not all Vitamin C supplements are created equal, the latest data showing the cause-and-effect relationship between the mouth (cavity infections) and cancer that we all need to be aware of, and much much more!  For a free download of Dr. Levy’s leading-edge book, “Rapid Virus Recovery” go to

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A Revolutionary Form of Physical Therapy That Changes Lives Not Symptoms – Episode 128: Brian Tuckey

A Revolutionary Form of Physical Therapy That Changes Lives Not Symptoms – Episode 128: Brian Tuckey

The First Lady of Nutrition welcomes Brian Tuckey, PT, JSCCI, creator and developer of Fascial Counterstrain (FCS). Brian was the first practitioner to recognize that FCS was impacting the body’s deep fascial system and developed the current physiological rationale for FCS. He has personally innovated over 700 neuromuscular treatments which have the ability to reduce pain, restore mobility, restore blood flow, alleviate swelling, and calm inflamed nerves. Join Ann Louise and this pioneering practitioner as they waste no time discussing FCS’s unique ability to impact and treat all of the body’s fascial systems including the vascular, visceral, nervous & musculoskeletal systems. Brian describes: what makes Counterstrain different from other forms of manipulation and how was it originally discovered; the advantages of Counterstrain in treating many different medical conditions; what a typical Counterstrain treatment looks like, the length of a typical session and how long relief lasts; as well as how to find a practitioner skilled in Fascial Counterstrain. This is one of the most enlightening podcasts to date!

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Ready to Lose Weight for Good?

Hi, I’m Ann Louise Gittleman and I’m determined to help you shed the extra pounds and inches once and for all.  Find out which of my proven plans is right for you!

Top Nutritionist, Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS

About Ann Louise

For over four decades, millions of people have turned to Ann Louise and her 35+ bestselling books for sage advice, unparalleled wisdom, as well as valuable tips and strategies to transform their health.

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