Bile- the quart size missing ingredient for daily detox and effortless weight loss.
You know that probably nothing you can do in 2012 to lessen your toxic load or control your weight will be as important as keeping your liver in tip top shape. Most of us are familiar with herbal liver detoxifiers like milk thistle, Oregon grape root, and dandelion root. But these pale in comparison to the power of your own bile.
Your liver, in its innate wisdom, synthesizes and secretes about 1 ½ quarts of this miraculous substance on a daily basis and then stores it in the gallbladder. Bile is the daily key to absorbing and assimilating fat as well as serving as the toxic waste dump for excess chemicals, hormones, drugs, heavy metals and other toxins that eventually need to be eliminated by the body. If you have a persistent roll of fat at your waistline, your liver may have stopped processing fat – due to a bile shortage – and begun storing it!
Only when you rebuild those bile levels, will you lose that fat – for good – and achieve the super health you deserve in the coming year.
Remember that fat – not carbohydrates – is the preferred fuel source for your body’s trillions of cells. Why, even your cell membranes and vital organs are full of fat. That’s why your brain is over 50% fat, your liver is nearly 5 pounds of fat and your kidneys, retinas, and endocrine system are composed of fat.
Without enough bile, your body simply can’t absorb the fat-soluble vitamins like Vitamin A (the infection fighter), Vitamin E (the fertility vitamin), Vitamin K (the bone health healer) and Vitamin D (the healing hormone-like vitamin that increases immunity and wards off breast and colon cancers).
The problem is that bile can be hampered from doing its job because of a lack of bile nutrients (like lecithin), congestion or even clogged bile ducts which hamper bile flow and result in less bile production.
The way I see it, there are two solutions to this problem.
You can consider a gallbladder flush (to be administered under your health care professional’s guidance) which usually consists of Epsom salts, grapefruit juice, apple juice and olive oil, or simply restore the missing bile salts– which is imperative especially if you no longer have your gallbladder.
The latter is the relatively easier fix, although some individuals definitely may need a good cleanse.
For those without a gallbladder, Cholacol would be my choice. It is a Standard Process product which UNI KEY can order for you if you cannot find it elsewhere. Cholacol contains a proprietary blend of 700 mg of bile salts with Collinsonia Root.
With protein meals that contain fat, HCL+2 would be my recommendation. The “+2” refers to 65 mg of an ox bile extract. The hydrochloric acid component triggers the gallbladder to dump bile, so less bile would be needed in the presence of hydrochloric acid than the straight bile salts.
With the coming of a new year, it’s a wonderful time to reflect on the past year and appreciate the commitment you have made to super health. Look at all the progress you’ve made! I am excited to be your partner in your continuing efforts on the road to wellness.
Together let’s celebrate, at long last, the return to fats and their proper assimilation so all systems are a “go” for a stellar 2012.
58 Responses
what do you recommend if we “do” have a gallbladder?
Gloria: Even if you do have a gallbladder, sometimes there is so much “sludge,” that the bile becomes very thick and viscous and cannot break down fats efficiently – which is usually the case for those of us 40 years of age or older. If you suffer from frequent burping, hiccuping, indigestion, or even nausea from time to time, the gallbaldder could use some help – in which case the recommendations above would still stand! Thanks for the question.
What is the recipe measurements and directions for the gallbladder cleanse?
I had an untra sound and was told I had a fatty liver. I’ve been taking Milk Thistle and I’m see progress– slowly. Would it be beneficial for me to do a gallbladder flush also, if so how often?
There are many gall bladder cleanses on the market which are designed for those with a gallbladder that may be sluggish or clogged. (Signs inculde constipation and light colored stools).
The easiest – which is recommended by an integrative MD – includes the following:
AM — drink 8 oz of fresh squeezed grapefruit juice with 2 tablespoons olive oil. Avoid food, drink, or supplements for 1/2 hour.
PM – before bed, take another 8 oz of grapefruit juice with the 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Repeat for 7 days. You can take several teaspoons of epsom salts to “get things moving” first thing in the morning or the evening before the cleanse.
Follow the cleanse with a supplement like Liver-Lovin Formula that helps the gallladder continue to cleanse itself by detoxifying secondary bile toxins and acids and HCL + 2.
Sharon – In your case, if you wish to pursue a gallbladder cleanse, you must do so under the supervision of a healthcare professional. Otherwise, Phase 1 of Fat Flush (with the bile thinning lemon juice and water and cranberry juice/water signature beverages) will start the liver/gallbladder detox process. The Liver-Lovin Formula as wel as the Cholacol might be additionally helpful – with the total abstenance of sugars like High Fructose Corn Syrup.
Thank you, Dr. Gittleman, for this informative article which has great relevance for me.
My gallbladder was taken out 22 years ago. From the article, I learned valuable information….so I can tackle my “fat” problem and also my liver condition.
I do not have a gallbladder either and have been having considerable liver problems. I am very interested in knowing more about the Cholacol. Is that the only product I would need?
I no longer have a gallbladder and also have been told that I have fatty liver. With these two strikes against me, can I still use the Cholacol? I have only lost 4 lbs. in 3 weeks on the Smoothie Shakedown and suspect it is because my liver is not working to it’s full capacity.
Can you water down the grapefruit juice? Also when you say a couple of teaspoons of salt just eat it?
Can you take epsom salts if you have any issues with occasional high blood pressure?
I too have high blood pressure and would like to know if the epson salts or bile salts are ok,to do the cleans? Thank you appreciate the response 🙂
I,Too, had my gallbladder removed 6 yrs ago, had gastric bypass surgery 2 1/2 yrs ago, I have a stomach ulcer, diverticulosis,spastic bowel syndrome. So I take a probiotic daily, omneprozole 2xday, hyoscyamine mg w/each meal, misoprostol 200 mg 4x day- all as per my gastroenterologist who smirked when I told him I took digestive enzymes which included betaine hcl. I also take d-limonene every other day as per my gynochologist who uses a lot of homeopathic/alternative meds by way of supplements- the only “medicine” he has given me is prometrium and levothyroxin. He has me on iiodine/ potassium, iron because I tend to be anemic, and vitamin D 10000 iu’s a day. I also take sulfsalazine, tramadol, cymbalta,xanax for RA,OA, depression and anxiety. I’m explaining this all to u becuz my reg dr laughs at me when I mention supplementation just like my gastroenterolist. My interanl med dr just tells me if it works take it and my gyno is very strict on vitamin supplementation-aside the ones he has recommended. So I really need someone’s help,advice and/or opinion on all this. Could u explain the cholacol and how it works? Thank you
Ruby, I see that you wrote this a long time ago. I hope you have found answers by now. But just in case you are still open to advice, I’m going to throw in my friendly thoughts on the subject.
Sounds like you need a caring gastroenterologist. Instead of being smug and smirking at the way you are desperately trying to find answer to live with an ulcer, he should be insisting you stop the conflicting, unhealthy cycle you’re in by taking both acid blockers and acid producers. Please consider finding a great natural medicine doctor to help you heal your ulcer and get off the acid blocking drug. I know it can be expensive, but it’s more expensive not to!
Have you tried getting off Omeprazole since starting d-limonene? That was also given to me to heal GERD (which was actually undiagnosed gallbladder issues that went on for YEARS – pain, burning and belching, lack of sleep) in order to get off 15 years of Omeprazole; which added fire to my severe neurological (walking and talking losses, migraines, memory, brain fog, coordination), autoimmune (Hashimotos thyroid disease, Sjogrens, Lupus, arthritis, Reynauds) and other physical issues (overweight, depressed, irritable bowel, clogged liver, and more) and diseases due to my body’s inability to absorb nutrients for 15 years? (I’m oversimplifying it for the sake of time, but I wanted to mention our similar issues and experiences.)
As you must know, Omeprazole is a drug that works by decreasing the amount of acid produced by the stomach when a person produces too much stomach acid. Acid is very important to out health and we cannot be healthy without it. Most people take it to stop heartburn but others take it for more serious conditions, like yours. While it does accomplish dampening heartburn, taken for a long time, it WILL cause VERY serious problems to the body by preventing the normal breakdown of nutrients due to shutting down normal digestion/enzyme production and over time, can take away your quality of life. (Although you spelled it differently. Hopefully I am talking about the same drug? I could not find anything else online with your spelling.)
On the other hand, digestive enzymes facilitate the natural, chemical breakdown of food so vitamins/minerals/nutrients can be absorbed by the body to keep you healthy and functioning as intended. Without normal digestion, your cells, immune system, blood, bones, energy level, brain, etc., and every body systems will sicken and shut down, one by one. Contrary to the way doctors conduct business, the makers of Omeprazole warn consumers not to take it consistently for more than a 14-day treatment if they are on any other drugs and not to use a treatment of it more often than every 4 months (here comes their disclaimer) unless your doctor tells you to. My doctor, for a decade and a half, insisted it couldn’t hurt me; while telling me to up my dose, as I went to one, two, three, four, and then five other prescriptions – just for my body to semi-function).
Ironically, when people cleanse their livers through gallbladder cleanses and get off Omeprazole and get enough acid in their systems through digestive enzymes, they lose the heartburn, start absorbing nutrients/protein again, reverse anemia (Vitamin B and D, iron, etc.), properly breakdown sugar and fat and allow your body to eliminate broken down toxins.
I am certainly no expert and do not claim to be. I’m much like you, working to heal issues that are reversible and/or learning new ways to live with sick systems/organs, or rather, learning to live without some of them.
Best wishes to you. Please continue what you’re doing in the way of Googling your issues and taking your health into your own hands; keep researching and asking around to caring folks. I hope you will also take the time to do some research on DE (Diatomaceous Earth, which can be wonderful taken in REASONABLE quantities each day), why we need liver flushes even without a gallbladder (take the time to take it easy on yourself with all your issues), PRE-biotics and nutrition, etc.
It takes many ongoing hours of seeking to find true healing – a life time. 🙂
Hi Ladies: Yes — Epsom salts can be used even if high blood pressure is a concern. These salts are a magnesium based salts – not your typical salt, to tell you the truth — Start with 1 or 2 to get the system going and “soften” the sludge.
While we cannot provide individual medical advice, we can say that the Cholacol product – that UNI KEY carries and has carried for years since the publication of my Fast Track Detox which targets the liver and gallbladder .
For anybody with gallbladder issues, we would suggest exactly what the blog recommends: Liver Lovin Formula (that contains purifying chlorophyl for the liver as well as artichoke extract and L-Taurine) is most necessary for the formation of one of the bile acids and for proper functioning of the gallbladder. The bile may be a route of excretion of chemicals detoxified by the body. I also would include Weight Loss Formula (Brenda) and you can dilute the grapefruit juice (Shelly) which acts as an electron donor helping to tamp down the inflammation that can also be present in the gallbladder.
So: Liver Lovin, Cholacol (especially if no gallbladder or sluggish or you are having issues) HCL + 2 and Weight Loss Formula for complete weight loss to make sure you are metabolizing your fats with additional methioine, choline, and inositol which balances hormones.
Ruby, you sound like a great candidate for a personal consultation with Dr. Ann Louise. For more information, please email [email protected]!
If we follow the grapefruit and olive oil gall bladder cleanse, should we omit the other healthy oil from our daily allotment per FF protocol?
Greta, it is indeed a good idea to focus on healthy carbohydrates, and limit your fats during this gallbladder cleanse.
The essential fatty acids from flax or fish or GLA would be acceptable at the recommended amounts given in the protocol but as Sierra correctly stated – it would be wise to avoid excessive fats from additional sources which would negate the cleansing goal, here.
Thank you so much! Ann Louise and Unikey are invaluable!
I’ve started the Fat Flush in June and have had great results. I do still have the fat in the waistline and have regained some of it back.
I am interested in furthering my result with the bile improvements. I am unclear on the epson salts also. I would like to try this first. Do we add the Epson salts in water or mix it with the grapefruit juice and Olive oil mix or how do we take it?
Thank you for your health improvement recommendations.
The epsom salts protocol would be about 1 tablespoon in 3/4 cup of ice cold water, twice in the few hours before the olive oil and grapefruit mixture. Do another serving when you awaken the next day!
Thank you so much for this info, really enjoyed all the responses and feed back.
Can we consume the grapefruit juice and olive oil beyond the cleanse?
I am still a bit unclear – I do not have a gall bladder. So would I take the Liver Lovin, Cholacol, HCL + 2 and Weight Loss Formula? Specifically, the Cholacol & HCL+2? It was my impression that those two items were an either/or? Can these be taken with or without participating in the Fat Flush regimen? I’m fascinated by all this, and will be reading a lot more on the blogs and website. Thanks for your help.
I was a heavy beer drinker for many years which I’m sure taxed my liver quite a bit . I quit drinking 19 months ago but still have a “beer gut” or excess fat around my mid-section (I look like I am 8 months pregnant, ugh). Where would I begin with the process of repairing my liver, creating more bile, and losing the belly fat? What would my regimen or cleanse look like and how long would I continue it? Thanks for your help!
I have no gall bladder and I would like to take all 4 products you recommend. I am also on many supplements from my doctor for adrenal support – Hawthorne, B vitamins, Liptrol and Red Rice Yeast (due to high cholestrol). Will all these supplements be safe taken together? I can send a list of all the ingredients
Yes you may use all of those products together! If you want to simplify, the Cholocal and HCL+2 would probably be the most beneficial. They work well right along with Fat Flush, but you may use them in conjunction with any diet.
The ‘beer gut’ might be due to a yeast overgrowth! Beer is very yeasty, so after years of exposure I can almost guarantee that your culprit is Candida albicans. The homeopathic remedy Y-C Cleanse would be a great place to start! Here is the link:
Diane, Those products sound like they would be okay in my opinion, however it is always a great idea to speak to your primary health care provider and share the ingredients with them. You may also set up a personal consultation with Dr. Ann Louise by emailing [email protected]
My doctor ob/gyno recommended your book fat flush after research found you have many.
Where do I start? I have high blood pressure, fatty liver, and gallbladder small stones just had a hida scan to see if the gallbladder functions properly. I take blood pressure meds and high cholesterol medicine crestor. I ordered your book the complete plan I believe there is two books in one.
I have done a similar cleanse like this under Dr. supervision with lemon juice vs grapefruit juice. Would you share what the difference is between these two juices for this cleanse? I imagine the grapefrut juice is much easier to drink. Thanks!
They both thin the bile. Grapefruit juice is easier to drink though.
I would like to know how to begin with this. A few days ago, I had a bout with severe stomach pain and cramping that lasted several hours. This is the third time this has happened in the last 2 years. It happened shortly after eating dinner. I eat healthy; no junk food, soda, etc. My digestion seems to be very slow and I have a lot of fat around the waistline. This may be a silly question, but if I do the gallbladder cleanse, will I be able to go to work? Also, which supplements should I start with? I would appreciate any help you can offer. I’ve been afraid to eat so I’ve been having mostly liquids and as a result, I have no energy.
Sophia, It would be best to start this cleanse as your weekend starts. I’ve hear that the magnesium in the epsom salts can make you pretty sleepy. So start when you weekend starts, and you should have a good idea whether or not you should continue through your work week.
I recently had a colonoscopy and went through the usual cleanse for that procedure. Would this have cleaned out my gallbladder also?
I’m not sure what the ‘usual cleanse’ entails, but the gallbladder is a bit trickier to detox. The following is copied from up above:
There are many gall bladder cleanses on the market which are designed for those with a gallbladder that may be sluggish or clogged. (Signs inculde constipation and light colored stools).
The easiest – which is recommended by an integrative MD – includes the following:
AM — drink 8 oz of fresh squeezed grapefruit juice with 2 tablespoons olive oil. Avoid food, drink, or supplements for 1/2 hour.
PM – before bed, take another 8 oz of grapefruit juice with the 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Repeat for 7 days. You can take several teaspoons of epsom salts to “get things moving” first thing in the morning or the evening before the cleanse.
Follow the cleanse with a supplement like Liver-Lovin Formula that helps the gallladder continue to cleanse itself by detoxifying secondary bile toxins and acids and HCL + 2.
I have a fatty liver and need to lose weight but having no luck at all with the program. I take the Liver Loving formula and your FF supplements. I have a hard time drinking all the cran-juice though. I was on this diet when it first came out and lost a lot anf fast. I think my liver is the problem. It is enlarged as well and I get pain from the inflamation. . My gallbladder is fine though I had alot of pain during the hida scan. My dr scoffed at the diet but I know I had results before and am trying hard to do it. What else can I do? I’m at my wits end. I think the gallbladder drink will cause pain since I did bad in the hida scan. PLEASE HELP
Hi Karen,
Sorry to hear that you are struggling. I would love to have you call and talk to me about your situation. I think that adding Dandelion Root Capsules and Inf-Zyme might make a big difference for you. NAC might be a good option too.
You’re absolutely right to stick with the diet. It is very detoxifying and supportive of a healthy liver! You can reach me here at UNI KEY at 800.888.4353, or you can email me directly at [email protected]
If you keep following the plan and drinking the lemon juice in the AM and cranwater, it should help. This is an anti-inflammatory diet.
I had my gallbladder removed about 5 years ago. Since then I have been gluten intolerate ( that’s what unthought the problem was)and take digestive enzymes. Would you recommend the cholacol also, or could the Cholacol alone take care of my problems which are bloating and pain on my left side after eating.
Cholacol and HCl+2 would be perfect for you, Nita!
I have a sluggish bile/gallbladder and am supplementing with cholocol.. I do have hormonal issues and even before reading about how bile rids our bodies of used hormones I realized my bile was not good and my hormones are not being excreted like they should.. progesterone cream builds up in me within 3 days and also my estrogen goes sky high when I use the cream.
Anyway, will supplemental bile still rid the body of excess/used hormones or are you not sure on this?
Yes, it will be of help, and also should up regulate your body’s natural production of bile.
I realize I’m a little late to the party here but am in the midst of doing this cleanse. I did epsom salt the evening before but spent the better part of the morning and most of the day in the bathroom, so skipped epsom salt the following day. Then on day 2, I took 1 dose of epsom salt 1 hour before the olive oil/grapefruit. It’s been over 12 hours and I’ve spent the entire day and night in the bathroom. I sure am glad I didn’t do 2 doses. Should I continue or cut back on the epsom? What is the purpose of it in the cleanse? Finally, will I be able to see the stones I pass? Thank you!
Hi Debbie. The purpose of the epsom salts is to relax your digestive pathways and make your stools a bit softer for easy passage. Many people do see their stones, but not everyone will. If you are responding to the epsom in that way, it may be beneficial to reduce the amount per serving, but still do both the morning and evening doses.
Thank you for replying. Maybe I am just super sensitive or intolerant of Epsom Salts? Yesterday I halved it to 1/2 tablespoon, only took the morning dosage, and spent the next 16 hours in and in range of the bathroom. Yikes! It’s beyond soft, it’s liquid. I’m staying very hydrated but was very weak feeling. I normally take oral magnesium supplements, both from Unikey and others, and never had any issues like this. Today I went ahead and skipped ES and just took oral magnesium capsule (500 mg) in a.m. and just now in p.m. and all seems well in that regard. My gallbladder still feels the same as it did before the cleanse. I have 3 more days left so hopefully something will start progressing with GB.
So sorry to hear that you are having troubles. There have been reports of equal success using magnesium capsules, so hopefully that will work well for you. Are you observing the dietary restrictions? Avoiding fat is crucial in order to build up enough pressure in the gallbladder so the stones will be pushed out.
Great to hear that the mag capsules should work too because I’m feeling much better on them. I was not aware of the dietary restrictions; I will re-read blog. I do avoid fat for over 12 hours – between evening dose and morning dose of olive oil/grapefruit juice, but have been eating my normal diet otherwise. Thanks again!
You’re quite welcome. Best wishes to you!
I was just diagnosed with Leaky Gut Syndrome,my Gallbladder was removed when I was 18, 32 years ago, I take vitamins, minerals, omegas, natural hormones, Probiotics, Enzimes, Betaine HCI, Quercetin. A nutrient test shows I don’t absorb well all I’m taking. What can I do?
hi! i’ve been reading your site with great interest as it seems that this might be the solution i’ve been endlessly looking for! i had my gall bladder removed about 2 years ago and have gained tons of weight ever since and no diet or exercise has helped me lose it and i am at my wits end! what do you suggest? thanks so much, sylvia
Cholacol from Standard Process (available through UNI KEY) and the Fat Flush Plan should get you in ship-shape!
I have PSC which is narrowing of the bile ducts. I had my gallbladder removed two years ago and have had blockages in my bile ducts. My bilirium is slightly high. Will Cholacol help reduce the bilirium and prevent future blockages of sludge and stones.
Thank you
It certainly wouldn’t hurt, and especially taken along with A-F BetaFood from Standard Process.
If I had gallstones before my gallbladder was removed – is cholacol still an option? I read that a side effect could be stones.
Debbie, you could use Cholacol or Beta TCP to give you some bile salts to digest fats. I’ve never heard from a reliable source that Cholacol could cause stones.
Beware – I tried Betaine HCL and developed stomach ulcers from it. I had to take Omeprazole to allow the Ulcers to heal. I ordered Bilex (ox bile and enzymes combo) and I just stopped taking Omeprazole last night to see if I can go without it now that I started the Bilex as has been mentioned in other posts.
I’ve had my gallbladder out for 30 years and only recently in the past 15 years gained weight after stopping birth control and eliminating alcohol intake. Go figure! Probably a fatty liver issue. Just though I’d forewarned about Betaine HCL in case anyone has ever had Ulcers before (theyre very painful) and Betaine HCL will cause it. Says right on most bottles do not take if you’ve had/have ulcers. I’ve never had ulcers in my life until I started taking the Betaine HCL to help with digestion so beware!
One more thing, DO NOT TAKE A LIVER DETOX that stimulates more bile production if you have no gallbladder. Very Bad Idea. Causes Irritable Bowel and Diarrhea. I learned from this and also was told by a Registered Nurse to never do that when you have no Gallbladder. Stimulating the liver to produce more bile causes a whole host of issues. Its imperative to use a bile substitute at meals at the lowest dose to assist in fat digestion when you no longer have a gall bladder after bile production has slowed.
Kim, we appreciate the comments based on your own experience. We have not heard of this being the case for anyone else who has taken HCL for digestion. You do need to listen to your body. Yes you are right about wanting bile salts with meals when you don’t have your gallbladder. Ann Louise has formulated a new product since this blog was written, called Bile Builder. It supports healthy bile formation, not encouraging over production.