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Is it Safe to Drink the Water?

Simple steps to purify the toxins you can’t see.

We know that water is critical to our health and that our bodies are composed of over half water. In our toxic world with continually emerging news of contamination, we may be wondering what’s hiding itself in this clear liquid, what it’s doing to our bodies, and if there are any safe sources left.

Most of us would cringe at the prospect of drinking jet fuel, yet depending upon your location, your water supply can be overflowing with invisible poisons like lead, chloramine (which has replaced chlorine as the major disinfectant in municipal water systems), pharmaceutical drugs, Teflon-like chemicals (PFOA), gasoline additives—and yes, even perchlorate, the chemical name for jet fuel. These are but a few of the potentially lethal impurities found today in water.

All in all, scientists have identified more than two hundred industrial chemicals and neurotoxins in our environment that have been linked to cancer, genital deformities, lower sperm count, obesity and diminished intelligence.

A Long Time in the Making

Research strongly implies that each of us has endocrine-disrupting chemicals in our bodies. Babies now being born are “pre-polluted” due to their parents’ exposure to environmental toxins. In fact, research has found that no baby in three decades has been born without exposure to such toxins in the womb.

Science is revealing that these chemicals are going beyond endocrine disruption and disrupting almost every hormone system, including progesterone, testosterone, and thyroid. And these chemical exposures can impact your exquisitely sensitive hormonal system at levels much lower than previously thought.

In short: we are all lab rats in a real-world, uncontrolled, largely unchecked experiment as a result of the widespread use of chemicals.

Critical Cleanup

Unfortunately, cleaning up the chemicals that pollute our environment and then infiltrate our bodies is not so simple.

In fact, it is pretty tricky because most industrial chemicals are not tested for safety before they are put on the market, leaving us in the dark on where to begin in uncovering their singular—not to mention combined—detrimental effects. Worse, the negative impacts aren’t always obvious, but evolve silently but slowing and surely over the long term as silent epidemics.

The phrase “pure water” has far wider implications today than it did a few decades ago, when you simply used your sense of smell and taste to separate the good from the bad. Some of the most dangerous modern day pollutants are invisible and without taste. Today we need to know where our water comes from and how it’s been treated.

Take Purification into Your Own Hands

All of this is why you must take back control of your own health. The good news is that making simple lifestyle changes can reduce your and your family’s exposure to contaminants.

A great place to start is to ensure that you have clean water easily on hand so that you don’t drink from a questionable source in a moment of thirst. You can accomplish this simply by remembering to keep purified water with you. Keep a glass bottle in the fridge at all times (stainless steel from China can be contaminated with lead), and always bring your own water when out exercising, running errands, meeting with friends, or traveling.

Now, you may be wondering where to get purified water in the first place.

My recommendation for water treatment is to use the CWR Crown Ultra-Ceramic filter. This is the most effective water filter system available. The filter is made of ultrafine ceramic with pores so small that they trap bacteria, parasites, and particles down to 0.8 microns in size. Unlike some other filter systems, this system does not create an environment for bacterial growth inside itself, and it can be cleaned. A fluoride filter is also available.

The CWR Crown Ultra-Ceramic filtering method consists of three stages. In the first stage, the tiny pores in the ceramic remove bacteria, parasites, rust, and dirt. The second filter stage is composed of high-density matrix carbon, which reduces chlorine, pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals. In the third stage, a heavy-metal-removing compound reduces lead and copper.

Laboratory results indicate that the proprietary blended filter is effective in removing atrazine and glyphosphate, two common chemicals used in agriculture. The results show that the filter removes greater than 90% of atrazine from water, and also tested very well in reducing glyphosate and other pesticides. The key is in providing enough layered filtration levels to be effective.

One advantage of the CWR Crown Ultra-Ceramic filter over water distillation is time; it can take up to six hours to distill a gallon of water. An advantage over reverse osmosis systems is that the CWR Crown Ultra-Ceramic filter doesn’t waste water, while reverse osmosis systems use three gallons to produce one gallon of drinkable water. The CWR Crown Ultra-Ceramic filter retains its maximum effectiveness for up to 1,200 gallons of water.

In fact, on average, a family of four would need to change the filter only once a year. The ceramic cartridge can also be removed at any time and given a light scrubbing.

I highly suggest implementing these filters into your home to regain the purity and peace of mind that once used to be synonymous with those 8 daily glasses.

10 Responses

    1. Hydrogen Sulfide removal requires special equipment. Depending upon the level, an aeration system combined with a oxidizing filter material inside a filtration tank
      installed on the main water pipe is the best solution. This will remove the sulfur smell from all the water used in your home. A sink filter is not the solution.

  1. I too have a well with sulfur in the water. I am allergic to sulfur and sulfites, Will this help me?

    1. Hi Diane: We will get a CWR rep on these questions and answer directly to the blog. Thanks for your inquiry!

  2. I would like to know how you feel about alkalized/ionization water and also which do you prefer distilled over spring water and which company is best to buy. Right now I’m using distilled and adding minerals back. I get so confused over this water. Plus my daughter has well water and a reverse osmosis in her house. I told her she still needed to add minerals back but she argued and said no. Also theirs purified water. So which is best, purified, distilled, spring or alkalized. I know we have to worry about too much acidity. I was thinking about ordering 5 gallon jug to house which has spring water by Distillata or Mountain Valley. But now not sure because I told her I was by spring and distilled from my grocery store but worried about plastic bottles and she said they deliver their too the stores brand and they are BPA free. I said the bottles are like milk gallons and I thought the plastic wasn’t safe as well as water bottles from various companies sold at store and she said they were all bpa free. Well then why worry about leaving in car in sun. Again, so confused. What do I do. I can’t afford a whole house system. So is it safe to just by spring water in gallon jugs at store? I buy Acme Glicks brand.

  3. We are a family of four and it’s glad to know that I’m on the right track changing our water filter once a year. Thank you for this great post Ann!

  4. I am interested in your thoughts on alkaline water vs Diatomic Hydrogen water vs. Spring water as well. I pick up 5 gallon jugs of alkaline water for the house. Would love to make things easier with a filter. I really like the price of the ceramic filter that UniKey sells & I guess it’s be good for getting the ‘yuck’ out of H2O that’s used in cooking, coffe, etc….just thinking out loud

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