Parasites in Cats and Dogs Can Harm Humans Too.
As much as you may love your pet, don’t kiss it—unless you want parasites. Your cat or dog is also a likely source of MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) bacteria and other antibiotic-resistant “super bugs.”
Americans currently own over 163 million cats and dogs, according to the Humane Society. That puts a lot of people at risk for worms and unwanted pathogens.
The most common parasites that pets pass on to their owners are toxocara (roundworm) and toxoplasma. In addition, fleas from cats and dogs can spread tapeworms to humans.
A 2005 study found more than one-quarter of soil samples in Connecticut playgrounds were contaminated with toxocara. Children are especially vulnerable to roundworms, which can lead to fever, lung damage (including asthma), vision loss, and even seizures.
Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic infection spread by eating undercooked meat or from cysts shed by cats. Up to 80 percent of domestic cats have this parasite—without showing any symptoms.
What symptoms do appear in humans resemble mononucleosis and lymphatic disorders. Most vulnerable are pregnant women, anyone with compromised immunity, and those with chronic fatigue syndrome.
Dr. Ann Louise’s Take:
If you’re pregnant or immune-compromised, have someone else empty the cat litter. If you have pets, wash your hands (long enough to sing “Happy Birthday”) after contact with them or any exposure to soil—whether at the playground or in your own yard.
Cover home sandboxes to prevent fecal contamination, and teach your kids never to put dirt in their mouths. Pick up dog and cat waste daily, especially where children and animals play.
Use antimicrobial shampoo regularly on your pets. One study finds that cat owners are eight times more likely to have MRSA in their homes, as this super bug bounces back and forth between humans and animals.
Pet owners with chronic skin problems—particularly recurrent itching—should have their animals—and themselves—checked for worms. In humans, though, it may take several tests to discover parasites. For more on worms in humans, read my groundbreaking book Guess What Came To Dinner? Parasites and Your Health.
The Centers for Disease Control finds that uncooked meat is as big a risk for parasites as kissing new kittens. Always use a meat thermometer and be sure to wash your hands and all utensils thoroughly after touching raw fish, meat, or poultry.
If (despite careful hygiene) you discover you have parasites, cleansing the intestinal tract is the best treatment. My Colon Cleansing Kit contains everything you need to eliminate worms, as well as other microorganisms and yeasts. Children who weigh between 40 and 80 pounds can take half the adult dosage in the Para-Key and Verma-Plus components for effective results.
The Flora-Key component follows cleansing with a highly absorbable probiotic formula to help strengthen the immune system by providing beneficial bacteria that crowd out pathogens. Besides a variety of probiotic strains, Flora-Key contains Microflora Growth Concentrate FOS that feeds good bacteria.